Resolution 05790ti GESOLOT],07 NO. SYSO REGOLDTION. OF TEE GOSIT.(IS, C6.6 THE CITY OF ALANEDA AUTHORIZING A MODIFICATION OF THAT CERTAIH LOAASE F.(((.7 AND TEE CITY OS ALAMEDA, LESSO1d, ASD THE COUNTY OF' ALAMEDA, LESSEE, DATED JUNE 25, )OG67 AND ,U(SPATONG TO TKOS'S CERTAIN, PSEISISES SKOWF AS 2226 SAGTA aLARA ANIENUE, CITY OF ASAYEDA. (PAS:KJ:NO. SPAGN--SOCTA SERVAINK sOARSa WHAndAS, a certain lease was entened irto by and. betwenn trip City of Alu- mean and tbn County of Alwmeda. datod June 25, 1957, relating to those certain pro - mise((3 owned by the City of Alumeda known and described. as 222.6 Santa Clurs Ammo°, City of Alameda; and WHEaEAS, it is considnrod dasirons to amend dkid leaom so as. to provide for a parking egonmo damn said. premiked to be utilized. by tre Sockal Se(ovana Bommd.; and wHzRaLs, the couroil of the City pf Alameda is folly aware of the contents of orNia. mcaAfacotion; NEW THERENCerK BE IT SESOLTED THM Cul:66616 06 rarm. ottpy om ALANEDA that the Mayor of the City of Alameda be, and is Poreby autnorjgod So execute, for and. on behalf of tide City of Aanmeda, tNat certain m(odificat(1(on the 'Horne «rated Juno 75, a957 by and between tre City flf Alameda., Lessor, ara th' County' of Alameda, Lp((.(see, so as to provido for an ullocatoe parkina oposo for tno Soeini Service Sonr.M. The Cit-y Clerk of tne City of Alameda is hereby directed to attest to the same. I, tMe underulFmed, hereby. certify thmt tMe foregoinr 'Resolution mon dmay nna rnfaularla, 16troducod and adopted by tne Council of the City of AJmmeda in remur Ler mooting nmsembled on take 1Gth. dam of Jurn, 1g56, bm the fol:(.kwing vote, to mit: PUKES: ,Councilmen Coild.sniourr, Sreommn, Petersen, Scbkoht ord. Praeldert TaM(an,(( ,727T-NFss hfP1p7GP, , h.nve Mrrenntm set m,.(,F hund mna (offixed (Mae official unal of okid City this lite. day of June, 1958. 7,77T5Ti' 6 hmredy oortify that the rorogoing Ib a. Suis, true nmd. correct pony or "Resolution )(To. 5790, RFOSCLJJTION OS THE COOTAII. OE T(HE CITY OP AMANEDA. Atia(6MKIZING A Nal:DIFICAOKIGN OF' 176(6.6.: GERTaKtar LEASE EY AND DETWEEN THE CITY OM ALAPIEDA, LEdSOR, AND THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, NESSSE, kATED JUNE ?5, 1957 AND REIM.TING TO THOSE CErTAIN FREMISES KMOGN AS 2226 SANTA CLARA. AVENUE, GIOTY OF .A.KLMEDA (PERKING. ST5ACE -SOCIAL SITISVICE BOA:RD)," Introduced and. naontect idle Council on tne 10th day of jqnPp 195h,,