Resolution 06022PESOLU=S NO. Cx122 LI_NE1'i1E TO_ lg.. ERPIES 1.19)12-Lt WITH PROFOUND SORTOW, tho Cocnbil of CCe City of Alambds. rocords tbb death of one of its most faithful acid civio-m!_nded oltiben, MR. ERNE3T J. PROBST, who Isas elected to tho Office of Counbilrosn on April. 1°, 1N05, and took. Sis Oatb of Office at the Courbil meeting of April 17, 1905; and. WHEREAS, Mr. Probbt wac re-elected to this position for the nept foal' tcrms, scrving as Coanbilman continuously dntia December 29, 1925, at vbIch time he tendered h.1.8 resignation. Prom this office to accept the position of SuporIntendent of Parks anti Playgrounds, upon abbointment by the City Yanager; and SUPREAS, Mr. Pxobt served. "in this casabbPty antil 1931, and was most con- scientious in csouvinIc tica reeponsibilities of his offices and .r.cove onstintinsly of hls time and effort on behalf of the City and wc.s Frectly respected for his excellent 'work end highly pcFarded for bis spirit offriendliness. NOW, THEREFOSX.E., SE IT PIESSIPSCID, that in roco7nition of his many years of firb SOrViCe ts thb Cit, thb Sounbil of thb City of Alameda does Leroby express. its gobstltude for his loyal. civic. intembst ard work dbring the early develocmcnt of the PlJx7. BE IT PUIP2HER PESULPTPD, that thlts Resolution be SprORd in fttli upon the mimutec of this meeting, and a copy ticersof be foryarJed. to CoL.:3:factotly that IC may extend. to it a sincere expression of sympathy and. condolence in ito IncerpAnent.; cold BE IT FPI:SPINIER. b1PPPLVED, that th.is mutating of the Council of tbe CsIty of AltamwSa staiocrne, It sLall do co in mmmpeot to the mcmory of 1TE. cPt.-1S1' jt. PSOBST. I, tbo undersigned, Sereby certif-s. ttict the ftTeccoing Resolution was OuJ.y opx1 resbNarly intmoduced and odobtod by the Council of tbe City of Alameda In regu- lar meeting assembled on the lbt day of December, 1959, by the following. vote, to wit: PSZES: Councilmen Collisotonn, Freeman, Petersen and Vice President Schacht, (P). ABSENT: PbsiPent (1). IN WITNESS WEEDEOF, I have tereunto set xy hartP end afftxbd tSce official seal of said City tbis 2nd. day of December, 1959. SPNC.Stit1- 2. cpc", lerx cc tnb City Pereby certify that ttbe fovegoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Pcsolution No. 6022, IN EilMaRIAM TO ME. EXNEST J. PROEST,P introduced and odcoptcd by the Council on the 1st day of Docemlocr, 1959.