Resolution 06235393 strittErioN oF THE couETETE: 'PPP MACY TUE Oo A CiliATRACT FOR. 3ERVICES OF A CERTIFIED POBLIC ilCC°iSNT FaF SectiDn 3-7(e) of the Charter the City nf Alarreda recrilirs the desig.p.nt on. of a certified acicetant t, investi3ate ond audit accounts ot the City, etc.; ond WITEREAS. a proposed cunr.i.lcir. for the. fiAcal yeiiir 1961-1962 ',AO., the firm of Hack Lau:Fin Ceyti tied Public. Accountants, ,,a5 been. 5ubTdt.t.ed the Council. and the Cnunci I is fully informed and aioare of. fae and. there.A.f. colALriact being filed with. the City Clerk and marl:lid JuaL 20, 1961'; NOi..■ THEREFORE., RESOLVED BY. COUNCIL. OF ATTTEHt the Mayor of tite City Alameda is hreby authori2ee and directed. to e%ccute for and cin behalf CiLy contract referred. to above by and City anA the firm of Lnrzelere far certiiiAled public accAunting acriAlco.s for the Eiscal ycar 1961-1962. Ciry s hereby v.:testi to siirAci. T, 12.1.firsignee, hereby certify nnat the foregoing Ticsolution oiis July re3uliirly introduced and adopted by the Council of the Ci nf Alameda in. regui,ir meeting assembled on. the diiy of June, 1961, by. the filowi.v..g .vote, to wit:: Councilmen Ourigi-m, Ciid.frey. Schacht an..1 President Collisclior, (5). AF3sF,'NT! None. IN i..,IITNESS ii,=.-iireunto set my hand and affixcd the of ficini seal on said City tn i 2T,L day SRJRLEY H. TENN Clerk Air. thA ClAy of I erc.I.,v certify thiiL the fiiregiiing is a full. true and ci..irrect copy c.f., Resoluti on No. 6235, .Aiii.1116RIZI% THE EXEC:ill:ION OF A CONTRACT FOR OF A.., CEti.fiiTiD:,:.!BLIC ACCOUNTA.iiir THE FISCAL YEAR -1962', introduced and adnipi.e0 by tile Council on .t.h.e LJal ciny of ...June, 1961.