Resolution 057372 kinISOLOHOff EI37 REBOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ACCEPTING CERTAIN EIGRPLUB. PERSONAL PROPERTY FROM THE STATE OF J1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BE IT RBI:Qin:VIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, and it is bkueby ordered, that D. Weller, City Manager of tIae City or klamnda, and is hereby authorized mnd directed to execute, on behalf of tBe of Alameda, that curtain Warehoose issuk Sheet No. R-30BU, between. thu Enity of AEameda mud eke Stato of fornia, State Educational Agency for Surplus Property., relating to the pkinsonal property. thnurein described, which is annexed laereto marked. Ekhibit IA.", and made a Bart h.E..ireof, and that the City of Alnn^kda agrees thereby to be bnund by all thk prokinicks, transfers, turm, cenditions, restrictions, reseuvutinnu, and covenants tinknnekn set kortE. I, M.:he undkksigned, hur4by certify that .M1B foregoing Resolution. was duly nkd regularly' introduced and edkpted by the CouneM1 of the City of Alarnd in regu- lar meeting assenrIbled on thk 21.st day of January, 1958, by the fllowlrng vote, to Councilmen Coillschunn, Freeman, Poternen, Schacht and. President MnnCnYI., Mfl. NOES: kno. ABSENT: Nene. IN W:UMMESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Mend and affixud the offlkial soul. of sakB City this 22kk. day of ,',Inuar.y, 195a, SBMBLEY HE kE Olky Clerk of - * * * * * * * * I hereby certify thkt thB foregolng is a full, Emue and corikut copy. of "Esultion No. 5737, RESOLTICII OF TEE COCII OF TME, CITY OF ALAMEDA. ACCEPTING CERTAIN' SUR:HITS PERSONAL PROPERTY FROM TEE STATE c_ CMELIFORNIA, aMEMMEIMINT CF. EDUCATIO," introdkked. and. adopted. by the Council on the 21st day. of January, 1958„ 0 '17B.24-144.411,_ the City f Alanhda