Resolution 06103RESOLUTION NO. 6103 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FUN rhE COMPENSATEX, OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPIXTTEES OF THE CITY' GE ELANIEDA AND PROVIDING RULES ANN REGULATIC• REEATIVE THERETO. g BE BE IT RESOLVED BB THE GCENCIL CF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AS FOLLUCD: Section 1 This Resolution shall. bg known as tho "Salary Resolution for the Fiscal Year E-1961". Section 2 Paraxrgyh I The following paragraphs set forth the rates of compensation applicable tv positions in the service of the City, the setting of whose salaries and rates of comtgnsaCion are specifically allocated to the City Council by the City' Charter. Faras-grph 2 a. Except as herein. othgrwdse provided, persons in positions bear/ring flat rates of compensation shell be paid the designated flat rate during the fiscal year 1960-1961. b. Fullatime Employment. The sadary rates as specified. in the Cbmgenhatich Flan shall be considered gross compensation. for full-tine employmtnt and are exclusive of vacation, holiday, sick, or other leave with pay. c. Whgn it is necessary to combensate a mmnthly salaried emylgyee for se/4 vice on a daily basis, or to compute partgal earnlngs, the daily rate of pay shall. be determgned by dividing the monthly rate by the total number of days in the month involved. d. Phmt-tige Employment. Those employees(aprointed(in accordance with Sec- tion 7, Rule V, of the Ulm beryl/it gules, &nail pe paid for actual. hours worked at an. hourly- rate established fhr the classification or based on the appirogriate step in the salary range for clessificatihnt whose rates are commuted on a monthly basis. In the latter case, the hourly rate shall be computed. on the. basis 2,080-n1ur or a 1,976-hour year, whighever is applicatie. e.• In the matter of the compensation 1 Emergency Surgeons (PartaTimE) employed in tht City's 434" Aid Station, in the event any of the foug positions in such. classification. shall become vacant, the remaining EmErgency Surgeons who shall serve mhre that one week in each four-week peri43 . shall receive agdartionti compensation fhr such. services at the rate of 220gx00 per week. of seven days. If dt becomes necessary to call in doctors not reghlarly eggloyed by the City as rgrt- time Emergency aurgeons to serve for the time left opEn by enY such vacancy or vacancihs, such. doctors shall be compensated for their services at the rate of (X200.00 per• week of' seven days. f. Salary Advancement. Salary ' advancement fog classes in the step plan shall. be mage c i subjet to the followng pro'Visiors: (1) Appointment to a position will normally' be at the first step in. 1- salhry range. An employee may be appointed to other than the normal 114- 34 salary step upon thh recommendation of the Appognting Authhrity, when it is decided that such action is in the best interests of gue City. (2) Advancement to the second step will normally be nixie upth the satisfactory completten of a probationary period. This is six cgrithe in the case of all classifications excepting follge Officers and Firemen- Such increases will become effective on. thg first day of the pay period following abx monthh of service. (3) Thereafter, an employee who maintains e. satisfactory level of work shall noruhlly be advanced at annual intervals to succeeding steps of the assigned salary. range. Guth increases will become effective on the anniversary date of the increahe to the second. step. (4) Any person who is appginted to a position at a. step above the first step of the assigned salary