Resolution 05988RESOIMTIOM O. 5981 ADOPPING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIOMS AND PLANS FOR INSTALIATION OF STORM DRAINS ON PEARL STMEET AT OTIS DP.PVE AND CN MOUND STREET AT OTIS DRIVE, CALLING mOk ' L 1 !MID 1213 C321 CITm CLFRK m0 AkAmmTAAT QUM IEEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared Spocificatione, Special Provisions nd. Plans for the installation of stamm drains on Pearl Street at Otis Drive and on Mound Street at Otis Drive, numbered PIM :P-59-13 and filed in the office of the City Clerk on Septeker 1, 1959; Cl THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the aforesaAd Specifications, Special Provisiong end Pions, rumtbred and filed aS aforeelaid, bm, and the same ape herbby approved and Adopted, RESOLVED, =BEER, tbat the performance and. completion of the work speci- fied in said Specifications and Provisions be, and. the same is hereby authorized. RESOLVED FUSLBMR that the Council. of the City of Alaneda will receive sealed bids up to the hear of 10:00 o'clock a. m. on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1959 for furnishing to the City of all labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment nmces- sary for the work hmrmirmbove referred to, in accordance mitt, said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to thm City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alakeda, California, under sealed cover afl d. plainly ''r- '0 on the outside, "Proposal. for Installation of Storm Drains 1. on Pearl Street at Otis Drive amd on Mound. Street at Otis Drime," or similar drsignation. Contrsrt, if awarded, will be awarded. subject to tte provisionb of thm Charter of the City of Alameda, to thr responsible bidder who submits the lowest and be bl.M. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and Provisions may be hag by' any prospective 1. 03 on applicatibn to the City Engineer, at his office in the City Hall, Alammda, California, The City Clerk is hereby directed to adertise, in the Alameda Times-Star, a notice calling for sealed bids, in accordamce with the provisions 1 this resolu- tion and of said. Spmcifications and. 33333, ions. I, thm undrrsigned, hereby certify that the 31. Resolution Par duly and regkaarly introduced anr . admpted by the Council. of the City. r Alameda. in regu- lar meeting absembled an the 1st day of Septemter, 1959, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmrn Colliectionn, Freeman, Petrrsen, Schacht and Presidrnt McCall, (5). NOES: None . ABSENT: None. IN WITMESS NMEREOF, I have hereunto set my. han1 . and affixed thr official seal. of said City this Mnd day of September, 1959. SMAIRLEY H. TEMA (SEAL) City (Mier:TA 2Ci3 , * * * I hereby certify. that the foregoing is a full, true and correct 3 of Resolution No. 5968, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PEOVISIONS APIMPIAMS FOR INSTALLATION' OF STORM DRAINS 31 PEARL STREET AT ms DRIVE AHD ay MOUND STREET AT OTIS DRIVE, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME introduced and adopted. by thm CounciMon the lst day of September, 1959.