Resolution 06443Ci IN OF ALAMEDA RESOTHIreN NO. 6443 RESOLUTION OF CliE CONON. OF THE CITY C1N ALAMEDA HSTABLIS01.6C EIECTIO PREENINCTS. DESICHATIN0 EOLLINC, PLACES TBEaEFOR ANL NAMING OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR EACH PRECENTT FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL EuxnJcv TO 3E: HEID ON TUESDAY MARCH 12 .1963. WEEAS, purpant to the provisions of Article XIX of the Charter of the City of Alameda and of Resolution No. 6432 heretofore adApted by the Council, a geoHral. municipal election has been called aAd ordered to be held in the City of Alameda, St.e,H of California, on Tdepday, March 12, 1963; NOWm THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by. the Council of' the City of Alameda that the lig: election precincts 09 thin. rhe City of Alameda as the Hama 9.,ere last heretofore definpd, designated, fixed and es tab?, shed by the BoArd of SlApexvi sors f the County of Alameda StatP pH Cal i forni a „ as the election precincts withih the. City of Alameda for holding genpral skate and county elections, be and the same arc, hereby fixed and designated and established as the election. procinets for holdinp: said general. pAnicipal election:, and FE IT FHR797227 RESOLVED Lima!: the locaticAs of the polling places in. and for said electimn premincts ana the ele1 Tr2prs for the precinct Boards to cianeluct said 'genera] municipal election in. said precincts be and the same are hereby designated And appointed, reapectEivel.y, as follows. FRHCIN00, _4.801 Pol ing ac.c Garage, 317 Elai t. 1 and Drive 0lection Officers: Inspector Ella May Waterbury Lem 333 Beach Road :Ridge!, Sena Lorraine Magliy Dem 344 Beacli Road Clerk .', Lorraine VanDer Haehep Dips 279 Beach Road Clerk! Donna Lee Amos Dem 1410 SeAMA....ry Avenue 17REC:OCT 4N2 ace Garage, 1020 Begonia Drive Elc.c6ion Officers . Inspector. Di ape El ene Johns top Rep 1020 Begonia Drive 26.624,e.: Capi 1 I a Oatinop. Dem 1007 Begonia DriNe LMerk:. Clara M. Cox Rep 1011 begonia Dri ve Clark:. Martha Hilma Caton Dam III Garden Road 11 RECIN17.2:2,;0, 48,03 Polling Mace; Carage, 69 Maitladd Drive El ecti on Of f cers TAspector= Judge: Clerk: PRECINCT 60.26804 Mary Madeline Gonzales Frances Van Sloten Jane Thompson Polling Place Carage, 3226 Washingr:on Street Dem Garden Road Rep 30 Maitland Drive Rep 231 Beach Road Elea:MA cA CM f i Hers: Inspector Rita Angela Ferro Rep 73226 Washington Street Muriel Irene Spatcher Dem 976 High StieHE Clerk: Yolanda Cecelia Stefani Hem 32.16 Nmsbington Street Clerk: Helen YL Mileta Dem 327M Washington Street PRECINCT 48,05 11 PlaccA GaraPH, 121.0 Post Street Election Off 1 pers.: Inspector, JudgH: Clerk: Stimley M. Erickson Rep 120'6 PHst Street Rose. MN. Erickson. Dem 1266 Post. Street. Maria Fulop Rep 3219 Cpntral Avenoe HAten Margaret Hiemensa Rep 3210 Medi son. Street Ne:,_48016: Pol Ag Place Garage 3236 Briggs Avenue aNedijmad Officers: InPpector Or ap e ficogi ris Dem 3247 Elpinal Avenue SaJse; Li , Ilan Rohe Pc s Dem 3240 Br,. ags Avenue Cleric: 2(11 th F , Harden No66 Rep 3236 Madi son aven le Clerk: Ada '::. CUaili ag1 Nap 17i6 A.igh dtreeN FEEE)E1:0_110, 41107 Poll:n:2 Place: Garage, 1380 Hansen Avenue EThcrion Officers: Inspeckor: Edward L. Cummings Rep 131.8 High Erreen Judge: Vita G. Tilton Dem 1358 FMrnside Boulevard Clerk: Anne Kriege Dem 1343 Hansen Avenue Clerk: Adel:nr Toye Cox Rep 3013 Santa Clara Avenue SRECI,IIC„2„„ 4k:1015 Polling Pinch. Carage, 3220 EIerIing Avenue Election Officers: 1 William M. Woodward Dern 1255 Sterling Avenue Judge: Ida E. Ghiselli Dem 3225 Sterling Avenue Clerk; LOUiFe En, SrKlker Dem 3243 Sterling AvenTh Clerk: Robert E. Cooper Dem 1546. East Shore Drive PRECINCT NO. 4809 Polling Place: Garage, 3310 Liberty enue Election Crfecers: Inspector: Elerence Sieleck Nep 1819 Cambridge Drive. Judge: Lenora D. Went Rep 1450 Fernside Boulcvard Clerk: Alpha OmegR, Si:Egferon. Dem 2909 LTheoiR Avenue Clerk: WiThian H. SinRjetcn Dem 2909 Lincoir Avenue PRECINCT 110. 