range will normally be advanced. to the next step after one year' of service. Such increase will become effective on the first dhy of the pay period following ont year of service. (5) New emkloyees entering the Fblice and. Fire Service sh411. be employed at the ennimum stet of the salary range 1hr their posi- tione. ennuhl increases to each. succeeding step ynlal hecoma effective ch. the first day of the pay perntad following eonee- tion of each year of service. (6) 3n any case where, by roan:can of unusual circumstances, rigid adkhrence to the foregoing principles relating to salary aDvance- dent or adjuhtment would not bh in the best interests of the City of Alameda, the City Manager may make such order deviating there- from as is in his judgment prepar and in the boot interests of the City. Alhmhda. (7) In any case where, by reason of en employee temporarily perfoaming the duties of a position having a higher rank and classificat2bn, an inequity would exist inhofat as such employee, the City. Mhnager mhy gakh such order increasing the s4 lar8nof such empicyhe to an amohnt not to exbeed ten. per cent (10%) or the equivalent of two steps above the higheht step of such employee's permanent range. 3924LEE. S969915E9: Step Ctep btep t Sep Step Mange Co. 1 ' ' ' B D E 10 170 180 190 160 268 28 255 201 295 200 310 29 261. 274 3 288. 17 50 268 281 295 aot 310 325 31 274 288 302 317 333 32 281. 295 31.0 341, 33 288 302 317 asa 34.9 34 295 410 326 341 358 a2 302 317 333 349 367 fa 36 310 325 341 350 376 .37 317 333 349 332657 305 38. 325 /44 3 58. 376 395 30 aal 9/4 49 367 305 405 40 541 350. 376 395 415 41 349 367 385 445 425 ft 30 376 so4 1,5 36 43 567 385 4.05 425 447 44 .:c5'.6.5) 41 395 5 5 43 6 48 45 405 425 447 469 /4 395 415 436 450 4075 47 405 425 447 46,9 493 40, 445 436 458 /4;.:. 481 505 49 425 447 493 5217 50 458 5.°5 530 51 46,9 517 543. 52 481 530 5 83 4:141;; 469 493 517 543 570 54 401 505 530 556 584 55 493 517 543 50 14. ,p8. 56 505 530 556 584. 613 57 517 543 570 59e 628 50 530 2.56. 584 615 644 59 543 azo 6bo 60 556 584 52!:; 644 676 6a 570 598 628 66o b93 644 676 63 59.8 660 693 62(5 710 65 628. ai.'i 693 727 66 644 67 710 745 67 660 695 727 763 ! 6 !! 801 68 676 10 745 782 021 69 692 727 763 801 841 70 710 745 782 821 862 ] Code Step Step Step Step Step Menge 71 727 763 80,1 84] 883 60 745 782 821 862 3 73 763 801 84m 883 927 74 782 821 862 905 950 75 801 841 883 927 974 70 821 862 905 950 998 77 S41 883 927 974 1029 78 852 905 950 998 1,048 79 863 927 974 1023 J074 BO 24, 950 998 134 8 ilCO 81 927 974 4823, 1074 1127 82 950 998 1048 1100 1159) 3 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 990. 1448 1 1159 1213 85 1023 • 4074 1127 1184 1243 F/m - Iima - /h. Flat rate per hour 71/d Flat rate per day ang ;me Flat rate per mnntle n. Schedule of Positions and Pay Barges. Class Title NM. of Positions Hangp No. Step 754 1544 Step atep 5te0 Step AhDIT011,,2411) ASS58508 175 Auditor and Assessor 1 19/4 - 750 1.65 Deputy. Auditor 1 163 Deputy Assessor 161 Assistant Deputy Assessor 1. 51 447 409 493 5432 543 1P2 Deputy FMela Assessor (Part-Timp) 2 46 341 358 374 395 415 327 Senior Account Clerk. 1 44 976 395 415, 436 458 143 Accountipg Machine Operator 44 341 358 3(4 394 415 160 intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 34 295 310 325 341 358. 