Resolution 06082RHSONUTIOS NO. 6082 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR RE1OCATION AND ALNERATION OF ErIPmElyiT SHELTER IN THE CITY CORPORATION YARD, CALLING F'OR BIDS AND DIRECTING, CITY CLERK TO ALHYTTPLf ISE SART% 171 171 thp City Enstotreer has prepared Speciflcations, Special Provisions and Plans for the relocation and. alterstion of equipment shelter in the City Corpor2 tion. Yard, numbered PW 6-60-15 ana t iled in thcs office of the City Clerk on Lure Br 1960; NOW' RMEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED EY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITH OF ALAMEDA. that the aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans, rsstbered and. f lied as eicTesaid, be, and the same are hereby approved. and adopted. RESOLVED, TNIRTHEM!, that the performance and completion of tho Rnrk specifipd. in sain. Specifications and. Provisions be and the same is hereby suthttrizeds RESOLVED, FURIHER, that the Coun(1 il. of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids uT) to the nosr cr 11:00 o'rnick a.m. on FRESPHL, JUNE 17, 1960 for furnishm ins, to the City. of all lebor, materials, naRcSinery, tools and equipment necessary for the work hertsinabve referred. to, in accordance with said Snn,cificatinns and Frovisions. Bids must be presented to the City ClLaH,., in the City Alameda, California, under sealed cover and. plainTy marked. on the outside, "Proposal for Relocation and Alteration of Equipment E-Raeltar in tne City Corporation Hhrd", or similar dRsignation. Contract, if amarded, will be awardpd subject tc the provisions of 'Lots Char- ter of thp City of Alameda, to the responsible bider who submits the loHest and. best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or sal bids. Said Stecificatistis and Provislrns may be hRd. by any. nrosnectRve bidder un application to the City Engineer, at his office in thR City Hall, Alamoda, California. The City Clerk is hereby Osirected to advertise, ir tna Alameda Times-Star, flOtlf, 02'111n7, for scaled bids, in accordance with the provisions of this resolus tion and of s aid Specifications and Provis I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreg.sing Resolution was Sulj- snd regrLIttrly introduced and adopted by the CoonLil of the City of Alameda in regu- lar meeting assembled on tte ath day of june, 196.0, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen HolliseticTln, 'Freeman, Scistacht and PresiIcnt mcCs:11, Os). OS! None . ABSENT: C isrm Petersen, RI) . IN. WITNESS WHI2E0F, I ha ve hereunto set my htand and affixed the official. seal of said City. this 9th day of June, 1960, Oity rs: 7, R2. a rt 9d a I hgreby certify thnt the foregoinsJ., is. a full, true aryl. correct ,...r.Loy el nResoluti.or 1 6082, ALO.F.TING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PRLDVISTONSS AND PLANT HOR RELCCL.TION AND AITIEFRRTION OF E qua PMENT RELTE!R IV THE CITY CORPORATION LLALTD, CARLING FOR RIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO SDVERTISE SANS," introduced and adopted Cy the Sour:ell on the Sth day. of JUns,