4810 Polling Place: Garage, 1610 High Street Election Officers; Inspector; Harold L. CcoRe Rep 1526 High Street judge: Bessie L. Cooper Rep 1610 High Street Cleric: Jessie M. Cocke Rep 1526 High Street Clerk: Russell H. Cooper Rep 1610 Sigh Skreer PRECINKE NO. 4811 Polling Place: Gerage, 3246 Thompson Avenue Elec.:Lion CR5icers: Inspector: Roy J. Pictz Rep 1627 Lincoln Avenue Indge: Claire Brdyn Lubbock Rep 3251 Thompson Avenue Clek.; Maureen Loretta Gilligan Dem 325% Fairview Avenue Clerk: Carroll A. Wallin Sep 3246 Thompson Avenue PRIRICSINCII:,0„1,9704 Roniirg Place: 3329 Fernside Boulevard Election Officers: Inspecror: Mary Elizabeth. Rickman Ded: 3329 Fernside Boulevare Judge: YRldreR Oppenheimer Dem 1 Vista Avrnue Clerk: Verna Rn Fraser Dem 3322 Fernside Boulevard Cierk: Marie Collins Dem 3312 Fernslde Boulevard IRO , 4.813 Polling 21ace: Gar:neTh 5114 Fernside Boulevard Elecrion Officers: Inspector: Gladys B. Llo70 Rep 1616 MTheeland arive Judge: EThel M. PThIlipsen Rep 3001 Marina Dx1ve Clerk: Sally Thene Anse:. Pep 3020 Marina Drive Clerk: Iohanua E. koharsen Rep 3019 Fernside Boulevard PR5q1N5Th NO. 4814 PEllirg Place: 2827 Win0sdr Drive E.:err:Jon Officers: 1nRpeenor: Cora E. Vonhof Rep ?SKI Fernside Boulevard Judge: Verne . Coffin Den: 2501 Marine. Drive Clerk.: Bartley J. Coffin Dem 2901 Marina Dr.ve Clerk: Margaret M. Barny Rep 28527 Windsor Drive PRECINCT NO. 4815, Polling Place: Garage. 1710 Moreland Drive ElectIon OfficersI Ihspector; Ellahhhe Rocella Holhren Rep 2017 Cambridge Drive. Jedge: Maliel Nftlis Stauffer Rep 2821 Yosemite Avenue Clerk: Dean Marripet D S 2007 Cambridge Drive. Cierki Millie Louise Geste Rep 3016 Lincoln Avenue PRECINCT NO. 4816 Polling Place, Room, 1822 Fremont Drive Election Officers: Inspector, Jean MA.Ci2C Fep 1820 Harvard Drive Judge: Rhea Eloise Reski Rep 3130 Gibbons Drive Clerk, Virginia Griffith Hess Dem 3Enie Fernside Boulevard Clerk: June Eleanor Tiller Rep 3021 Lincoln Avenge FRkCINCE 83, 4817 Palling Place: Garage, 3031 Bay() 'lista Avenue Election. Officers: inspector: NOrrna Eisenhart Rep 3020 Fernside Boulevard Judge: Cella I. Mpuchou Dem 1820 Yale Drive Clerk! Mary Ellen Mbrosoli Dem 3126 Cthbons Drive Clerk, Christian B. Nielsen Rep 3031 Bay° Vista Avenue PRECINCE NO, 4818 Porling Place: Garage, 3002 Thompson Avenue Election Officers: respecter: Mary Lanse Langan. Rep 3281 Garfield Avenue Jedge, Agnes M. Stevens Rep 2938 linnoln 8Nenue Clerk: Marion M. jeckson Rep 3103 Liachin Avenue Clerk: Alpha Lee Scurlock Dem 2905 Lincoln Amenue PRECINCT NO. 4819 Poi,hag ?Ince, Room, 2823 CenLeal AVCIME EiecLion Officers, Pnepehtor: Floreche Elizabeth. Thau Dem 28723 Central. Avenue judgel Ida Louise Names Dem 2834 Sania Clara Avenoe Clerk: Maude Lewis Rep 3082 Windsor Drive Clerk: Emma May Page Rep 28.01 Santa Clara Avenue ITECINCT O. 410 Polling Place: Garage, 2901 Central Aaerue ElectVoa Officers: lespehter: Veronica OVHara Dem 3017 Santa Clara Avenue Shicige Vincent Mathebat hep 1411. Foantain Stxeet Clerk: Margaret B. Wierfleink Rep 1521 FounEsin Street Clerk: Ruby M. Iverson Rep 1531 Court Street PR ECI N C E.0., 482 '1 Polling Place: Garage, 1325 Court Stieet Eiecti.ms Officers: rnspectcr, Thelma Eleanor Maceens!,e Rep 2943 Madison. Street Judge: Vera M. Evans Dem 1351 Mound Street Clerk; Edith B. Messo Rep 2884 Lincoln Avenoe Clerk: Charles D. IeVine Dem 1352 Versailles Avenue PRECINCle 4322„ Pciling Place.: Garage, 1320 Versailles Avenue Eleeticn. Officers: Inspector: Barbara Camisa Reo 2900 San Jose Avenue SPdge: Elsie. Porter Bechs 3, l360 Grove Street. Clerk, Mary But= Deo 3034 Fernside Boulevard Clerk Mary jane Groves Dem )320 Verpallles Avenue PRECINCT NO. 4.821 Polling Place: Garage, 1130 College. nvenpe Election Offieerh: inspector: Robert W. Bunch. Dem 1312 Mound Street jedge, LoWee W. Kelly Dem 2818 8neinal Avenac Clerk: Marietta Eileen jJanan Dem 914 Versailles Avenue Clerk: Lallian 3, Hamlin Dem 2801 Central. Avenue IIREE1110111„ 110,0 LelE1gg., Polling Place: 8arage, 1917 San Tose Avenue Eleotion Officers; Inspector: Hazel. E. Blanchard Dem 3115 San Sose Avenae judge; Helen F. Carlson Dem. 1208 Court 3treet Clerk: Maud I, Sanderson Dem 2909 San dIpee Avenve Clerk. June Lueilie Sanderson. Dem. 2909 San. Jose Avenue PRECINCT NO. 4825 Polling Flace Community ROOT, Frank dela Schocl, :1010 Filizzire Street Eleceion 08ficers: inspector: 111 11.1 M. Anderson Dern 1012 Mound. Street-. dadg11 Lucile P. Graham Dern 2840 Madison Streer Clerk, Martha C. MeGlinn. Dem 2909 Fillmore Street CTerR, Nella Alis Dem 2719 Clay Sereet PRECINCTNO. rj12.6. Polling Faee Garage, 2808 Clay Street Eideelon Officers: inspector; elfred J. Noia Rep 2707 Clay Seeder Judge: Katherine H. Bartend Pep 2526 Otis Dreve 81er1,1 LeTie Burke Trockner Rep 2805 Cdis Drive Clerk: Goldle R. ealseth Dem 2909 Eladieng Street. 