Resolution 06338CITY OF' ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6338 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TUE CIT9 OF ALAMEDA ADOPTTNG SPECIFICATIONS, UNCIAL FROVCSIONS AND PLANS FOR UCDENtNG OF CLnENT ',VENUE TIETNFEN PARK STREET AND BROAHNAY, CALLING FOR BIDS AND MRECTI.NS Clara CLERF: TO ADAFERTISEMF. 9HERENS, the City Eaglociem hEs prepared SpEcifications, iiipecial Provisions and Plana for the mldening al Clement AvEnEe between. Paric Street and Broadway, nurthered PW -FlaN and riled in the office of iht City Clerk oy, Parch 20, 1902; NOW THERFFORF, 3E IT RESOLVED FT THE COUNCIL 07 TAF (1271i OF ALAMEDA Chat thu acforesoid Speciticncions, Fpeciat 'Provisions and Plans, numbezed End Filed as Aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby approved and. cid:opted:. HESOLVED, FURTHER, that the pErfermance and completion oF the work speclfied in said Speci- ficationa auti Provisions be, aud that same is hereby authorized. 1URilER, Chat the Ef the C1cy Alameda hail receive sealed hidc uo to 1 . I '"Y1C1'''CR r(911iNAY, T9R9,9 1962, fEr Carpi thing co the City or ill Nihau, materials, imacaliheiTa, cohls and aguipoacino nEciessury 2ny. the w0f;,, hereipahovE reiartEd toc in ocaordance sAth salU STeciticociano ana arovimiiiono. RiEs onaet he presentea to the City Clerk, in (he City hall, Alataccia, Cal.iornia, guaet EaalEd cwver and alajrly NarNeo tn CaU outalae, 9.12oposal 9or ',Fagg:rig 07 Clyahent ivonoi Beataien ?arc StFEet aod iireaccimay9, or similar desianatico, Contract, if Awarded, wili he awardod subject to the provisiorE cf the CEArter mt the. City of Aliiimula, to the responwible bidder who submits thE. looest antii beAc hiN. The miglit is reserved tA reject any or n11 gAas„ SEld Sgeoificigtiono Provisions may be hpd by any prospEctive bidder on application ma 2he Cita/ Civincam, at Pis o2fict, in thE City Pell, Al:pi:go:1a, Califorgla. 'CAP City ClEol iE berchy Eire...cad to alvertIEE, iu the Almataup TigasaFtur, a notice calliny Foir sealed Niog, ig gocoraanae AUCh hhp hroviisiong oP this resoloticin ana of Saaci(icatioos and hroEl pi Ens . 2, the undersigned, heiroFoy certify that the forcapoina, 'AeSOlUtiOn. WaS duly autii rEgalarly introduced and cidoptad by chE Counoil tbE CAtw of AlAFamag in regeJar metating ossealdea eg bhs 20th day of 19E1, by the following voge, to gilt: ANESi Counchilion CailfETy, McColl, Rose, Schacht. paid President: Collischenn. (5). IN ULTHESS NNEREOF, 2 have hereunto set my hapiA anU a(cigied the official seal of said City +Aiwa nut day of Marc!1, rA2. 'icy Clerk oi tag City GE herEby certify that Ula horEgoing a full, true ana cog:Fact copy oi City of Aiameaa Resolution Nh. 0118, ADOPTING SPECTFICATIONS„ SPECIAL, PRCVISTONS AND PLANS FOR NIDENINF OF CliFail.FT aVENUE UFTWEEN PEPH. STREET NROADWAY, CALLiNG PHR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME', introduced toad adapted by the Council nn the ?Oth t:',,o7 of Namgh, 1962.