Resolution 05857aF.SOLSITTON NO. 5'857 a .s.-LaG sALPISIL REsOLUTION NO. 58.0. Edi. DELET,Up saidldss—STULan.P.PHER-CLEK OT,IsPIPOSTTION'eciF SENIORLGLIRK7,TYPIST iN Thh POLdLE DEFAUTinand, PP IT PESOINED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE eTTY A-LA.1)=A tiaat a. portion of sub- section 6, Paragraph 2, Section 2, of Ref,a)lution Nc. Saab. be amendad to read as follows: 8. s.2y3„.:..1d...e, ypaalIdLana_LTI_Ila.f,L....=7,La. Code No. of ?pr,Pe STEP Zb..._ (2.Ifts Fosi.tIpn ,Is , 113 Senior Stenographer- 3 35 3o2 317 333 349 367 Clerk 106 Sanior ClerLTypist -La 302 317 333 549 367 BE IT ITHEIER RESOLVED tnat bhe effective date of thls resolLtion shall be October 20, 1958. SCESOIllfdrD, FliarHER that Idle pnevisiona cf thla resolution shall supersede those portions of' Resolution No. 5Sia, and of any. otIEr resolution is conflict here- with, ynd all such conflicting provisions are, to tnn extent of ouch conflIct ornly, hereby aescindad and. annulled. * * * * * * * * I, tUe undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ResolutAhn was duly and regularly introduhed and. adopted by the Council of the City of Alaanda in. regu- lar meeting assemblhd on thh ?1st day of October, 1958, by the following vote, to AYES: CouT,oilman Collisehonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and. President McCall, NOES: None. PdISSENST: None. IN' WITNESS WITEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand. and. affixed the offinial. seal of said. City th.is 22nd. day of October, 1958. SPITS= H. Tau' 17,17-6T-EtT I neneL7„, certify ;alai. the foLuaoLng is a faUl, true RliCi cordend cop, 'lnanjtat;on No, !,,o,b371 PIJ;LYOLTdd SIaLanna PESOIddTTOI usa. 'SY 7,7:7,TIT1 ! POSITIOY CF STLIITOCSAFIEE-CLERY SRaATING ddS. POSIFIO GI Salsda-aDh OLdadH-SYPISP IFE DOIDCI avni,InSTaLdH,' intydared ndonted H7 ne CcuroLl on :Ina Ja2. Osa;eS, 1 ,