8RCINCTTNO. 6841 Polling Place: CaraT,e, 2608 Calhoun Sereern Election °Hirers, Inspector; FneederEnk S. Curren Dem 98o Pearl Sereet Judge: Ruth Martha Carroll Rep 969 Pearl Street. - ClerYT Ruby. E. Brandy Pep 2608 Calhoun Street, ClarkL Deroehy B. Tiambere Rep 21 Enednal Avenue PRECINCT NO '842 Polling Plage: Room, 2427 Oeis Drive Election. OffIcerst inspector; Tillie Aeyering Rep 2427 Otis Drive eange: Loille M, Cunetcn Dem 1077 Park Avenue nlerIN. darriet 1,. Siebert Rep 911 Regent Streee CJerk, FranR D. Kelly Rep 2947 Southwood Drive PRECINCT N.0„. 481:3 Pollirg Place: Garage, 2611 Washington Street Election. Officers.: nepector: Ednd. Marie Fletcher Rep 1162 Broadway judge. donle H. Aliap Rep 1003 Pearl Street Cler1„. Leonora. D. Wescher Rep 1185 Broadway Clerk., Loud se 11 19 Rep 1009 Versailles Avenve PRECINCT NO. 4344 Polling Place. Gdrage, 120P Park Avende Election. Offrecers . 1 Florence Gill Rep 1518 Morton Street Judee Mary. Ellen Pope, Rep 1256 Regent Streee Clerk; Elizabeth .1.1zi. Rep 1196 Park Avenue Clerk 8azel dergenEalin Rep 1226. Park Avenue PRECINCT NO. 4131.5 Pciling Piece: Rcom, 1133 Rcggnt Street Election. Officers! Insper rare S. Gertrude Shull Rep 541 Taylor Avenue judge! Onorine 11. Bertero Rep 1246 Parli, Avende • Cler Edna. MdFall DEM 1167 Rogvnt Street Clerkz Anne. Charoletre Echtermenzey Rep 1258 Park AVCFUC 111 r,x). +1 Polling Place: 1247 Broadway Eleetino Officers Inspoctor: Alta M. Currem Dem 980 Pearl lit..reeI Judge: Freda ME glarchison Dem 1219 Pease Court Clerk: Lillian C, Jensen Dcm 1235 Sroanway Clerk: Katherine Ratt:o Rep 1 Broadway Polling Place: Garage, 1309 Pearl Street Election Officers. Inspector: arry P. King Rep 1717 High Street jladge, Grace Boernmn Rep 1350 Broadway Clerk? LcSiSse Stickney Rep 1312 Eagan Conrt Clerk.: Are,Mel. Chrisand Dem 2700 Santa Clara Avenue PIRECINEll No. 4848 Polling Place, Garage, 1315 Regent arhet Election Officers: inspecter: Gunge E. Seebeck Rep 1037 Broadway - Judge: Howard E. Smaser Rep 2808 Cengral Avenue Ci.erk: Alice Worden. Rep 1315 Regenm Srreet Clerk: Lyslc Forrest Stern Dem 2511 C O. TOTLOTT Street 2SECINCT YO. n349 Polling Place: ROOT, 1320 Park Avenue Election Offgeers; Inspector, Elizabeth. Hays Schoenfeld Dem 3244 FErnside Boulevax. Judge.: Egabel Lilac Cerlach Rep 2507 Central Avenue Clack, Mabel C. Hagen. Dem 1.346 Park Ave., Apt. I Clerk: Kathleen Oda Winder. Rep 2415 Martj Rae Court RMECiNST N2 „,,g,L,83G Polling Place: Garage, 1375 Pearl Sgreet Election Chlfgnemn: Inspector: Elsie M. Spink Dem 2705 Central Iwenue Indge, E,dith Black Wiggins Dem 1339 broadway Clerk: Margaret Soeho Rep 1375 Pearl Streel7 Clerk: Mary E. Spooner Dem 2420 Central Agenne RilECT3NCT rrg,,g2,251._ Polling Place: Community Room, Edison School, Buena Vista & Versailles Election Officers: Inspector Pearl M. Hall Rep 2577 Noble Avenue MInge: Violet Helena ',hinny Dem 26h.41 S Buena Visna Avenue Clerk; Mary Martin Rep 1605 Pearl SIregn, Clerk, Ida. May Chadeayne Rep 1219 Versaillms Avenue FREELNFI NO. 4852 Polling Place: Room, 2524 Lincoln Avenue Elect:Ion Officers.' Inspector: Martha E. IIcodeill Dem 2532 Clement. Avenue Judge, Estella h. Jones Rep 2524 Lincoln Amene 1 ler'4 3 Iola. Blanch Durlez Rep 2520 Buena Vista Avenue Clerk: Mary Alice Burnhst DOT) 25.28 Lincoln Mgenne PRECIISCC II0,4853 Polling Place: Igarae, 1714 Phnsl SIrect Election Offichrs, Inspect:or: Helen E. Vallemsa Sep 827 SanMs Clara Mmenoe Judge» !ROTOR ORTRISOR Rap 170C Broadway Clerk: Adele M. Doyle Dem 1718 Pearl Street Clerks. Mae Sylva Esach Rep 2711 neena lista Avenue PRECIECT I.854 Pcfling Plane» Garage, 