Resolution 05855RESOLUT= NO, P655 ADOPTI SPEC-FPI-CATIONS FOR PURNISHING TO THE CITY OF ALAFEDA FIVE (5) YEN, 1959 LATEST MO= 8-CYLINDER, h-Dobm SEDANS, WITH APTOMATIC TIPANSMISSIOrf, FOP THE POLITE "DEPARTMENT, CALITEHG FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAINT% An cc c RESOLVED BY TIPS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAMEDA that the SDecifications and Provisinrs for fuTnishing to the City of Alameda five (5) new, 1959 latest model. 2- ylinder, A-door sedans:with automatic transmission, for the Police Dt..ptment, No. Prts 10-58-12, filed. in th.e office of tnIn City Clerk on October 21, 1958, be, and thA same are hereby approved. and adopted. RESOLVED, FURTHER, titt the Council. of the City of Alameda wIll recoiva seRld. bids up to tM Intrno of 1C:05 o'clock a.m.. on PRIDiff, OCTOBER 313 19580 for furnishing. to th6 City of said five (5) automobiles, in accordance with. said Speci- fications and. Provisions, Bids must be pTecentcd. to ttip. City Clerk. in the City H3> 11, Alameda, CalAfornia, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, "Proposal for Drive (51 Antcrobiaos for tha Police Department", or simAlar dsignation, 13(3> >1 if awarded, will be awnrdd subject to the provisions of tne Chapter of said City, to the responsible biddr who submits tb lowest and best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The City Canrk is hereby directed to advcrtise, in 1 Alamed Times-Star, a notice calling for sealed. bids, in accordnae with. the provisions of this resolu- ticn and. of said. Specifications And Provisiono. * * * * * * * * * I, thA undnnsigned, hpreby coftify that thn forAgoing Resolt.tiop was duly. and regularly. in7> roduced. an adopted by thA Connell of the City of 33313 in reFu- lap meetirg aoonntod. on thm 21st day of Octor,r, 1958, Icy the following vote, to wit, AYES: Coanctimen Dollischonn, Prcnmar, Petersen, Schacht nrd Prasident McCall, (5). NOKS: Nne. ABSENT. None, IN UrTNESS WEE:RECT., I have Ipereunto set my nand. and. Affixed the official seal of said. City tnA 2221d day of October, 19P6, SPIRIP T.,' TAP. (sEALT I !nereby certify' thnt thA foregoing is e full, truA and. correct copy of "Rese,ut:on No. 5895, ADO:Pi:PIM, SPECIFICATIONS FOR. FURNPSTEENG TO THE CITY Or 13 =M. PIPE (5) NEW 1959 LATEST MODEL 8-C1 3> INDER 3». DOP SEDANS, WITH AUTOYATIC TRAPS- MISSION', FOR. THE POLIP,E DEDARTLETT CALIING POR -BIDS AND DIRECTINC CDDY CIPTIP TO ADVERTISE SAVE introduced and adApted by ttc Council or thn 21st dny of Octchpr, 1953.