Resolution 06483SUPPORTING MAL PROGRAM. DECOMLIENDEC BY ME ALAMEDA ROMPTY ADVIHORTS CUR:HITTER SCR CMPROVEMEMT AND DEVELOPMENT OF CRC nTAie HICHWAY SYSTEM EN ALAMEDA COUNTY FOR OLE FIREAL YEAS 1964-196E. WEREAS, there bas reem submitted to this Council the Program. Recommended by the Alameda Count); Highmay Advisory EcmgHtten for improvement and Depulmemert ES the State Highway Syshem ASeeeda County. for thc fiscal. year 19b4-1965), and MICR-LAE, Onif Coin:inn is familiar with the recommendations made by said ATimisury ComeMt - tee, enn it is in the best interests of: the (Ming that. such refmmimendations be supporLeSi NOE isiiiimffOREE BE IF RmHOLIED EY rAL COUNCiA. Of. THE) LATE GC ALAMEDA thmf the Council., on beHalf of Gee City .f Alameda, sopports Ehe recommended efogram by the AJameda County Highway tug the Mighal year 1966-iDETS, said recommendations to bc made to the highogy Commission. i, the undersigned, hesoimy certify. final, the foregoing Resolution Reis duly mod reeliMisAy introduced and adopted by the Council oi° ISA City AiMmsenn in regeMas moffing assembled on the ISCh dmy of thine, 1963, by the foTlowing vote, fc McmDEMEmmc Iseemanf Me Croix, MM., AcCaii., Rose and Presidens. Godfrey, (3f, NOES: ASSERT) Nose, IR NITAESS WHEREOF, : have hereunto set sip hand mad affiHmd Lhe offeciAl seal of :said City this iMitif day of June, IVR3) SHIRLEY Ni TEENIER eiss CiceS of che City sE Als:cida Respintion. 6433, DUPPORICJAG THE EM.OMAM RECOMMENDED BY THE ATTVECEA. CEhNTY HIGHWAY ADVISORY COM - EMTERR FOR IMPROVEMENT' AND DEVELOPMENT OF TEE STATE NIGVGAY SYMTEM IN ALAMEDA CORSTY FOR FNE FISCAM YEAR 1964-TP65i, inAroduced am) adopted by the Council. on. che 'ULU Gay of Pone. 1963, isE EirmRciELEVV-siTirEff_ of) AiancEL