Resolution 06146PESOIBTION 00, 6146, 073 ADOPTING SP5CIFICATICNS, SPECIAL ifii.OVISIONS AND PLANS nil INSTALLATION OV A sTeam DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN NINTH STREET FE03ii, BUNNA AVENUE TO THE SEGREGVZION LINE, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DILEOTING CITY TO ADVERTISE SAME,. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared SpecificatlAns, Special ProvisIonv and. Plaav for tho. installation. of a 5tOrM drainage system in Ninth Street from ViAto AW,r,.1.0. to the Sagvegny tiOn Line, numbered fiV if-60-22 and filed in. the office of fhe City Clerk. co Noverkvat 1, 1960: NOW TUEREFORE, BE IT REZOLVED BY 7Tf.E COUNCIL OF THE GNI OE AIANEDA iliac the aforeAviiii vapecificAtionf„, vipefIvi Pavviviory and Plane, nviAberaV and filed es afoivsaiV, he, vild the savii Arra heyeAy approved and Adopted. RESOLVED, FDRTEER, ifilat the pefformanne and coopletion. of the work. specifivd in Spool a ficatfoAp and Provifions be, and. one sere if hereby aufbnirizeA. AESOIgVD, ?BRIT:1ER, that the Council of thA City of Alameda viffi reoeive sealad bids up to the hour of 11:00 o'clock. a— m, on. THU7SDAA7., NiDVEnBER 10, 1960 for furnVohIng to the City of all labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment necessary for fife. oork fereinaAovo refervAA to, in wfvh fAid Specifinationa avd Proviiienv. 3ids iinst be preAeAted to the City' Clerk, in the City hall, Aivaieffiv, CalifArnia, under sealed covor amd plAinly mArked on fLia outside, :Proposal for installatlon of Storr. Ofvfnage Systev in Niinth Street from 3uena Vista Avenne to Segregation Lined, or similay designation. Contract, if awarded, ifVIA be aoarded sAbjeot to dile pavvisionA of the Cfaarter of tic, City of Alaraida, to the feeponsible bidder oho subrdts thv lowest and best bid. The right is reserved. to reject ady or all Aids, Said Specifications and Provisions -fay be bad by any prinfpeative bidder on applicArion. to the City linginver, at his raffie in the City Evil, Alameda, California, The (Iffy Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the flaireda Times-Stax, a notiAe caliing for sealed biAs, in ancordance Adth the proviaionv At thds resolution and of said SpecIficationv and Provisions. * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly' Lntroduce6 and adopted by the CoAncil of. the City of Alai:Aida in regular meeting asfembled on the Ist day of November, 1960, by the following vote, to wit: CAuncilirem Collischnnn, Freeman, Schacht and PreAfdent MACAU, (4). NOES None, ABS.EgT: Counoilirom Petersen, (1). IN VITIVESS 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand. and. affixed the offVnial seal of said City thio 2nil day of Noverinat, 1960, SUIRLOA n. TENNIA Clerk of the CIVy of AlemATA I. hAreby certify that the fornsoing iv a full, true And cArreft copy of flievniption No. 614.6, ADCPTIN2 SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL FiiffiffiSIONS An PLANS F0.12. INSTAIZATION OF A sToam. DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN NINTH STREET FROM MENA VISTA AVENUE TO.THE SEGREfiATION LINE, CAIIING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY "i/LERK TO ADVERTISE SAPIE,D tufroduved and A0Apied by ffn Offaffi on. ffe lvt dsy of Auyolaber. 1960, ff City COaiffootiiie City ot