Resolution 06237RESCIUTTON OF TIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMil,DA PROVIDING Fm 111-.PE TlER DIEll FOR CHl10ERS l.ND elP 1.1E CITY CT ALAMED FOR WHEREAS, llection. 22-7 of the Charter of the City of Alameda remairos alat. th.e. Council annally fix the per diem allowance for traveling expenses of officers an..ci emplcyees of the CILy; THEREFCRE, BE RESCIYED flY. THE CaRl-Cil, OF TPE cA:n: OF ALANOEllA as follows: That the per diem. .;:or all officers and employees DE Lhe ciry ,..)fr: Alameda while. attending to official duties. both. within and without Ole City of Alall.eda shall not exceled the. amount of the actual ex?ense lacurred per diem by such officer or employee, in. additiou to the costs of trans- portalion actually IncurreA: and. Provided f:urtlier, that such expenditures shall be reco...lpens'ed 1..c, such officer or employee by the of Alameda ...pen submissiell of a sf.atement. -of such. ex.perlse in form stiAface.orry to the, Olty ,f I, the unAersign.e, hereby certify that the fcreg !lesolutcn 7.7.as duly anJ nagularly introduced and adopted by Council of the City of Alameda. in reE.Illar meeting assembled on Che 20th day of 1.961, v.te, to wl AYES C,uncilmTn Dunran, Codfl^ey, Scllac:lat nnd Presdertt Collischonn, (5), IF WilNESS WHERIE.01,, llave hereul2to set vy hand nfflixed the fficial se21 of said City this 21st day cll. Sulle, (SEAL) City Clerk .f the City .t I hereby certify lhal: the foreoing is a full, Lrue aila correct copy of 'City of Alameda llcsollution No. 5237, PROTIEll.11l.= FUR AllOITNT PER DIEM FOR OTTIC7PS AND EYTLOYEES nF. 7,72: CITY OF AL,lill]DA FOR 7llTENSIS', Introduced and adopted by tile Council on the 20th day 0E lune, 1961.