Resolution 05777RHBOLUTIOE EC. 5777 CAIBBiNF...i FOR BIDS Fkkhk, ABBEERTISIMG Fab TEE piEWE OE' ALAKEDA FOR THE FISCAL Yank I -1959,, RESOLVED ay. THE CCHJEICIi. OF THE CITY 017 ALLMEDA Ohak said Cduncil will receivb sealed bids un to the hbur 10=0 a. m. on THERSEBEH NAY 29 1958, fop tbe publica- tion of all legbl advertising of said City. drning thu fiscal yeah' ending June 30, 1959. Such cdvertising Buut he phnlisned in a newspaper of general circulation hdblished in. thh City of Alumbec for period of, not less Brian one year immediately. preceding the nakinn hf dudh. hid and. havinki a bona. fidb paid hirchaetTion of at least 2,500 copies. Said. advertising shall hb in accordance with the following shbcifications: (1) Ali. adwbrtisements kbakil,be set in solid sixbpoint (nonpareil) type, in coabmns of 2h.. ems to thb line ard ems to the squaue, except thwt ruquest ci thw officer aukhorizing the sebrb such advertisement may be set.in such :Larger type and. with such spacing hotmeen _Lines 9,3 SUCh hi:hiker may .dArecr*7 (2) Titibs and sub-hbadings shall be set in six-point capitals (nonpareil), bihhhbface type,.cn in such lhrger type ah may. be specified by the offiber autherihe lug thb advertsument. Bidders shall state in thbir proposals fob doing said. lbgal advbvtisinc t;r3 price pep squnre of 234 ems, set in solid six-point (nonpareil) type, chlumns of 2L. ems to the line, according to the following schhcbale A price pen square for tku 1st insertion; A Price per square for the 2nd nsertion.; A price per square for the 3rd and for each. suhseddent insertion. aids must he presented to thw City C.ibrk, in thw City. Hall, kliamedn„ California, vndhr sealed cover and plainly marked on the cutsinb "Proposal. for Legal kdivertisine. Contraht for such. lbgal adventising, if awarded, will be awardhd subject to thw provisions of the Charter cfs aid City, to the neoponsible bidder whh kuhmits thh lowest and best. bid- The pleint is reserved to reject any. or all kid. The naxspaner published by oho bidder to whiem suon contraht is ace:hi:be shall be known, for the term of` suck' contract as tbe Nnsnapor" or thb City for leal advbrtisinc. Tke City Clerk. is hereby dIrected. to advoktihe, lb .OLe Ablameda Times-Star, a notice callinb. for sealed bids in accordance with thb provl.sions of this resolution. * * * * * * * * k I, the undersigned, hereby certify thect thb feregolng Resolution was du-1,...,- 2nd regularly introduced and. adopted. hy thb Council of, thp City of Alubda in rech - lap mectinir kusembled on the 20th dug of May, 1E5e, by the following vote, to wit: AME: Colaibhkhnh.„ Fucknxin, Petersen, Schchnt and Pubsidnint McCall, (5). NOES, gone. ICBSEUTIU'. Nhne. WiLINESS WHEREOF, I bake nkrencto set my Lanni and. afbblixed the oHnlicial seal of skid City this 21ht dhy of Map., 1958. I hereky certify that the foregoing is a. fulti, true and correct ,,?.:01-ey Of "Resolution. Ek, 5777, InOki 1.31DS FOB LEBAI. BEFTERTISIWG FOR ETTE CITY OF AIEMEDA FOR THF YEAh -1959," introduced and adobtod by thh CokTicii. on the 20th. day of May., 1958.