2519 Cincns Avenue Election nIficers.: InspecLoh: nAlch H. Boyes Dem 1838 Elm Street, judge! Minnie A, Sales Rep 2525 Clemenh Avenue Clerk: Evelyn Hewes Dem. 2317 Lim,m)int Avenue Clerk: Mildred Madsen Rep 2522 Mineola Emercm PRECINCJLNO. Dolling PI arse ; Garage 2330 Eagl e Avenue Elecgion Officers: Inspec gar ; Grope Hazel Brown Dem 3115 Fairview Avevue „iurIge: Lillian V. Bussen Dem 1842 Elm Srregt Clerk Ellen IR Miser Rep 1820 EJm Street Cle.rk: Beatrice B. Reynier Dem 2251 Buena IA sIs Avenue PRFCINCT NO. ASSA2 Polling Place: Room, 1815 Willow Sgreer LO se t 1 on Of f i cars Inspector: Marion Fosger RDa 2061 Buena VI sga avenue judge» Ellen E. WA 1 li ams Dem 2100 Bnena Vista Aveaue Clerk; Lon i se Brown. Rep 1815 Willow Street Clerk:: Ella Rarrlet. Aiddlecume Den 1.31IPs Everett Street FORCINCT NO. 4863 Rol 1 lag Placer 84u1t, 2238s Paci ic avenue Election Officers: Inspector:. Matilda P. Reyes Dem 1838 Elm Street Judge: Clara E. Weisenhays R.ep 2111- Buena \lista Avenge Clerk: David J. Clerk Dem 13191/2 Park Street Clung: Eleanor Marston Gibson Rep 1107 Regent Stneef NCAD3aAs. Flaue, Room, 2L 56 LA ngAMhe Avenue Ejection Offjcers. Inupeuger: Virginia F. Mull Deal 2129 Lincoln Avenue Judge: Lorraine McNeil Dem 212A-4 Pacific. Asvenue Clerk „johanna S. Berkhout ckvs 2127 Lincoln Avenue Clerk': Nol a Morgan. Dem 2131 Rani 71 c Avenue PRECINCT NO, 4865 Rol ling Plage Re OM 2004 Pacific Avenue Siestion Officers ingsp.ecter; AnuM se A. Athey Rep 2103 San Antonio Avenue IoUseJ Melva L. Clothier Rep 1713 Chestnut Sgreet ClerI: Agnes Wayjand Rep 2028 Paci fic Sur nue ClerS: Florence E. Onelser ilea 1827 Santa. C.Innro, Averaw Dulling Flaceg AudAtorivel, Aa. School., 2025 Santa Clara Avenue ESectlos Officers: Inspector! Leda Mg Taylor Rep 1316 Chestnut Street Judge, EA ua nor B. XsAgervaa De F:I1 2130 Santa Clams a:venue Clerk: Marion Dickey LeAs Rep 1528 Chestnut Street Rolling Place Room, 2149-0 Banta Clara Avenue Election Officsrs; Inspectors Johanna Ismultuft Rep 1827 Elm Safest JU,Dog Mav 7-,n.sLedt 1.14 214.97,7 Santa Clara Avenue Clerk: Eugenie Daniels Rep 2.149-D Santa Cjarn Avenge Clerk; Moan ta A „ Wadsworth 1523 ',471Inut Street PRP. OT NOT j.0. a:sr, Polling Place; Roow 416 Streez Election Offi cerst snspeogur. POI 0 LPy R. Frear Dem 2139 AlaRleda asserlue judge: ik:tty C. Powers Daul 13A5 'A..rdi. Fgreet 17Ierk: Lucile IS, Atrohm Rep 2247 Cenfral Avenue ClerkJ Dorothy Blanche Johuaon Dem 14135 AMOnng Street. pggAISyr N . 7.869 Rol i ng PI ace Garaga 2640 Ceng ra I Avenae Election Officers: Inspector; Katherine Barr Dem 206S San Antonio Avenue laidgeg Norma Louise Kidd Rep 2133 Central Avenue Clerk: Amy C. WEite Rep 1543-A Santa C5and Avenue Clerk: Creme D. SE. Thomas Dem 1426 Chestnut Street FENSCINCT NO. 4870 Polling Place: Garage, 2Cli :veinal Avenve Election Officers; Inspector: Goldie M. Asbell Dem 2165 Encinal Avenue Judse: Alyce C. Corbett: Diii 1439 East. Shore Drive Clerk: Carol A. Waters Dem 2002 Alameda Avenue Clerk; Earl. Seth damdan Dem 2801. Central Avenue PRECINCT NO. giS71, Polling Place: Room B-3, Purter Schoul, 2249 Alameaa Avensc Elect5on Officers; Inspector: Mary C. Powers Rep 2124 Sncinal Avenge Judge: giva Glass Rep 2212 Son. Antonio Avenue Clark; Phyllis B. Hooper Rep RRRe6 Slagerton Ssrevt Clerkm Christella J. Domn5ck Rep 2100A Alameda Avenue N:xlelee NO. 4372 Polling Place; Basement, 123E Oak Strmet Election Officers; Inspector; Lucille C. Beokie Rep 1214 Oak Streat Judge: Dessa Davis Rep 1214 ida Street Cicada; Philip E. Stephens Dem. 1524 Woilvut Street Cler.; Rose A. Diavila Dem 1190 Park Street 1' <'1 Pulling Place; Carage, e6N cal Stxeet Election Officers: Inspect:or; Sadie Marks Dem 849 Osal Street. ;Ridge; Emma Victoria. Montgomery Rep SE2. Oak Street Clerk; Neal M- Prosser D2M 4< „Tose Avenue: Clerk; Clara M. Winchell Dem 2262-A Sao jose Avenue eseciNci Nn. WE Polling Place: Garage, 2207 Clinton Avenue Elecrion. Officers: inspentor; Florence jM Fersberg Dom 3261 Garfield avenue Judgai: Elsie K. Ensalls Rep 2207 Clinton Avenue Clerk; Nansy a. Avaarson Rep 2237 ClinLon Avenue Clerk; Chrlsd.optieT Ingalls Rep 2203 Clinton Avenue