Resolution 05769RESOLUTION NO. 5769 REQUESTING CANCELLATION OF' CO'S= TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ALAMEDA (03 13 PURPOSES (1-F1313 T STRIP 1313 1303) TRACT WHETIAS, L13 real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Ala- mAda; State of California, described as follows; to-wit: Map Book 74, Bacck 1072; Parcel. 19; Parcel A of Tract 1250; filed in Bbok 35 of Maps, pa7e 78, Records of AlAneda County; Map Book 74, Block 1074, Parcel 24; Parcel B of Tract 1250, filed in Book 35 of Maps, cawe 78, Resorbs of Ajahleda (1 0, haA Leen assessed heretofore for County purposes for the fiscal year 1957-1958, and the tames levied thereon in the sum of 96.20 are uncollected and unpaid; and WHEREAS, after the time said eAsessmert and taxes becanb a lien on. said real. property, to wit, on January 28, 1958, said real property wag, 1-13C13 dated January 15, 195S, (Lodell H and Janet AL Duhgun, Grantors) recorded in the office of the County SecdrdLr of Alameda County or. January 28, 1958, in Book SSSO, at pah;es 21 and 25 (Ap 9018---AP 9019) of Official. Records, acquired, and ever sirRe has been, anh now lo, owned.. by the City. of Uaameda, and hos been and. npw is being used for public purposes, and. 00' 13 of such 33 30 ownership is not subject to sale for dRlinquent taxes; NOW IMERE=E, BE 131' RESOLVED MY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CEMS OF PGUANEDA that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alamwda be, and it is tereby requested to "'13 der, and. to takE such furbaer proceedingA as may bb necessary, to cause all 331 taxes, assessments, pnaltlem or costs charged or levied for County purposes upon the aforesaid parcels of real property, to be cancelled; and that a record of such cancellation be made by the officer or officers havinc; cuatody of the record thereof, in accordnnoe with. the provisions of Section 498S; of the Revenue and. Taxation Code of the State of CaliSorniaL RESOLVED, FUMTHER, that the City Clerk forGard four (4) certified. copies 13 3 rwsolutlon 13 13 to the Board of SuT,ervisors of the County of AlanAda„ I, thh undersigned, hereby. certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly reguirly introduced and. adopted. by tne Council. of thh City of' AlAmede 13 g mhetimg assembled. on the 6th day of J. 1958, by tde following vote, to wit: 3-03 Councilmen. Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen; Schacht and President YRCall, NOEZ: None; ABSENT: None; IC' WITNESS VEERED'S', I Lave hereunto set my hand and affixad the official seal. of said City. this 71.:18 daY 0W M07, 1958- siliaL2v 77572-1853TI o y oN-7873. 7851,;(178----- * * * * * * * * I herelwy certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution NO 5769, 3- 3- CANCIMLIATION OF COUNTY TAXES ON PROSES= AC(;LLEMED BY THE CIUSY u ALAMEDA FOE MUNICIPAL PURPORES (1-FOOT STRIP REQUIRED—SUBDIVISION TRACT 1250)," introd,uced and adopted. by the CouhRli on the 6t5 day of May, 158. 1441.4s-siazbushum Chty of Arameda