811IL0 LAG Aid) INSPBCTION 845 Chief on Inspection Sv]sion iSr. Civil Lnkdreer) 1 9 693 ,A) 763 801 841 820 Duiiclog Inspector s 36 505 53C 556 584 731 04.0 'Plumbing inerector 1 58 505 38 556 534 613 815 Deputy Building inspector 1 95 447 409 493 517 541 806 Prilding Fermits Ansistant 1 42 358 378 395 415 430 CITB AT761inEY 174 City Attorney i 1-3 974 1023 1074 1127 1183 168 A86±8,646U City Attorney 1 61 970 598 1 28, 660 693 115 Legal Secretary -Clerk 1 44 376 395 415 436 49)1 CIT7 CLEB8 173 City Clerk 62 584 613 544 676 710 134 Deputy City- Clerk 43 967 985 485 425 447 CATY SAIL 557 Carage Attendant 2 40 ?41 3,56 376 395 4,15 589 janitress 2 )..., .,--';8 , 317 333 349 146 Telephone Operator 1 15 302 317 333 349 367 C-77 64446-.8,8 184 City emnager 1 Ffrn - 1500 1879 Assistant City emnmger 69 593 727 762 801 841 1320 Anmairietrative Secretary to City Manager 45 3 5 05 425 )447 4.69 CITY PLANNI'AG 890 Planning Director 895 Assistant :Planner 897 Planning Draftsman 113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 33 76? 50 ArA 48 413 9845 85r 320 434 6,65 845. 883 627 556 584 613 458 481 505 1,d 376 395 7)6 Cod e No . of Renge St eu Step 81. op _ ,7,,,4 NO . ClaS5 T.itle witions 212. A .8 c - ....n ME Ft(IT34NElh 172 Executiv (en cretary , 01vt 1 Service tIorb ' 52 763 801 81.1. 883 927 3 lir P4 rsonn - 01e rX a 11- 347 385 405 425 447 109 intermediate Typist- C ibrk 2 34 295 310 325 341 4 :.8 103 Examination Prn ot or F/h - - - 7 .10 ati STEC CT ZETC)8...LL))). 113 Senior St encgraph er— 01 a rk I 36 325 341 358 376 395 FIFIL; 665 Fire Chief IL 75 ( C-E6 883 927 974 660 Assistant a re Chi ef 2 66(E) - - 82 657 Battalion Fire Chief 2 62(E) - - 710 655 Fire Captain. 9 58(E) - 644 645 Etre Lieutenant ' 5 56(F) - (!.a3 6E6 Fire Lieutenant ( Admit. ) 1 56(E) - - 4 13 650 Assistant Firm: Marsbel - 56( a' ) - - 640 Fireman 61 51(c-EJ - - 517 543 562 Automotive re chanic 49 425 447 469 493 517 113 Bendter St enographer-Cierk 4 .38 325 341 358 41,4 395 FlrijS Alp 365 City Physician .351 Emergency Surgeon ( Fart-Time 36.0 Registered Nurse 3 41, 349 307 385 4.05 425 355 Relief Jteward (Part-TrIace) PCS:,(4). 765 Golf Course Menagbr 1. 64 613 64.4 6'76 710 743 767 Head. Ensure r nub Assi st ant Golf Course ranuger a 5 423 517 543 70 598 544 Golf Course Superintendent 1 53 469 493 5.97 513 57C.) 562 Automotive' Me chanin .. 49 425 447 46(3 493 517 7,0 Golf Starter 4 4' 43 367 -48. a - a L 05 425 447 )41. GrbundsmanGardener 7 1. 2 3 58 376 395 415 436 554 ELL ui pirpxt Operator 4 43 367 385 405 425 447 558 rotor Eqnlumbnt Serviceman 1 3 42 358 376 395 415 436 58.6 Jianit or ' 37 317 333 31.9 3 67 385 570 Laborer 6 40 -:H , 4444 358 376 395 415 In a ddit ion to normal compen e6t i on, person s h olding the posn. of falconer in the Golf DebErtmenh, kalf en so enEmag ed. , shall receive an. &edit forui sur. of' ().TO .00 per rnnth. kb r night water(0)ge ei.ctilb ANO ILLAIGP6UNDO 530 Bark Maintenance (supervisor 1 51 ila:a7 46)9 493 517 543 583 GI ty Tree Betberv) her i 51 447 469 1-,413 517 543 592 alein I. shark oe Pluketpae 1 50 h3 6 454r 1.4r11 4,404 . „ 530 5 A Heti pment Grancator a 43 ",,, 67 ..z,,' . , .— a 405 L.25 4,47 5/4.5 Mark Caretaker 2 62 355 376 395 4 :I.5 43 6 552 Trtbk Driver 2 43 ,. 6'7 385 405 425 L14.7 555 Tree Trimmer 5 L5 385 LO5 4 ',,-,5 447 469 591 Plumber, o tic boor 42 358 376 395 474 434) 547 Gerd ens r m 42 3t53 376 395 Lid 4? 6 570 La'oo mr 16 LO 34" 358 3 aoa / 608 Ge curi ty Chard ( Pert-Time ) Ffh _ - - 'i .84 PC(Lia.C.L 636 134 hief 75(5-S) - 883 27 97L 63" Police Caetsin 1 66 ( 7 ) 82 630 Felice Lieutenant -,. 5'2 (E ) - - 710 62: c Fp" ice fro pc 6 Lor k(4. 