RR:5CE la dEl7S2i. Polling Place; Room. 2230 San Jose Avenue Saes:jou glilicera: inspecnor: Vartha „Joan Rossell Dam 2230 San unad Svenuc uojgo; ALEle. B. Cla/ke iivp 1012 Walnut SireeL Clerl; ElidahatE B. Torber5 Rep ;159 arodagey Cli_da; ieIRR_Ry N. X. Deonivs DEm 2938 lladison Street g.876 Pu3 ling Place: Garage, 2115 San Ontonio Avevue Election Officers; Inspector: Sara. Dppree aooth Dem 213P Alameda Avenue Judge; Mabel Black:burn Dem 2160 Tancold Avenue Clerk: Evelyn R. Peters - Rep 218-K iiruslii Street Clarks deannette Schlesinger Dom 328 Lincoln Avenue tiviEllisay2s2v..;;;,77 Polling Pace: Garage, 201lEa Clinton. Avenue Election Officers.: Inspector; Maurice D. Koliff Rep 2024 Clinton Avenue Jadge'; Clara Knuff Rep 2024 Clinton avenue Clerk: Elizabeth G. Edmondann Dem 2524 Noble Avenue . Clerk: Vivld El. McConnell sep 1226 Walnut Street ,7 1..765 ".7 PFELINCI ElLg.4881 Poll ng Place: Ggrage, 10.98 Sherman StreeL Election. Officers: Inspector: jane Cg Decker. Rep 1235 Bay. Street Judge« Maude W. Bedsten Rep 1628 Daytoo. Avenue Clerk Mari an Dabodie Rep 156688 IOnerin. Avegue C Ignik : Bealta P.. Sibley Deffl 1583 Santa Clara Avenue 18169INCb 99, 4902 P olling Place: Rcom, 1314 Clinton Avenue Elect.o5 Officers: inspector: Ida lg. Navarre Rep 2151 7gocAnal Areare judge« Emma 8. Raldham Rep 805 CRes,..nub Street Clerk: Lorraine E. 17,08.ge Rep 929 Lafayeb8e ObreeL FRECINCT NO. 4803 ? oiling PLagle: 6ograge, 1420 San. Jose Avenue Election Officers. . inspgetor: Alice C. Burress Ikon 1118 Grand Street Judge: 14bar1obte E. 3ell Rep 1405 Cenrral Avegow Clerk: Barbara L. GI 1 lard Rep 2716 Clay 88re,ec blerbr Dorothy Amanda Hoglund Rep 1908 Schiller Street PRgaigq.b NO. 4904, P011ing 'Mace: GaragR 1125 G.ra 1 ...eb Election Officers: inspegtor: Jannie Marie Peder', en. Dem 1547 Morton Street: Judge« Rose M. Robles Dem 1125 Gan.d Streew Clerk: Ruby M. aims Re p 1619 Enoinal Aver:88 Clerk: Gladys 8. jararcillo Rep 1722 Encinal Avenue 191ECINCT AO, 6.905 Polling Place; Cureivoniby ROOM, Ftenglin School., 1.0.9 San Anwonio Avenue E lection Officers: Inspector: 1Iilma C. Opdahl Rep 2529 Cr=st. Street judge: Carl Opdaal Dem 2528 Crist Street. Clerk: Elmira Leis?: Dem 1327 Sherman Street Clerk: Kenneth Wayne Kenoerly Rep 1310 bheman Street PREcINCT NO„. a9C6 Polling Place. Carage, 1706 Alameda Avenue Election Officers: . Insgecteri MInnie Lye Sass Rep 2715 Santa Clara. Avenue Jodge: Coln8ba R. Skinner Rep 621 Taylor Avonuo Clerk: 88Ilow 8. Adams Rep 1620 Alameda Avenue Clerk: Ferne Ione Patten. Debi 14J4 - 5th Street. PRECINCT NO. 4907 Polling Place: Garage 1815 Enwlnal Avenue Elecbion Officers! Inspector: Kabhryn rar8ha Farwell . . Rep 2117 Obis Drive, 8pL. jedge: Helen W. Howes Dem 1315 Enejnal Avegue CLgrk: Isabel Lcvabc Rep 2160 Alameda A7benue P E N N 4,9 9 8 P81 1 bg 191 ace: Room« 1511 6e8age :e Street Electiog OffieEYS Inapeoberi Winifred N. Morgan •Rep 1 Central Avenue jodge: Gertrude Harriet Karl Rep 1523 Wi 1 low Street Clerg: Anga L.ucile Cronin Rep 1511 Lafgyetbe Street Clerk: Mary A. Cronin Rep 1511 Lafayette Street PRECINCT NO, 490.9 Polling. Place: Room 1.700 Santa Clara Avenue 71:ection OFF1geos: inspector: jodge: Clerk: Cleig: Armatine S. Farmer Rep 1433 Pare Street Groba Vander Roest Dem 1423 Union Stregt Welter C. Bedford Rep 1418 Union. Street Thelma E. Holdom 44 evu 1415 Lakayebbe 6Ireet PRECINE,T2l0y4PIE . Polling Place: Garage, 1557 Santa Clara Apenue Election Officers: .. I nspec for t Mary Prowse Gibson Rep 1.557 SanLa Clara AvRnuc judge. Ida S. ServaRs Rep :16 Cottage Street Clerkr Alma P.. BdrrougEs Rep 1535 Central ApenEe Clerk: Agnes E— GlaPier 1438 CoRtage Street Pirice: 1323 Central Aperfae Election Officers: lEspe8cor: Oladys R. McCarty De re 16IU LE:Art:on Ntreet fudge; PR18n Margaret Perry Earn 323 Lincoln JEJ8E28 Clerk: VI c 1 a Z. Neuhaus Rcp )49 Central Jvenue OpECINCLI 4912 Polling Place: Garage , 1809 Solo 1 ; ER .lfreez Election Officers; Tnspeotor.; Ed> Eh Leach DREE 1592 Buena. V i St A Avenue Judge; Ina D. Shermpn Lem 1529 Onion SErepE Clerk: Mabel. E. Sp.aulding Rep 1511 Union. Street Clerk: Mary Zane DAcla Rep 1948 Union. Street: PEPE INCE 80, 913 PEI I Eg Place ; Garage , 1826 Schi 1122 Stree t Elect:ion Officer:1; inappo tor : Elsie P. Finley na And riea sen Joseph :v. Andriess2n Clerk; Rose A. Er and son FR'3CLP.C.f. NO. 4911, FoLling Place: Gar:;;a8, 1702 Pacific Avenue 1314 Union SEERez 1806 Grand Street 180P Grar8 SEreELE 1615 ChEstnut Street ElecEl on Officers. TEspector; Jef;se Ela188;n Elimberley DEN; 1531. Paci fi2 Avenue Judge: Pewell. By SEydpr Dem 1615 Paci fic Avenue El er3 ; TR;ma V L. I t Dem IE:38,1. Crand Street Elerk; Yvonne A, Alexieff Dem 229 Santa Clara Avenue PRECJECI: EP, 4915, Po ng Pl. acc, 1594 3,1e na s \ VE ',Vac Election OfficerE; inspeotor; Bev. Dr. Emery Z— Archer Dem 1528 SantEl Clara Avenue JudRe : 08:: sy E. Silva Rep 1522 Li ne.ola Avenue Clerk.; Grace At 1 Dem 1 5;71-A Li ncoln Avenue Clerk; G8Rce E. FassinLto De. M 13l7 EfinLE SEreet FILECILLPT 818 4916 Pol ling PI ace; Garage , 1 SON Paci fic APERnue Election Officers; InspeoLpr; ZudgR: Clerk; Clerk: Alicc 3. Pillfe Den 1528 Pacific Avenoe Elizabeth Z. Marsn Dem 1508 Pad fi 8 Avenue PargareE Thom8 Dom 1529 Lincoln. AvRnue Norma FL 1 i pp"; I i Rep 918 Boenn Vial:a Averpc ing PI ace , 1526 Sllerman Street flecERon Officers: Tnspector: Pearl ProoEs Rep 162.6 511.8ra,RE. Strent Judge; 33 ima WoudsEra Rep 1S20 Cencral. Avenue Clerk.; Joanne PE:tr.:vet je Rep 1304 Neber Street; Clerk; Niicia H. Sietsema Rep 3007 ;Lincoln •Avenme Pn1113-18 ?lace Garage , 1821 3,1-y Str1 ot Election Officers: Inspector: Nellie G, Walser Dena 1820 Wood Street Judge: Nary A. Van Nest Dem 1012 Eagle Avenue Klerk: Blanche l: , Mal lard Heys 1821 Bay Street Clerk: Kil a K. Golden Dem 1217 Cootral Avenue GLN(11 N . 4 3 3,, Po-1116g Place: Patio, 1841 4lood Street Election Officers: Inapecton: Addle M. Johnson 'Den 1828 NInth Street Judge: Helen Gertrude Dodt Rep 17243 Chapin Street Clerk: Marilyn bone Parker Rep 1801 -A Chnpin Sareet Clerk. Jane Ai 1 an Ilan:air, Rep 1726 Chapin Streat PRECINCT NO, 4933 Polling Place: Garage, 1SI9 algboh Street. Election Officera: Inspectztn; Blanahe Rorn €9.an 1831 Naaan Scrcet Judge! Elizabeth Co:dstarce Sutton Dem 1B09 Nason SLreet. Clerk: Yable J. Davison Rep 1819 41 4.4 Street PREGINCT NCR 4934 Polling Place: !Garage, 319 PaGi Pio Azconto Elfetion Off i.:2e1: 3 =, Inspector: Julius W . Graef Herr: 817 Lincoln Avenue bodge; Gagzew II. loltnson Dem 1616 Concordia Street Pi en k : Helen L. Roach Dem 1856 Nason Street „Herb:: Lauri ne Di dd I egtunp Dem 766Z„ Bue66 V5sta Avenue PRECINCT NO. 4935 Pol Inga FIKoe' Garage , H44 Paz fa. c avenue Inaction. Officnrsz Inspector: Frances Warggiret Grey lodge ! Nellie Grerroay Clerhg Iva Lea antBee Clerk: Harry ClegzAnt !Hal sea ONGJENCT N.0„ .036 FRiling Plage; Caragba 1705. Sa— Charles Sareel Eleettion Off:ears: Inspector: Margaret inera, Shore judge: A6f. 'Pedersen CderX! Mary. Jb Kneds Clerkr David Dunbar Croft Fez Deb Deb Der Rep Dem Den S PRECINCTNC, 6937 Pknt 'atg .P"!. ace br„ary Naafi Schntli , 1 325 Paz Street. 554 Central Avenue 1848 Ninth Street 1715 Wood Street 1514 liay Street 525 Klan Street 4. LOP 2 Pa c i c 1531 Sherman Street 550 Eanta Clara Ayexue Glonabox Officers! Inspector : 1,,,it,i n L. Keven, Sr nem !310 antbw tnneet nan.,!„.„: Aztolnenge l„ Keveg DeR I GI in Hou46 Garet,. Clerk; D:4 ry Hargileri ..C., Fiai iey Hep 1426 Bey Street Clerk! Mary 3„ Ferry Dem ]5Cn9 Shernan Street !MG by-LT:TO, 493,8 Prb ling Place: Church, 1515 'Percil Strnet Enecti on Of f i cers: Tnspectota. DorotXy 9aoTh Pen 1515 Sixth Street judge! 'Isabel la 3. Brock Dem 834-3 Sante Clara Avenue Clerk,: Neal D. Zhao Rein 2834. YonGtzi re Avenue Clerk: RI ta Maxine innafnas Dem 152.0 Flabh Streox 19:7,CIAGI NO. 4932 Polling Place: Roowz 8Z Haight. Avenue Elec.: inn Of alawww.H. Izspector: Donald Harnon Maclean Rep II 60 Bay Strfa t judge: GI ice Ocher Dern 828 Haight Avenue Clerk! Lenore „A Inwterley Rep 1509 Olnah Street Clerk: Frances Katherine Wol f Den 1521 NA abh Street Pkf2Chlighig NO OD Po 1 i ng Pi ace. : Garage , 764 IA noel n Avenue Election Of ficers, • Inspector i ngn a s McClellan De m 720 hi noel n Avenue Judge , El e. se I. McCarthy Dem 76S-A 'Idyl or Avenue