Resolution 05919RESOLUTION NO 5919 '11 OF' PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION THAT THE PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS IN AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1D59-1, WASHINGTON STREET, CITY OF ALAMEDA, COUNTY. OF ALAMEDA CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBING SAID PROPOSED WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS AND SETTING TIME AND MEL' OF HEARING THEREON. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the Oily of Alameda, County. of Alamhda, State of California, as follbws: That preliminary dhtermLnetion is hbreby madh that the public convenience and. necessity require the following improvements to be made and paid for by special asbessments levied. uobn the property benefited, and that necessary proceedings should be taken therefor without compliance with the provisions of thp Special Asseosment investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931, to wit: The construction of curbs, gutters, pavement and/or resurfacing, togethnr with necessary collateral and appurtenant wbrk in the fol- lowing streets, avenues, public ways or public places in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, to wit: Wabhington Street bbtween Peach. Street and High Street and a portion, of-the intersection of Washington and Peach Street, and a portion of the intersection of Washington 33<33' 133 and High Street; Post Strieet from the nertPerly lEne of Washington Street ta a point approximately thirty (30) fbet northerly thereof; and. Post Street two hundred forty. (240) fbet south from Center Line of Washintton Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said 3.1)3 shall 33 designated, and are hereby dbsignated, as the improvements to be made in "Assessment Dlstriot No. 1D51-1, Washington Strbet, City of Alameda, County of Alameda, California". BE IT FURL= RIIMEDIED that Tuesday, the Stn day of May, 1959, at the hour of I:30 o'clock P.Mh of said day, is hereby fixed. es the day and hour, and the meet- ing place of the City Council, located in the City Hall, (Id, California, as the timb and place wbbn and 11 <'13 any and all persons interested who have filed a written objection may appear and show cause why the City Council should not find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require the s'0 d. proposed public impbove mbnts in Assessment ISistrIot No. 1959-1, (3 3301 Street, City of Alameda, County of Alameda, California, witnout compliance with the Special Assessment (3(3(3(311 "1 Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the 33 (3 and place of said dearing as folinws: A— A certified. copy of this resolution shall be posted. at or near the Council Chamber door for five (5) days pvior to the hearing Mersin providbd. for. B, A. notice of sa33 d. hearing shall be embodied lb the :Resolution of intention to do the work and fixing the time of hearing on said Resolution of Intention. I hereby certify * * * * * * * * * 1, 33 the foregoin.s Desolution has dbly and regbiarly adopte0 . by the City Council of the City of Alameda, Alanbda County, California, at a regular mbeting thereof, Ueld on the 7th day. of April, 1959, by the following vote, to wit: ILS: '(31 ,<113 CellIschEnn, Freeman, Pbtorsen, Schacht and President MbCall, (5). OS: None. ABSEIL:S. N011e, (SEAL) SHaE.4.14IE44_1111.1L 7.,,DERLEI iZNELER, City Clbrk, Crtiy of 3' '1, Alameda County, California. 4.R I neneby certify' that thn .Scregacing is a full, true anR correct copy of "Resolution No. 591.9, RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION THAT THE PUBlia CON- SENTENCE AND NECESSITY REWIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WORK AND LP ROVEMENTS IN- AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS ASSARRYJENT DISTRICT NO, 19E9-1, WASHINGTON STREET, CITY OF' ALAMEL, MUNTY OF ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBING SAID PROPOSED WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS SSD RETTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARTNG TESEESN," introduced and. adopted. bv thn Council on the 7th. day of April, 1959. tER,e'tER„S. Clerk D the Cit of Alleaa