Resolution 05781'HESCIMIP:VEN Naa, 5781 ADOPE'ING SPECIFICM,TICMIS AND PPOVISIONS VGE 'ftESUFFAVVIIG AND aEPAIR OF ASPHALT AND BETaaNO.UZ PAVEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR EMIT:: JUNE; 30, 1959, CkLIEITYG ?OR BIDS falaD DIFECTIM CITY CLERK TO ADVEETISE SAME. WHEREAS, the City Engineer 11.2 prepmfed Specifications and Provisivrm foar resurfacing repair of aoph.alt and bituminous pavement for the fts.c.f.J. year endin June 30, 1'1'69, whlch. are rambored PU 5-58-5 and were filed in th.e. office of thv CitiT Ciev.. on May 20, 1958.; THERKFME, BE if RESOLVED EY THE CCUMIL OF THE CITE U? ALM:IL:DA that the aforesaid Specifications and Provisions, numbered and fliaed qforPsaid, be, and the same arm hereby approved and adopted. riESOLTDD, FiTEE'HER, that the pcmanyarmarme and. comTletivn of thm work. sm.aciv fled. in said. SvecificaLions and Provision3 be, aand. Saria9 is hereby, auttorimed„ RESOLVED, FURTHER, tLalat the Council of the City of Alvvymmda will recelmo sevled bids up to the hvvar of 10:05 ,v1rViock a.m. on FFEED.P.EL, TINE 19g,e for tla, n.117.111shlrig to the City of all labor, materials and equipment necessary for resurfac- la11 nd. repairing asphallt and bituminoaas pavoment in tMe streets of thE,,, City of Alameda for iMma. fiscal year ending June 30, 1.999, in accordance Nlth. said Specitfica- ti.ons and. Provipions„ Bids valst be prosented to the City Clerk', dn the City Hall, in AlamEdaa, California, under Eavaled cmvver and plairdy marked on the outside, 'al'arov,ovi for Eeim:ir of AsTahmit and E1 t1 minom9. Pavement", Cr similar designation, Comtvact, if awarded, wlail be awarded subject to thp provimicans of the Chavt,- cm said City, to thy. resrEnsible bidder viMa sul....mits the lowest and bezt bid. 'Foe rimiam is reserved to reject any or ail bids. Said Specifications and. Provisions may be by any prospective bidder on application to th.e City Engineer, at tais office in tLe City Hall, Alameda, CaliformLa„ The City Clerk 71m; hmreby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times-Star, a notlee calling for sealed bids, in accordance with. tftv.D provisivms of this resoim- tion and of 2aid Specificatiuns and. PTovisionEn, thfi unviersined, hereby certify tiaat the foregoing Hesolution was duly End re...mail.arly lantroduced and adopted. by tho Council of tMe City. of Alameda In regu- lar ma..,ting assembled on tiie 2.0tb. day' of May, 1956, by the foilowCne vote, to witi AYES.: Councilmen Collischmnn, FMHeman, Petersen, .Ljehacht and President MM:Cral, (5), ABSENT : None . IN WITNESS WHETEGF, hamre hereunto set. my 'mv..nd. and. alariaaed. the mra'im.ipi ...lea]. of said City th.12 21st da.7.,...a of May, 1958, v. v. 71ty clerk of the City of Alameda- I hereby certify' tn.:at th...3 foregoing is a fn.Eim true end correct copy of "flv.solution No. 5761, ADopmm. SPECIT,aMV.IVE,7t ,avITD ECIE, RESURFACING ..fIND REPAIR OF' ASPHALT AYD BITETP.E.I.HCMS PA_VEENT 1 TaFIE Fisci.cl, YEAR. ENDING jUNE; 30, '1959, CALLTia. FOR BIDS AND DTIMECTINaa CEITY CM:MK TO A.DVETiTISE S.ANE," intamoduced mod. ademted by. Co.ayamil on tale DEJtja day of May, 195a,