Ci ark : P. u t 11 S 0 limi. d r OEM 523 Taylor Avenue Cleric: Jame s B . Da I las, S r . Dem 764 Lh nco 1 n rivenue PRI,C, INC I lin. 4941 Pol. I. ag Hi ace Oa ra.ge , 71. la y or AVeri.LIE, Election. Of fdcdrs, finspemMor ! E 1 it i if CI o Paco Dem 771 San t a Ci ora Avenoie Judgd : ;dice M. Fodey Dem 728 Tay 1 or Avenue. Ci erk : Ra 1 ph j, Murphy Deo, 71.6 San ta Clara Amerind lerk: Margceri te My Peak Rep '710-ig Tali or Avenue PDHOTHCI 4902 Pol i int PI ate : Library tig phi rg; too School , 925 Tail or Avenue 2 1 e 0 ri on nir fi cer s i ins44ecto98 Fr." i e,,ia I. y11,10. Va dentine I 1 e s Dem 1837 8,3 Delhi 1 ler 0 , ree t dge' i 1, re ne A . Bel I Den. 842 ihayl od' Avenue Clerk : Di ana B. Westbrook fen 749 Central ANC UUE Clerk ', timm a 'tee Dee, ring I;e m 1819 N0 nth Street PRLOT NC f NO. 4943 Po 1 ng, Pi ace Garage , 1 309 Ni nth Street Election Ohficers: Inspechor: James C. Gibson • Dern 1378 Burban. Stree L hg d g e : Anni e C. We rson Deal 1308 NO ritM Street Ci erY i Sylv!, a J. Semenz a Rep 9211/2 Centennial Avenue Clerk, Eva Pearl La ft ler Dem 920.'8 CenrronnA al Avenue Pit I 9 CT . 4 944,, Poi 1 ?lace Garage , 92 7 daylor Avenue filecloi: on Of f i cern. Inspector : William F, Lindaner Rep 922 dah .ght Avenue hudge : Ci a i re F. Call a.ghe r Rt. p 1036 Taylor Avenue :CI erk : Aurelia F. Lindader Ittiiii 922 Hai gh f Avenue CI drim 'aim: I D. Koopmarat Rep 1406 NH nhh Stregt RE:Cif Poi 1 log DI ace :gamer, . 912 San M ron Avenue Electh on mfficers;„ Inspec, tor i Eve 44 it . !la rn a el Lie m 912 San Anton:I 0 Avenue Madge : ff the 1 Larson Dem 537 Cd n tro 1 Avenim Cie rf , .i. I i c e K . No y e s Re p 1026 Taylor Avenue CI oink . Vi vi. an C . Ne i son ReP 82 8 - Central Avenhe PICMCINC, g8M ace : Gar 14 , 1056 Central Avenue Election Officers: linspe ct or he ssi e C. So 8nmi Rep 471 Toy tor Amenue h8dge : Ade 1 a i de M. Scanne 1 1 Dnm 934 Taylor Avenue CI erk : Miabe 1 F , Heal y Rep 1407-A St , C.hael es Street Cl e r M Dirac:E. Beat. r i ee Bloomer Dem 15412i Santa CI a r a Avenue. PRECT. OCT 190. 4917 Po 1 1 i Pi ace : Garage , 1028 San Anton i Agenda Electh on Of f i mersh Insfic,ctoiy fie tor ie h ffi Wgirkman Rep 1082 San. An teal 0 Avenue dodge Va 1 c ri e 0- Hooke Rep 1607 - C Santa Clara Avenny Clerer Dorothy J. Locke RE p .. 1161. Day 0 f re em CI erk : Dori g Lodi sy. Di md ter DC T 12 7 Cen tr a 1 Avenue Fb 1 1 1 ng 21 ace i Garage . 605 Ile yl or Hmemon, Election OffiercrA: Inspector; Margaret n. 1k:seat:Pi Rep 547 Taylor Aven4e judge: Pauline Caviglia Dem 605 Taylor Avesur Clerk; Slaaclie Rosenthal. Dem 1.440 :Sixth Street PRECINC727C,:k17.52 'Polling Place: Saraze, 536 Santa Clara. AveuEue Electicm Offluers: fuspenter4 Arthur A. Keualyan Re p 141.87A Fifth Street judge: Mary Lansins Sep 1426 Sixth Skrept Clerk: Esther 714 Kernilyan limp 14OBEA Fifth Streem Clerks Vivien S. Whi tenure. Rep 1416 22 f th. Stree t LTRE1CINCT Ely74 49_62 Polling Place: Cummpnity Room William C. Paden Schnol , 444. CenCral Avenue Eleetton Officers: Inspector: 71Arinn R. KTESer Deal 200 Santa Clara Avenue SudgEe : Ruch Quinlan Desk 317 Sarla Clara Aventm Clerk: Kathryn 7. Oeigbeder Dern 1514 Third Srreet Clerk: Eleanor M.. Elpach Rep 141. Central. AyeAre ,PE /SC iNCI: NC. 1.79724 PollAng Place: Lobby, Elneinal digfa Schoui, 210 Central Avenue. Elect:sr Of finr)rs: nspectnr: 71orgArette C. Mertzip Dem 415 Santa Clara Avenue JsClge: :Eleanor I. SlitSser Rep 222 Haight AVEJ ,1 C.! Clerk: Arthur E. Game Dem 4.02 Marion Court: Clerk; Jean. l71. Steele • Rep 14(n Third Street. PhECENCIA,S(7. 4962_ Pol ling ace.: Garage , 452 Haight. Avenae Election. Officers: InspecCor: Smpry L. LAretp Jud licien. G. Lorets Alvira S. Betzner Clerk» Elsie A. Grimms 1-1 Place: Garage, 1549 Fifth Stree Rep pep, Rep Dem 1615 Fourth Street 1615 Fourtb Street. 