Resolution 05782ABSOLCTIO'g NC. Eff? ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPINCIAL FPADVISIONS AND PLANS FOR THE IRSTALFATICY OF HOUSE LATERALS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING. JUNE 30. 1.95:9, CALLING- FON BIDS AHD BBC:LER:I . ' S1A,ME, WHASFRA.S, the City Engineer Ras prepared SpecificatiDns, SPocR!_al Phovisions and. Plans for the insta]lation dr House Laterals, from the street laterals to tHe pronarty lino, and ottkor WD`12k appuTterart Aktneto, 'or flBcal Near ending Juno 301 1959, numbered FW and filed. Bibb the City Clerk or May. FO, 19.56.; NOW DIABRAF1 R14, BE IT RESABLVED BY' FHB COUNCIL, O THE CITY 02 ALLNEDA that rbo aroresaid SnecifAcHtirns, Spebial Pr1 vltion4 an4 numrered 41.14 filed P.S. aforesAI4, be, and. thu same are hereby approyd and. adopted. RESC1VED, FURTHER, tkat the performance ar.d. completion of tnh work speci- fied in said SpecFRAoPtians nnd DrovA4Aobe be, pnd tRa name id hereby, aoThorized. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council of bDo City ot' Alameda riR1 receive dealod bids un to thb Roar of 10:05 o'tlock a.m. on FRIDAY., JURE 6, 1958, for the furnishintt to the City of all labor, materihls, moRinery, tools anti eoudhment necessary. for sald work, for tha fiscal Near endlnk June 30, 1959, in accordance with said Specifications and ProvisicHTT. Bidd mrst be presented to the City Clerk, in tre Cidy Hall, jrn Alameda, California, under sealed cover and biainly marked on tho outside, 'Proposi for installation of house haterais", or slmilJr tinsiHnation. Contrart, awerded, will be awarded subject to thd poovisi000 on she Charter of A41.4 City, to the responsible bidHer wRo submits dhe loweot and best bid. TRH rigtAt is roserveg to reject any or all bids. HaId. pecifications and. HrovislonH may bh had by any prospective on application to the City TarrAineer, at his offihe ir the City BRA], AM-Nreda, CaRiftHnia, Thh City Clerk io hereby oRrected LO adverigise, in ths Afaussss 2d.sess!'Star, noT,ice calling for 8ealed. bids in accordance with the provIsions of resolu- tion and. of said Specifications and nrovisions. I, the unCersigned, hereby certify tftat the foreqoing R4sFlutlpn woo duly and regularly introduced and atjoyteH by thb Council of the City of Alameda. ir regu- lar nesting assembiEd on the 20tD day of Bay, 1BAAB, by the followintA vote, to witt AYES: Counciltain CoiliBchonn, Presid.ent 11 NOES: None . ASSENT: Nora. Adroaman, Vestraer, Schacht and IN WITNESS WRIDBOHN Rada hareunto set my hand and affixed th4 official oNRA. of said. CAty this 21st day of May, 1958, 7.177 c 1=1! A hereby certify. that the foregoing is a full, ,16 and correct copy of "fesolution No. E7d2, ADOPTINAA SPECIFICIAIDAIAAA, STEGIAI, PROVISIONS ATD PLANS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF HOUSE LATERALS FOR THE FISCAL: AFBNR ENTAEND JUNE NO, 19,E1, CALLTEG 7f(YE BEES ATM DETECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVANATISE SAHE,P introduced. and. adooted by tRe sosncii on ths 20th day Of 10Y, 19Eti.