Resolution 05783apEConfT0 YE), Sjtai sOCPTINO SEEPTEICATEVZS ETS FUTISsITTO THE; CIEET OF AdALESIEi POP TELT; FISCAI EIDER TEDITIS JUNE 30, 19P9, .1E,S11,)1' AND ItINEEn; AISTOM021TI, A;CD ii;;UTEK TTETS ELSO TVIiISS; And, GASOLIEF; CAST:ENO FOld PIDS AEI'S DIESIEEE vb.; CITE CLEEla TO ADVEIRTISO; _LEE THE COIEJCIP ON THE CIOY CS ALA:TED-A that ilea; Spociticaiados and Provisions for furnithing: Ptilnu aad Et:Loner to ate CEty -DE Allagoda dor ',be itbocal year endiig Jobe 3C, 19EY1 and ine same pro borepy approves and adapted. RESOLVESS, FURTHER, thnt thp Specifications and Provisions for furnishing: AutemobilP and Topek Tires and Tubes to the Cilty or Alameda for tto fiscal year ending Juno 30, 19599 Ho, MS. 5-58-65 be, and the same ape tereby approved and. adopted. REsnvED, Fri:ETHER, that the Specifications and Provisions for furnishlng: It(OM. 1!: NOD. Premiun. Gasoline; Item 2: Premium Ggsolgne, to tbe City of Alameda. for tha fiaani. year endina June 30. 1.9599 No. J.S 5-58-7, be and the same are horeby aporoved and. sOppted. SE IT FUEITER RESOLVED, that thp Connell. of the City- of Alameda. till receive sealed. lecbo up to thy) epur of 10:CS o'cOpp;k a.m. on MITIDAT, JiTETE 16, 1.SiEd, for tba foapninhAng to the City of each and all of tPe above enalmarated supplies, in acoord - anon wit-7 . the ind.ivinual. Soccitaicationa and Provisionn tnarefor. Side; must ba pre- sented. to tho City. Clerk, in tPo City Hail, adnmega, Cglifornin, under sealed. petr ana paainly marked. on tho outsid with. tne dosiEration Of th.; S(ap(piieS tO 1,011,(7.(i7. said. bid applies. Olds may cover pop item. oo a combination of Items and tan CoanclE reservos Eng right to iwt thp contract ror any- of (((Ri((j, supplies to ono bidber or severa,1 indivijual bidders. Contracts, if awarded, Pill bc awardte subject to thy pravisione of the Charter of said. City, to tne reseonsibla bidder who submits tne lowest and. test bid. for any P.(nU. all. of said. supplies, Tne right i7 reserved. to raiott any Cr all. bilis. Tha City Clerk is threby directed to advertise, in tne Alameda Tim:ea-Star, a notice palling for Pealed bids in accondanae with th.e provisions oi' this resclu tion and of said Speoifibetiono apd Proilsions. I, Eta utdorsigned, hereby :certify tiint tbo foregoing Eepointior was duly and regularly introduced. and. adopted. by. the UounaIl of the Cityof Ala:Elena in nenan Ian meetinp!. acasembled on tha Jeti.a day of Mayo 12;58, by the fallowino votp, to wit: AYES: Councilman liollisenonn, ;areman, Petersen, SpOacht and ?resilient McCall, (5). NOT;S: None. IN jaTNESS jaTiTiJOF, I havr':, harelinto se: 1E7 hand. and. Effi.xed the official seal ofnnid City. anis dpy of May, iSeO. __(22(itliSIELF((Y H (7 y 1.E: 957 I nbreby certify anat ;tip rotagoing is and C:(7.7r2(7 C(71; ”Resolation Nb. 5783, ADOPEINO SPOCIITIPATIONS FOP FIERNTSS1NS TO TEE CI:TITO? ALAiaDA FOR. TIES FISIAO YEAR ESDING JUNE 30, 1959, TSAFFIC PAVSTE AND THITIEER; tIPPOIXOSIIE .maO EidCaa. TTEES AYE TESES; iND GASOLINE; CAIIING FOR SIDS PATD DIRECTING CIEv CITIRE. TO aSITEETTSE SAME," -,roduced 2.11(.'. adopted by tape Council. on Toth of May, 1958.