Resolution 06336/' ; CITY OF ALAMEDA RESM,UTION NO. 6336 RESOLUTION OF TOE COnfiL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA IN MENOPLAM 12.2...LPN C. Nla,21" HEARTPELF GROU, the Council. of the. City of Alameda records the death of one of ILY-5 former emplcyees, LONN C- Assistant,City Engineer at the time c-Oi. his retirerfeot on. Mdy 15, 1950. i-filIZUOVO, Mr. Ocison had been eipleyeO as an. Inpector in. the Engineering DeparLmep on Mmy 13, 1921, and by the diligent and capable. performance of his duties hmd Meem appcinted Assjst,ft Clty Enzineer on October 1, 1936, in ohfich capacity 'A:7, served umtil his retirement; and hMEREAS, Oft. Nelson hod h<ien a cYlfscientios and loyal. el.floyfie and hid been most friendly and cooperve olth all of his felflom wcrkers and other .1.0.9socialfes. THEREFORE, BE T.T. PESOLArED toot, in recognition ef the excellent service given by Mm. Nelson durinz him L.wety-nine years oE municipni employnsmt mid the harmonAcms reltions he fostered, the Council. of the City of Alameda does hereby express its sadness at his death end. its gratitude for the fine job rendered by this good man. BE rr FORTITR REST14ED that this resolution be spreafi in full upon. the minmtes of this meeting and a copy thereof be sent to Mr. Nelson's family as a sincere expresion of confloleqce in its bereavement. BE -ifr voi3A7HER RESOLVED that when. t.lAs meeting of the Council. of the City of Aloneda adjourns, it shall do so in refipecL to time meiro,y of LONN C. NELSON. * * * * * * * * * * I, the un.d.ersigned; hereby certify char the foregoing Resolutjon was ally and regularly introduced en:d adopted by the Conc.ji. of the City of AJamf,,ehk in regula.r meeting :assembled on the 6th lay of March, 1962, by. the following vote, to Yolt Counclimfm Codfrey, Rmse, Seacht and 'Orasident 1 1 (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN ',..1f1TESS OHERECT, I. have hereunto set My hand tmd tffixfmf the. officiyyl seml. of Said City this 7'61. dmy of hrch, 1962, SHIP.LEY. H. TENNITR City Clerk. of the CAty of Alameda * * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregulnig is a. full, true and corrert copy of 'City of Alameda Resolution No. 6336, IN IOZMOR-ifkM TO LENN C. NELSON", Introduced and adopted by the. Council orl the 6th dcy of March, 1962.