Resolution 06105001 RESOLUTION' Heβ€ž 0105 RESOLUTION' Cf INTENTION TO ORDER TRE VACATION OF A CERTAIN RORY:ERE Or OAK STREST, IN TEE caTy OF Alb,- RIDA. (NORTH OF DLARGIDE AVENUE) g RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE crLT OF' ALAMEDA that the public interest requires, and said Council hereby declares its intention to order the vacotion, closing and abandonment of that certain portion of Oak Street north of Blanding Avenub, in the City of Alomeda, Cothty of Alameda, State of Californlb, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection. of the northmesterly lire of Oak Street, 43.83 feet 'wide, with. the direct extensien nerthwestorly of tht northeasterly line of Blanding; Avenue, 70.0E feet wide, as said Street and Avenue are shomh. on the "Map of Fart of the Minturn Tract, Riatecia" recorded March 3, 1877 at page 119, in Boak 1 of Naps, in the Alameda County Recorder's office; TREECE North 28* 39 East along said ,I, ,11 line of Oak Street, 173.56 feet to the "Lisle segregating the hie:. anb dry. land from the marsh label" as shown CT. Nap of Alameda Marsh Lanb recorded July 80, 1900 at page 74 in Book 25 of Reps, in the Alabses: County Recorder's Offloe; THhECE Soutr 59n 84' East along the last said lino, 21.92 feet to the centerline of said Oak' Street; TREECE North 28* 891 East along said centerline of Gek Street, 70.66 feet to the "Southerly Beehemay line of Tidal Canal" as setyvn cr.: said Mhep of Alameda Marsh. Land"; TREECE SoutE 619 22' East along saib "Southerly' Noundery line of Tidal Canal", 21,:91 feet to the southeasterly line of Oak Street; TMLINTE South 28* 39' West along said southeasterly line of Oak Street, 243.56 feet to thp said northeasterly line of blandirg Avenue; THENCE northmesterity along said direct extension northeasterly of the northeasterly line of Blanding Avenue, 43.83 feet to the BEGINNING. RE44LVED, FURTHER, that said Council finds and determines that the public convenience and. necessity require the reservation to the City of Alameda of a. per- manent easement ang right-of-way over and across ern under a. certain pwrcel. of land situate in that partion of Oak Street probesed to be vacated, for the 4. 4. of constructing, operating, maintaining:, replucing, renewing and repairing 3.- all rublic utilities including but not lted to, storm and sanitary sewers, facili- ties for transmission of' water, gas, electrncity and telephonic and telegraphic mgskagns, or either of them, and said permanent easement and right-of-way for the aforesaid purposes is her1 by. reserved to the City of Alameda and excepted from. the vatation of sain portion of Oak Street over, across. and under that certain. parcel.. of land situate in the Gity- of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, arg moro particularly described as folinms: BEGINNING at the intersection of tha nortrmesterly line of Oak Street, 0.83 feet wide, with the direct extension northwesterly of the nartheasterly line of Blanding Avenue, 70.00 feet h81e, as said Street. and Avenue are shown on the 8Ma4' of Part of the MEnturn Tract, Alameda" recorded March 3, 1877 at page 119, in Book 1 of Maps, in tr Alameda County Recorber's office: THENCE North. 28* 391 East along said northwesterly line of Oak Street, 173β€ž56 feet to the "Line segroteting the high and dry land fron the heron lani" as showh on FMap of Alameda. Marsh Land" recorded July 30, 1900 at page 74, in Book 25 of Nag, in the Alameda County Recorders office; TREA8CD South. 59* 34' East airing the last said line, 21,92 feet to the centerline of said. Cek Street; TEEDGE North 28k 398 East along said centeridee of Cek Street, 70β€ž66 feet to tho Southerly Reundery line of Tidal. Canal", as shown on said. "Nap of Alamede Marsh Land"; =ICE South gig 22' 30 East along said "Southerly Beeneary line of Tidal Canal 21,:91 feet. to the southeasterly line of said Oak Street; THENCE South 28* 398 West along said southeasterly line of Cek Street, 243.56 feet to the said northeasterly line of Blanding Avenue; TRELCE northwesterly along said direct extension northeasterly of the northeasterly lire of PRending Avenue, 43.83 feet to the FLEGINNISG. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the portion of Oak Street to be vacated and aban- dened and the details of said vacation. are more particularly shown upon thet certain map known as Drawing 4823, Case 54, bearing the ebgern: "Clesing of Oak Street Worth. of Blanding Avenue whinh mtp is hereby. approvee. for the perpsse of this grog ceedieg and is hereby ordered. filed ih. the office of the City Cielik of the City of' Alameda, sir. which map is hereby referred to for particulers as to the orogesed yacatioh. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the liab day of AljUST, 196°, at 7:30 o'clock p.my of said day, in the COUNCIL GHAMBER in the CITY HALL, at the northwest corner of' Santa Clara Avenue and Cak Street, Alameda, California, be, and the sane is herebyw fixed as tho time and .olace for hearing by tho Council of said. rait- of all perbors interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation- RESOLVED, FURTHER, thet the City Clork of the City of Alameda. is hereby directed to cabEe this resolution to be published, in the manner prescribed by law for the publishaing of ordinances of tho City of Alaanda, in the Alameda Times-Star, a daily newspaper of generaa. circulation published and circulated in sadd City, and the officiaa. newspaper thereof. RESOLVED, FUHTUNIN, that the City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby directed to post, or cause to be posted, conspicuously along the line of the street and parts of street proposed. to '1 vacated, notices of such. vacatibn, in the form pub manner required by. the legiplative act horeintafter mentioned. RESOLVED INERATRIER that in thp herein proposed vacation of said street or portion of street aferementichea, the Council. of the City of Alameda hereby elects to proceed under and in pursuance of the provisions of the Street Vacation Act of 1941 of the State of California (Chapter 01 Statutes of 1941), as amerbed. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wps duly and regularly introbuced and adppted by the Council of tho City of Alameda an regular mpeting assembled on the 19th day of july, 1960, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cpunbilnen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen and flitsidont MbCall, (4). NOES: None. ABSENT. Councilman Schacht, (11. IN WITLESS WHEREOF, I havb hbrenhto set my hand end affixed the offi- cial seal of said Cit13 . this nth day. of July, 1960. sRlhnfa R. TENELLR ra)EAf) p: cibbt of the City of Alanbda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. full, true arid correct copy of "Resolution No. 6105, RESOLUTION CE INTEFTION TO CEDER THE VACATICE OF A CERt:RiN PORTION OF OAK STREET, I.N THE CITY OF ALAELP (Naddii CR SIMMIING AVENUF)”, intro- duced anb adopted by the Council on the 19th day of jutly, 1960.