Resolution 06156RESOWTION NO, 5156 A DOPT INC SPECIFICATIONS, SPEC TAT, PROVT SIONS MID PUMPS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF !POUND STREET BETAJEEN OIT..S DRIVE AND WATERTON STREET , CALLING FOR BIDS AND oriesfs corrsc, CITY CLERK TO P 3 , the C ty rp„ pr has prepare:I Spec enti en. , Sipe PrO",.7 i S nn Ci P n if or the enpr OnennEnn t. of Mound. ree t twz„ e Ot i s Dr .1..ve Wa ter top St„: t 'numbered the o.r fine nr C y le r ob. .r.P r „ 1960; NOW IIII7,REFOliE, TT RE SOIMED ris 031..)N CIL. OF THE CITY OF ALAMaDA bha t tho f ore sm id fineci- f ca. Lions , 3 1 visions and ?Inns, nirkered and fl.led as aforesaid, be, and the same bre barony a n6 ommi a clop t.pP „ RESOLVED, FURTIIER „ thn t the pc r ormnn cc and cmppic on of the work • spe sa Spe cations and Fmovisions ne, ond. the saue is hereby bobboriabO. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the . 1 re ce ive sealed b ids up to emb, hour n :00 a, amp, FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 , 1960 for f urn 1 sh ing to the City of al lab or , ma teri - tool s and equ ipman ne ce ssary. for the work here. inabove re f erred to , a cc or clan ce. th sa id Spe cj:11 t on.s. and .12..ro‘mt 011.9. Bids st be pre seated. to the Ci t Pc, C..1 ty ameda , forn „ under seal. c over and pl. a. in 1. y mar ked on the outs "P opo sa 1 or LITT:overran t of Mound Stree t t weem s Dr i.ve a'ad. Wa ter t; or, S LIPP e mr p lar s t on Com mac f awarded , wi be awarded sub jmc t the pr ovi i on. of the. Char ter n the C ty of Alameda , he re sip bps Vo b r who submi ts the 1 owes and be s t id, The r gh t re se rvc cl rmpje any or ail b s, Said eci t. onp 1 rmy °ma apty be had ia.ny any pros pPc 13 3 a pp nat 1 on to the ty Erta,i n pP in the CI ty fAmro The Ci ty CI el" s he re.by rec. ted to a d,.7e I , the, Al. nimmin Time spS tam , n ot ce inp, lor scal.Pd bids, in Pc comdcAlbe wi tit titc im£ 1 cmf this resoi utT, op and of so id Speci Pat ons anc, Provis nne.'".. , than. unplers gnepl , e reb y cer t fy. 'chat:. the f orpgoin g s y and re su Imrly Li-e- duced and dop ted 1,1y the. Cipme 1 of the City of PAI amed regular mee t. p, Ed th 4th d.my „abe r 19.60 , y the fol. low vote , to i Councilorn 31 31 Frfnauan, Petarsen, Schacht ana.! Presideun meosol, (5) Noss None „ ENT ! N On wrIssE ss WHEREOF , T. have Ippreun to sp. t m.y harm! and affi xed the off: P4 al se a/ d Ci ty s 7 th day E Decenber „ 1960. ) SH R avp 7,„ ity C tem , the City of Alf.Tainda 'Perch y „PArtify t the f p•rem, o G. fp 1 truE. and correct copy of ,,Re sol. uti on No, 61.5(i , prxopm ENG .,pp pp imp pppplp s, !..3Tp.p.p p pop srups AND PUNS FOR. ll,IPROVEPIElPT OF MOUNT) STREET 17MjEiEN 0`.•ps. DrAppE AND PIATEIITCR SIPEPT , CALLING FOR 31: GS AND DIRECTING CIFEY. CLERK TO P.DVERLITSE SANE,. in13 mm:1p bed ape .1,1. ted 1:my the C pun I. pp, the P bh day of j.,:ecepPbe , 1960.