Resolution 06144RESOLUTION NO. 6144 ADCF(ING SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOCNISHING TO ICE CITY OF ALATEDA ONE (I) NEW, COMPLETE THREE CUBIC-YARD SrRECT WEEPER, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE RESOIWED BY THE COURCIL OF THE CITY OP ALMEDA tht the Specificcticns and Provisions for furnichioz to the CMty of Alameda one (1) new, Dom:Acta three rubio-yrd Ptreet scoec,r, MS 10-60-12, Ciled in the office of the City Clerk. on Octobex 18, 1960. be, anA ttm., a,one ore bereCy approved and adoptmd. FRECOTWEA, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of AlAnede will rommive s(.aled bids up to the hocx of 11013 o'clock a. m. en FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 28, 1960, furnishing to the City of said street sweeper, in accordance with sald Specifications and 41V 01, Bids must be presented to the City. Clerk, ic. tDe City Hall, Alameda, Caliiornia, under sealed ccver and plainly waYked on the outsidm, 'Proposal. (For Street. Sweeper", or Dimilar designation. Contract, if awardeM, will be awarded subject. to the provisiono of the. Chart.er of Gaid Cit(c to the responsible bidder who aubmits the lowest mnd best bid. The. right is reserved to reject any or all Lids. The City Clerk. is hereby directed to advertise, in. the Alammda Tic,Fc-Stc.r, a. notico oath:3dg for. seal.ed bidsmin accordance with the provisions of this resoloCicn and of eaid Specificaties and Provisions. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution WAS dcly and regclAxly introda(ced and adopted by the Council of thm City of AleReda. in rescIcr memtimg assemblcd on Cae day of October, 1()60, by. che following vote, to wit: AYES. Ccunciimen Collischenn, Freextan, Petersem eud Vice President Schacht, (4). NOE3. None. AESECT: President McCall, (1). 1. WITNESS WIEREC,F, I have hereunto sot my hand and affixcd the official seal.. of said. City. this 19th day of f.-.)tober 1960. SD „TENNER (SCAID CI Clerk ok the Czty of AlaccO,a * * * * * * * * * T cereby oertiFy tCat too D.)reseirv,( La a Pull, ucce acd correct cayy of 'Rosointion Ho. DILI+, i(DUPTING SACIFICATINS 4 FDDNISFINC 20 THE OilY OF ALA:F.D.:DA ODD (1) NEW, COMPLETE 1,FICE CU-IN-YARD SIDDET CW(FETER, OCILIHC ITT DIM AND DITIFIFTIND CIID DLEDK HO ADVET2ISE SAME," introduced cad adDpted by the Coan,c(1 oa t.De (Cth day of 11 4. 1960. City Clerk of.f.DD (City of Alaumda