581E ) - 66 620 Fol i ce Sergeant 56(E) - _ - r,-1,, 635 I c.it..,j FC catit on Officer 6 ( E ) - - 613 615 Bold ce Officer 4- 5i(c-E) - - 49'3 5-17 54, 3 -7: 610 Policewomen a: 51( C-71) - - 493 567 57 3 113 den) or BtenteruarUer-Clerk (k 38 35 343 3 5 376 395 )4,- 5T,' 376 395 606 Dressing Guard (Part-TfbeI ')5 -1711 1 ..151 --; Lech member of thke Police Department whp skull atturrk the qaalifi cations of "Expert fevolver lbharpsnooter", or "Marksman" in accordance with the DfCviions of Resolution NS. 2904 shall receive, in addition tc the compensation. provided. above, and so long as sugh qughstionn. ar4 retained, thm following amounts: 6hxbert Revrlger SnotE - - - :j5,00 per month "Sharp4hooter" - - - - - - - - 5.50 per FFarth Code co. saan_ EpPDS 60.5 Poun6mamter 004 Deputy Poundmanter No. of' Range Step Step Step Step Positipnn Sten 264- 45 395 405 425 447 469 416 359 379 395 41.5 436 _kuaqA6II,R1_ 166 Buyer I 52 458 481 505 r,',n _,), 556 1.09 Infermediate Typist-Clerk 2 IP, .,/ci, 295 31.0 2.5 341 358 RLdREATIOF 742 Director of Recreation. 1. 70 710 745 982 82(1. 862 730 Supervisor of Recreation 3 54 491 505 530 5 594 739 Recreation Specialist (Rdet-TimA) Al9h - - - 2.23 2.34 720 Playground Director 3 2E5 Avg 405 4,25 4A9 469 722 Recreation Leader (Part-Time) - - 1,74 1 97 7 Recreation Aide 4157irt-Time) P/h - - - 1.47 1.53 586 Janitor A 37 317 333 3.49 367 335 1US Semler Clerk-Typist 1 31 325 341 358 376 395 109 Intermediate Typiet-Cierk 74.(1( 34 295 319 1-)r 222 341 358 ST4TIS .:6:E'5641 70 Swjp:ming Pool Manager (Part-Time) ,34 772 Senior Lifegusrd (Part-Time) - 2.07 773 LifeguR(rd (PartaTIme) 1.74 775 Gashier-Attentant 977 Locker Attendant (Port-Tive) Rgh - 1.11 774 instructor Aide (Part-Tim) FA( - - - 1-42 586 Jonitor (Part-Time) SOCIAL7T54ftT664 :11.5 Senior Stenographer-Cierk i 75: 325 341. 358 /7a 395 ENGINITERINS 460 Gity Engineer I 83 974 1023 4074 1129 1183 455 11 City Engineer 63 801 676 841 883 927 440 Associate Civil Engineer 3 ts) 04.4 710 745 782 425 Assistant Civil Eggineer 1 nm . 570 628 960 693 420 Junior Cavil Engimer 7 55 493 543 570 598 417 Survey Party Chief 2. 55 493 •43 570 59.9 46 Construction inspector :3 54 4.91 530 556 594 411 Sidewalk Inspector 1 A 49 425 469 493 517 413 Senior Engineering Aide j ) P' 415 ,:'5,15+3,157,74: 436 4.81. 505 612 Office Admimistrativs Assistant 1 54 492. 71 13 59 59A 410 Engineering Aide 2 44 376 395 1-2,( 436 459 119 Secretary-Sterographer 1 43 397 385 405 425 447 113 Senior StenograoLer -Clerk. , 2 71 5.35 , 34.2 5, 358 376 395 109 Intermediate Typist-Clerk - 34. 295 5740 825 341 888 126 IntermAdiate Account Clerk , 38 325 341 -“,'P 376 395 526.41661:0 EFEnDt5ERIALl, 551 Traffic Painter 571. SkAlled Laborer 47 405 1/ 356 892 3/9 447 395 469 493 41.5 436 ETREET, 582 IdainMenanue Superintendent 2. 65 628: 660 693. 727 763 ,-, 576 General Street Maintenance Supervisor 4 54 1481 505 530 556 584 579 Assistant Labor Supervisor 1 51 447 469 493 r. 1'7 ,,-, 543 5631 Automotive Bechanic Foraman. 1 50 439 4.58 481.. 505 530 591 Carpenter Foreman 50 436 458 A81. 505 530 503 Concrete Forenan 436 45 451 505 530 549 Pajnter Foreman 1 50 466 458 484 505 500 5e5 Sewer Foreman 1.. 5C1 439. 459 491 505 530 575 Sub-Foreman i 45 385 4305 '8' 447 469 556 Motor Sweeper Operator 2 45 38.5 405 4:25 75457 469 5(32 Maintenance Carpenter 2 47 405 425 447 469 493 Code No Class Title 573 Maintenance :Mechanic 562 Automotive Mechanic 554 Equipment Operator 550 Fainter 552 Truck Driver 440 Motor Equipmbnt Serviceman 574 Cement Finisher no; Skilled Laborer 570 Laborer No. or 1 TWEASUALN AND TAX COLLECTCYR 176 10 and Tax Collector y. 167 Deputy Treaeurer 126 intermedibte Aocoubt Clerk 11 Manse Tee, Liter Step Strb Stan No. A 0 E 2,3 367 3s5 405 425 447 41 425 447 469 493 51? 43 36? 