Resolution 06444C1TY OF ALGMEGA RESGEDFION NO. 64f,d ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS ARP PLANS FOR • RECONGalUCTIGN AND WIDENING OF MERMAN STREET FROM BUENA VISTA AVENUE TO THE SEGREGATION LINE, CALLIVG FOR BIDS AND DETECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME. WEIEREAS. the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special ProNA aloha and Plans for the reconstruction and widening of Sherman Sorcel, frem 3uena Visha Avenue ho hhe Segregazgon Line, numbered PW 2-63-3 and Ei led in the office of the Cihy Clerk on February 1V, 19OG; NOW THSGEFORS, .3E IT EESCREVED EY TRW COUNCIL OF Ti1E EERY OE ALAMEDA that tine aforesaid Spegi Elcahions, Special Provisions and Plans, numborod and filed as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted. • RESOLVED, FURTHER, th.at the performance and completai at the ietef. seecolfied sate Speei fi eat:lore.; and Provisions be , • and hhe Salle iS hereby a Li th.0 i Z d RESOPEED, EURTGER. that the Council of the Cihy fal Alameda will receive lealad bids up hN the hour of 11:00 ociosk k, FRIDAY, MASCO. I., 196D, for furnishing ho the, City of all 'tabor, mate ri al s, machinery, toni s and e qui pigent noce soary for the ogrk hero' nabovc referred. to, accordance gihh said Specifications and Provisions. Bins afash be presented to the Cihy Clerk, in the, Cthy Hall., Alameda. Califorua, ordpr sealed corer and plainly marked on the. caltsafie, "Pro- posal. for Reconshruchicy. and Gatieniug of Sheralan. Street. froo, Buena Vista Avenue to Segregation Lino', Or simdiar dosa=gnation. Contract, i.f awarded, EG.11 be awarded subject: to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, to ohe respoosible bidder who subsairs the loyesh add best bid. The righh is reserved. to reject any or all bids. Sai.d SpecifIcaggions and ERDvgisicass may bo had: by any prospective bidder on. application tf, the CI aa hia office ia hhe C1 fy :Tall, Alameda, California- TWe Ci hy Cerk is hereby dlracted to adyert ye, in. the Alameda Times-Scar. a notice call- ing for soaled bids, in ac.cnrdaace with the provisions of this reshiJution and of said Epecifications and PY OV. si offs. i, 11 undaraYgned, hereby certify that. the foregoing Eesofuraon was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of Eby: Cihy D•Eameaga ir rcgalar afeehing asaea1vied an hike 19hh day of: iebruary, 1963, by the . Eo I lowing vote , ho wg t Coung Imo.. God inln,,y , Rose , aoh.aoht and Ere si dent Co 7. 1 i selfuna, (5 NOES: Sono. A3SENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and aFfixea Cat official seal of said City hhis 20th day af February, 1.963„ SHIPI,EY TEGNIER (SEER. Ei ILA/RI:erg of the City of Alameda I. hereby der hi fy hhat the foregoing s a Ful frue and correct copy of "Ci hy of Alameda Pendiatann 644.4, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS,. SPECIAL FR071E1E:TVS AND PLANS TOR. RECONGIEJICTION AVD WIDEN:NG OF :TURMAN EIROIET FE1011 BOINA VISTA AVENIJE TO DIE SEGEEVESEION LINE. CALLING FOR SIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE GASEER, introduced and adapted by the Council fa. vine 19th day al. Da,bruary, 1963. City Olerg caT „ea., a E Ala,Evyla aff"