Resolution 06520c.ITY OF ALAMEDA RESODITION NO. 0520 ORDERING PLaNd A.ND aPECIFIJATION3. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit.y Chuneil. of the Ci Ry of Alameda, County of Alameda, Saate of fora: a, as fol. 1 00a That the Cat Engineer be an.d he is hereby auhhharlied and directed to prepare plans and speci cati ons f or the work and improvements to be done in. the proposed Garden Road Assessment. District. in Ehet City of Alameda, Cuunty of Alameda, State of fornia, I hereby certify JhaL the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the CiLy Counnil pf the CI ty or Al ameda ajameda County, Cal i fornl a , at. a regul ar meeting thereof held on the 1.7Lh 111 of September, 1 1 vote, act wi (SEAL.) AYES: Counclitmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr" McCall., Rose and PresidenL Godfrey, (5). 10023; None aBSEN,t': None. TENNIFjt. Clerk., ty of Alameda, 2;1 ameda Count'; 1 1 1 i forni. * * 0 * * * * 0 * * hereby certify ahat the foregoing is a full, txue and correct. copy of "City cf. Alameda Resolution No. 6320, ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFAICATIONS", introduced and adopted by the Council. on. tbe l'7Jh day of Septeaber, 1963. - Cj! er'a of tha; ty of Alameda