385 405 425 447 47 405 4 447 469 493 43 367 385 4415 425 40 42 358 376 395 415 436 4...; 447 469 493 42 358 376 395 4j 5 436 40 341 358 376 ad," 38 L93 70 517 543 598 341 358 376 395 IARKINC METER 148 Perking Meter Collector l 4:?, 7 376 .395 31 436 572 Parking Meter Repairman 1 45 385 4c5 4._;]5 41,7 469 in addition to normal compensation, the person engaged in typewriter repairs shall receive an additional sum of 815.00 per month. 34AC1 TION itEbIEM AND TEMPERARY FART-111MX_CLER.104D1 Any Co f the above 0' classes, as appropriate, and, 106 Typist-Clerk 30 268 281 295 I'g° 325 Note: it is anticipated that the Typist-Cierk classification will. be used for most temporary. clerlcal work, except where stecial skills are required. 245 City Librarian 1 6.6 644 676 710 7/5 782 24o Assistant Librarian 1 54 4E1 505 530 556 584 230 Reference Librarian i 51 447 469 493 517 54.3 235 Catalog 'Librarian 51 447 469 493 517 543 225 3=Reni0 r Librarian 4 ? 47 405 425 447 469 493 220 Junior Librarian y 2 1 ,-. g 376 395 415 436 215 Library Clerical Assistant 5b8. '33 288 302 31? 333 349 215 Library Clerical Assistant (Part-Time) 2 Fgh 1_63 i .71 1,8c J...88 1.97 16o Public 3>> 3> Rapresentative it, 38 325 341 358 376 9.5 586 Janitor 2N5. 37 317 333 349 367 35 119 Secretary-Stenorapher l 43. 367 -483 1,(55 425 447 218 Library Page (Pert-Time) 2 F/h 1.12 "7 .124, 13>30 1.37 (m) Two Senior Librarians, supervisina the Branch and Children's DeparAments, will ,A, each receive $15.00 per month. in eon-melon to their current step scales. Section 3 Faraaraph lb a. s idav Work- All City employees covered by this Resoihtion, exelhding regular members of the Fire and Police Departments, part-timb employees, and division or deptrtmtnt heads, :who are required to work on any establishee. holiday, shall: (1) be paid for the numter of bodge worked at the rate of one and one-half timus the straight time rate based on. their monthly salaries; or (2) be alloctd such time off' from nelcymiedit with pay as is equal to the numider of hours wbrked on the Ft:Mb:May. Holiday pay shall be in addition to the regular salary an emplbyee received. for all. holidays welch fall on a regularly schedglbd work day for the employee. In. the event an employee ig required to work on a holiday, and. this holiday is beyond his regular work wtok, there shalt be nb pyrnmitimg of holiday pay in addition to overtime. b. Holiday key fbr Police and Fire Departments. All. employees of the Fblice and Rime Dbpartments, excepting the fblice Chief, Fire Chief, clerks, stenographers, or other civilian employees, shall be paid additicmal. compentatibn 1 holidays at the straight time dsily rate of 7 50 of their regular mbnthly salbries. This provision applies to the following holidave: Pew Year's Day renholnis Birthday bbbhington's Birthday Memorial. Day Independhfure Day Admission Day Columbus Day Lbbor key Veterans' Day. Thnhksgiving Day Christmas Day Im the event any of the aforementioned helideys shall fail within the vacation period cf said embleyees, the Department Head shall. determinb whether the employees affected shbil be paid additional. compensation for such heliday or holidays, at the rate in this paragraph providba, or be allowed additional vacation time to compen- sate for the loss of subh holiday or holidays. o. Overidima work is defined as old timb which. a City emplbyeb, excepting pamtatirb emplovees, division or department heaes, is reqbired to perform in excess of the number. Mf hours per week regularly scheduled for his position; except that in. any week during which a. holiday or holidoyb occur, tbe holiday or