Resolution 05800o'a.1.1.1.ns rote of' tor oJeJses In weahr. bubijk work ls losscpssod to Of Preliminary tIon sod. of Intenbior adoetecl Joke 17, 1711:,.. osSe: rate of ecr vases So. set forta. sor. sedatsiree in the, specifications for sain orojeJhb eohles ofelch Jk.re on file in tan office of the City Enminaer and also in thh effico of lnla 'ty' Clerk of saiI WII1b1J1S, tbis Codr 'aJo dsly- (1 111 so h ovele o o 0 o tan nam.11 to. be scares's in all os.J1stisoa,:)..1...,5 O SIKEYSI2011:11, IT IS Hadlejends 110esoy :n7f.jefeksYnf sod om.JmnIme, as e)ors: esyst ,sie SO.1))10 155 Oqt in es'Jd nhoo:dloatiodo is ahvecy slInilar observe. Set to Inst. aInone IsocrelJnote: brs rho: 1socalialco eaficer scorn benol1ed J.J.hlsevaninatoiso 15 C, 1) on. en srs:nnel, ItreIy cestia .Itt um. iosseml t IsooJesies ave. esIs 5,55 1.551,Lo. 5etroesoso srm aeossee. er tee 'enroll of 71e (f !-',7 1),f In 'embe n.noinJ asevotamel be one 171c Dov ea 1Yet b. the SoSsesSe' .teo, so mSt.J: „LC delliosnonk, omban, relessen, Conacco Jra m.mo. WIT:1E33 S'IrejlOI, I have hereunto set my :sera anJO offiroJJA tJfe s.J1ferloi seal of said. Mity trcIeJ iSta ,J))a): of ,T • a 1956. I hereby cJJ.JoS".ar,j7 that th0 foresvoirs ie 9. frd1.1 trno ere correct shpy of J,Rannjels.1.nm J''-,J:(11"1., IIIIEJCS:11S7:14 TIJSTAI:IJI111111:'SO PJOIVAILII"J 1.JACE SOIJIII 17te, :dry of Jere, 195n. 0 11 04 41 e 1 o 1).1 J5 5 J