Resolution 05785REOLUTION NO, 5.18 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO GUIDER THE W'i(14.TION OF' A poporiby or low.\ PT. 000p'owoo Tu ro.io nou7u. ATP,IDA oo.on=nont.,,,_ .227",__22..122222. T.',2JX32,72 2722p HY THE CT.:F.:CIL OF' T ' J -4, ALt.`.1.2701. t :nob] c s loos aaid C 02,1221 r; :2,*312212,5 C:,22` -.Ares Its --Tutonhion tC (2.22272 t 4- rI 117 nnd ....ao,6',0flmer.. of bila onrthin nortion of Pearl 2trbnt, 'n '2129 AlLoboo. CF,,unty oh Alameda, StaLe of Callfernia, e.esebiLed au fol34- vs: A nortion of ?sail S'o-ruet 60 foot ul,,b, as snown on thh of 1 Ddvioton" October !In tbc, obflcc of tho CJanty E.b,...ror of Albglobaa County unh] cf rccord in !Fop book 1U', 1.pan'e center lire of ho5.1 hortion oU obi' 60 -foot strip beiho harticuFar.ly Jascribo,O oc REFFINUFNU at the interocction of the center line of said Pearl. Street blob aine do.oawn paroFiel witL and distant ot right a.nojles south, '.Jesterly 19H.00 feet from. tne scuthuestern ,ire of Ctls ji.lotible, HO feet wide, am]. runnimo alunu oaid. chnter line S 21) OY' W 292.boU feet, more or less. to tho couthometern boundary ofobaid ot Leuellinv, Divisionf'„ The side lines of Pearl Street tc be lengthened o 4- r thuestern boundary of said 1. Being, 1.bat portico. of Pearl. Streht described in tbe deed from Ruth E. Bouscal to South Shorn Land Componny, a corporation, dated. February' 14, 195P,9 .kn.6. recorded. February' 25, 1958 (under ecorder's Serial. No, AP 1913..) in thp ofice of the County Recorder. of Alarteda County, RESOLVED, FFTPTEET., ttit thb portion of Pearl Street to be vacated and. abar.- doned and the ,ietails of said vaootior are more portioularly shown 12r012 thot certain 21,22 entltiel, dPropooed Abandonment of Ehxotat,7..n.r7 Eaohment at Sontbwestern Terminus of Pearl Street, Alburdba., California, Jones, Therm & AssocLates, EnoTs., Alameda, CaliFerria," doted 3-24-56 and. numbered 1169-2)..!, mholch map is hereby approYed for tbLe purpose of this proceeding and is ne.reby orcered filed. lb the office of tne Ciby Clerk' of tte Clty of Alameda, and "O.:lob map lo hereby' referred. to for particiaDars as to t*.o, rroposed vocation. .U1.201,ITET, FURTHER, that ,oba leth. day cf junG, 1958, ot. 7:30 o'ciock p.m, of said Clay, in the COUNCIL CHIUMBERS in tbei CITY HALL, at th.e northwest corner of Santa Clara. Avenue an6. Oak Streht, Alornedb, C,F7UForna, be, and the same is bcreby, floo,ob as tbe time and place for huaring by the Council of said. City' of' all. persons interosted in or objocting to the proposed vocno,tion„ RESULVET., FURTHER, that tbe City' Clerh of thb City of Alai-nude. is hereby directed to cause thds rasolution to be published in tho manner presorned by law fob thoo publisbing of ordlnonces of the City of Alameda, in the AlaRooda Times -Sjoar, a daily newspaper of Feneral birculaUlon oublisbed anO, circulated in oold City, and tnb neyspaper theraofb, RESOLVED, FURTHER, that tb,o Olty Clerk of the City of Alanbe.e. is horeby dLoacted to post, or cause L',0 be booted. conspicuously along tbo line of the street and. hob,ts of Htreet proposed to be vacated, notices of such vacation, ir thn form and manner reqblired by the au.zislative oct Uhreinaftar mentioned. RESCIFEF., FURTHER, that tn tLe harein proposud vacation of said street or pornon off struet aforementioned, the Goanc.ii of tha City of Alsmedn hereby elects to proceed anebr and lb uuruuance of tbe provisions of tbe Street Vacation Act of 190. of the Sbte of Colifornia (Cboaptol, 25C, Stututes of 19b1.), us offnended„ * * * * * * * * * * I., the upUorsigned, hereby certify' Ube foregoing Resodutior was duly and. begolarly introclueed and oodopted tne Council of the Gity of Alameda in reva ion meeting os&e.rotabd on the 20th. day of May, 1.95U, thu followLo vote, to Nit: Councilmen CollioctIonn, ) Freeman, Paternen, ScUachL and Preoidont (U„ 70ES: None, O.33Fbf: none. IN WIT NFSS WEER I ha ve r e art o set my hand d a f f xe t off seal of sal.A. City- t 21st day of Kay, 1958. alT.T-(71 JEY4 ER 6-lor d I hereby- certify' thn t t he f or ego ing is a. f tootle and covr ec t cio..V of "F e s o 1 o r No . T,,'ES,OLUT ION OF :1...!.T.7,7,1 ON- TO CT T.Ta vAcATT ON A PC.,F.,.:17 ON OF PEA 751 EE,2 , IN THE C C,-,F ALAN DA vitro d. and. mode: op Led by the C ounc i 1 on th.o 20 of May, ,„ Ctty tne 2Z f" e