holidays will be included. ir computi, g. the basic work week. At the discretion of thh Dbportment head, oyhrtime will.. be compensated by either: (11 such timh off from egplcynhnt with pay as is equal tb the amount of time workbd in excess of the work hours per. week.. for such classcation, or (2) pay for such. work on. an. hourly basib at a rate of one and one-half times the rate pbid for services performed auging rbrmal work hours. d. All employees who are required by virtue of a subpoena, duly and lawfully issued by a court of law or other foram lawfully possessing the power of subpoena, to appear at such. court or forum, shall be allowed. timb off without loss of boy. fbr such an arpearonbe occurring during such emplbyeesi normal working hebra, such time off shall be limited. to the amount of time said employee is actually required by the court or forum. to be in attendance, plus travel timb to and fram. said court or forum. e. Fromstiors. A promotion, for salary parbbses, may. bb defined as appoint- ent to. a. position in 1 . class with a hiybbr maximen salary than. thb one previously held. en amplbyee being promoted from one class th onbther will kb eirced in the beolnning step for the new clabs or the first step of the new salary rangh which is highbr thbn the one he is currently occupying, whichever is higher. If, dhring the ensuing yebr from the date of prombtice he would hove mbved to a.. step with a salary equal to CT higher than he has received. upon prometioh, he shbil. be edvanbed to the next step in his new. salary rangb on thh 01 .0 he would have advanced had he hamaibme in the lager olassifibation, and this date shall. be his anriversary date for future step increases while in thh classification to which he has been prmkoted. In all other cases, advbncement to thb next step shall be at rr° completion of onh year in the new clbss, unless aphointment is at the first step of' his salamy range, in. which case advancement shall be at the com1 letihn. of six months in the new class. f. All salaries and. corchenbatiohs, as fixed by this Resolution, shall be pay- able, in. arrears, on the 5th and on the 20th day of each calendar month; provided, that when any such day falls on a. leghl holidays paymeht shall be made on the nekt precedirg business day. g. The salaries and rates of compensation as fixed by this Resolution shall be effectawe os of and after July 6, BB IT FURTHBI. REbOLVED that all other resolutions, or parts thremaXg in conflict herewith, are to the extent of subh conflict only, hereby. rescinded and annulled. * * * a * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby. certify' that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regulably introduced and adopted by the Council of thb City of Alemedia in reghlar nectirg assembled on. the 5th. day of July, 1960, by the followigg vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Coillschonn, Frehmbn, Petersen and Schacht, (4). NOSS: President RbCall, (.1) ABSENT: None. IN WiTIEBe Dlidaillifia, I have hereunto aet my hand and affimbd the officibl seal of said City this Sth day of July, 1960. SHIBLEf (SEAL) City Clerk of the dlty I hereby certify that the. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. D153, A RESOLUTION DESIENRTING TEE NUMENR OF AND PROVIDING Fa VHF COMPENSATION OF MEPAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER ENTLEYEEIT OF' THE CITY CF ALAMEDA ADD FROVMDIND RULED DAL RDGULATIONS RELATIVE THERETO," introciuced End adopted. by the Courcil on the 5th day of July, 19150. • , . • • , y Cherk of the City , Afcreda 9 C.) 02„,