457 Santa Clara. Asmiscm et? Haight. Avenue Election Of ticers: Inspector: Ell len Dani e I Deal 1554 Fourth Street Judge : ltla Evelyn Dempsey Rep 223 gaight Avenuh Clerk: Innala a el Sem i 554 122mrth Street Clerk: Duronmy Pagan Rup 331 Santa Clara Avenue PRE(WICILJ ZiL2 Polling Place: 120() 260 ilaight Avenue Elerninn Officers: Inspec tor : Ri chard, Dori ge r 'Sem 15171.2 Fifth Street Judge: Ebbe. M. Francis Rep 1521 Linden) Street Clerk: Anne B. Wenn Rep 1454 SiAth Street. Clerk.: Jemlu L. Frayher Dem Slik-C Haight Avenue P olling Place : Communi ty Scrom, Longfe 1 lew Schoul ,• 50)0 Pau). fin Avenue Ejection. Offimers: iumpschor: Agnes Henderson Rep 632 Lincoln Avenue Judge : Alma Louise Crenier Dem 472 Taylor Avenue Clerks 71alrel Thorntnn Cooper DEFT, 616 Pacific Aperwe Clerks Emma 1.11 I lw.:11s Rep 615 Central. Avenue, Apt. 302 IL:12C 117ALL 1,1_74_ A 9 p P elling Place: Oaryag, 1600 Fourth. Street Election. OPILluers: Inspectors iol a OA Gogsin 'Sem 1620 Fosrth Street judge: Florenem Gertrude ,4right •Dem 343 Lincoln. Ameuue Clerk: 11r4ri AA W2 I helm Dern 61.3 Haig:At Avenue: Clerh: )..elen. Amy Slaenahara Dem 3233 Madison Strhet PRECENC NO2.27(52 PMMling Place: Room. Fill Second Streer Election Officers: inspector: DoroZhy E. Milliams . Dem 1738 Main. Srmeet. Juzige Grace Mamie Brannan Dem 327 Pacific Pmenue Clerk Cleza Esther Mafhi s Dem 1708 Second Street Clerk.: Mazi 1 da Ciarlo . Rep 311 Cypress StmeeL 2RIEME INC' 20„,,I,..9 1 roliing Place: Community Room, Woodstock School, Third and Brush. Streets. Election Officers. inspectot : Myrtte Adele Magstaff Rep 1813 Ttlird Street 3-Edge, E31, M. Rose Dem 323 Spruce Street. Clerk: Mary K. Cappa Dem 314 Prilsh Strapt Clerk, Claire Leoma Gre.gory Dem, 21123 Gibbs Aveniz.e PRECINC1: 272 Poi 1 ing Placem Quonset. Put P.715,23, 519 Mai mbr Pm. Avenue Elactior Officers:. inspectarm Wi. l I i am 1 Pee b I e s Rep 107 Cypress Street Judge: T.,. Pauli ne Dungan Rep 200 Cypress Stract Clerk: Helen E. Cartir Rep 1721 Main Street IngINT:222.t..A221 Pal ling Place: Mmdi MME1 um, 345 Gibbs AVCI1Ale Electiun Officers: inspector: Georgia Banks WM shaps Dem 3I2-C Gibbs Avenue Judge : jessic P. Moure Dem 254-B Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Fiord Mae Di. amcmd Dem 245-B Gibbs Avenue Nc. 4974,7,1 Falling Place: Room, 337-A Mosley Avenec El ectIon Officers, I'3,3 el 4.ep Washington . Med; 34.5- 0 Mosley Avenue Judge.: Erma jean Smith Dem. 2P13-C Singlefan Amemze Cler1' 4 Maude Harper Deal 123-D Singleton Avenue Clerk: 7,1 rumia 102 se WaiReir Dom 2455-3 Wells Averme Poi PRECILF 974-K 3 inff Place: ROOT, 3452D Mosley Avenue Election Officers! Inspector. Doris D. Wayne Dem 337-C Mr)sley Avenue Judgam Crri s M.. Si nnamon .Derz 113-D Bach Street. Clerk Pula Lee. Crouse Dem 2437-C Wells Street Clerk: Jessie Mae Weaver 34I-A Mosley "Zvenue .x.11.211 r „Ii222,2:2 -A Polling Placel Communiy Room, :Donald D. Lim, School, 1801 Samdcreek W,zay EicatEon Officers: Inspector: EMizabeth Ann MCGinnis Rep 613 Pond Isle Elizabeth M. Fermario Dem 2005 Sandpreek Way Clerk: Devora A. Lepy D S 413 Mhi tche 1 1 Road PRECINC No„. Poll lag Place: Garage, 1932 Otis Drive Electi on Of f i cers: Inspacto2 Geurz,e C, Pozbemm Rep 1.932 02u Drive judge: DArmEhy Mm 3- --& Rep 1909 Sendcreek Way ClerM: Elizabeth C. Dorrance Oem 1904 Cm: s prime Clerk, Alvina M. Routic Rep 1615 Pearl Street Pallins. Place: Garage, 417 Yorkshire Road. Election Officers:. Inspector; ice G. Mackie Pep iudge My r E. Ma 1 o y Rep CimmUzz Dorothy G. Kohler Rep Clerk, Ru th r p 3269 Adzyns Streem 417 Yorkshire Road. 1107 Oak Street 2319 Elm 'Mtreet 1 36 PRECINCT_NO. 4985 Polling Place: Launderettv Ci. Cleaners, 2325 Shorelin Election Officerfw 'Inspector: Frank P. Osborn Rep Judge: Walter rkoch Dem Clerk: Florence Schwab Dem Clerk: Audrey 0. Patton Rep I, fhe undersignad, hereby certffy that the foresoing introduced and aeopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in 19111 day of February, 1963, by the follovi.n.g vote, to vltr AYES: Councilmen Godfrey, McCall, Rose, Schacht an NOES: None. ABSENT: Nonsi. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a City this 20th day of February, 1963. City Clic I hereby certify that:. the foregoing is a felt, true Resolution. No. 6443, ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS, DESICNATI NAMING OFFTCERS OF ELECTION FOR EACH PRECINCT FOR GENERAL MUNI( filaRCW 12, 1963, introduced and adder.ed by the Council on the 1