Resolution 06369CFI( OF ALANYffi IIESOLCTION Yo, 63b9 RESOLUTION OF FRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF: ALAMEDA PROVIDING FOR TME AMOHNT PER. DIEM CIFICERM AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. FOP. ;RAVELING EXPLNSES: WIIER:fAS, Section 22-7 of the Charter of the City: of Aiameda Tv:quires tftat the Connbil annnally fix the :fey diem allowanbe for imayeling expenseb of officers and employees of the: City, HOW THEREFORE, 2E fb RESOLVD BY ;HE COUNCIL OF: THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. as follows: That per diem aIlowance for all officers and employees of fei. City of Alameda whi:e a:A:ending bm official dniics, Loeb within and. without the, City cf Alameda, shali hot exceed the: amount: of file actual expenses incurred per diem by such officar or employee, in aedition to the costs of tramsportation actually iMOGArred; and Provided further, that such expenditures shall be recompensed. to such officer or employee by the City of Alameda upon eubmisbfon of a statement of such expenwe in form satisfactory te the Auditor of tba City of Atameds: iy the undersigned, hereby vertify !Alai the foreaoing Resolution was duty and regularly introcitH:ed and adopted. by the CoomolI of film City of, Alameda in reLifiar matitIog assembled on the 19th day of. June, 1962, by thm. fclinifing voLe, to wit: Councilmen Godfrey, MfoCall, Rose, Si:Manioc awd Presidenf folliechonn, (5): LOYS: fohc. IN WTI:SUSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff,xed the official. seal of said Ciiy this 20th day of June, 1962. City Cleru of the City of ylahmda hbreby rt.Ify that:. the Foregoing is a full, erne and. correct copy of. "City of Alameda Resolumion. No, 6369, PROVIDING FOP. THE AMOUNT PEP DIEM FOR OFFICERS Aleti EMPLOYEES CTI -LAE C1MY OF ALaffEDA FOR TTLAVELING EXPENSLSH, introduced and adopted Sy the ConnoiI on the 19th day ef inne, 1962, City Clerk ofjfiya Cilry of Alanieda