Resolution 06246CTIN oF ,IvmDA BESOiNT3CN NO. 6246 RESOLUTION OF TBE OBBNBNCL OF TBE 0127 OF ALAMEDA A,P.P0j0TBINN CIVIL SETNICE BOARD, 2`22304.1NTS BY TATE 00f2NCIT, ON TUE NIT( OF ALAMEDA that. pursoffAt to the. prhvisims Brticle N. of the Charter of the. City of Alameda, niaci upon norainhtion. of the Mayor, C. H. BPBERS is hezeby appointed. to the office BN member oT ChB Civil fferB0ce Board oT. thfs City of Alfcceds for f. term commencing on fuly 1, 061, Brij expiring on. JURE 30, 1966, Bald to serve until. his. successor I, the unersigneB,, hereby certify' thac the foregoing Nesolutaen was duly ABA regularly intisoduchd and Adeptpd by th2 Council of the City hi' Almeria. in regular aleeffing assembled. on the 20th clay of June, 1001, by the. f CI 1 ANTS: CounollBen Nhczah, Cedfrey, Schecht and President CollischorN, (5). PONS: hi3SCTNN Nnhe. TN N1TCESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set Thy h.h.nd anh affixed Ow offasial ser0 ff. said City Chas 21st. day of fuss, 2061. 0.32BLEY (NEIL) (Tiny ClerS of the City of. .A1.9c23,2s-- hcreCy nertifh, r.fe fTB fsregfchs a full, true. and correct copy if "City. ef SAacied.a Becointion No. 6246, AproINTJT...,n NTMBER OF TPE CiVIT. SERVICE BOARD', frtrnduced and adhiated by tne Courioil. of, tics 20th dc9 ff. fTIBB, 1.001 CiCy ClsinBBcf.fc9Che City of Alamedf