Resolution 06482CITA' OF ilLAN11502, ifini 110. GAS2 0S3PEAS, Section 3-7(c) or bne CbarZer of fne City cf ainuleaa requAres Ohs JesignaLion ob a be frti cd pub c accountant d nye sti gabs and an,jit accoon Se cf Lbe Si ty, so, and PUSREAS, a proposed cur crac t. for file b seal year I SS3-1.064 bh fide fl nrf of hacki Ando. & 'Aaron 1 re „ Certi fied Pub 1 ic. Johounn s „ haa been subdri tted to. fhe Conn ci 1 and Ana C,Annii 1 s 1 2 sus marbed "Fi 1 ed June „ 1 ab39:: Ci .y o Alameda i s no re by authord pen anu d reefed to execute tor a,,A on bebal f: or tne GI 'Sy of athed a that cerbain could:apt referred to above by an.4.d. betdneen the ry and fide Li ra, of Han la I pima.. 13 hand e Pure tor cenjifled pub 1 c gain:nu:Ltd adz be ces for tne I iscet year 1953 - Paha nhe CI by er 4m h,.,eaMy te a rue st to ;bairn,. ahe an do rs 1 gned , hereby cerb f y that the if a-Togo ag Re nrai union pas dal y and redo I ari y hddodoced abd adop zed by the Council of L. bar Ci Ly of' blamed:la in ragejar pee zi ng, assembled on the 8.5n day a f JuAe , 1063, hy Ahe 'So Ions) n2: bore , iic td Counci lmen Freeman , La Croix , Jr , Modal I , Rose and Pre s daub Godfrey, b5), IN PI GHiFPEOF, I. ha ve hereunto ea b uni). band and a f f ixed nne of fi dial sead e sai d City tni a l9bb dby af Jere, 963. Ci ty Fa orb et the City at Alameda i noireby cortify aear, Zhu foregoing is a fall, L:CJe end correct copy of "di,y oz Alameda P.2, so u t, on . 645;2, 2 JAG EXidlabilIblibil coNT,RAc..!: Fo.P.. SERV) Cid)) OF A CEP,Ja..FIED PUBL I C ACCOUNTANT FOP. TAP FISCAL. YEAR 1.963219P45 , intro.] aced and adopted y t Counc i on Aldo I Lich day of , 1953. ..lernyof :bac CS Zy ci adibmace )