Resolution 06525CITY OF ALAINEDA RESOLUTTON NO. 6525 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AUTHORIZTN° EXECAMON OF CONTRACT WITH THE FIRM OF COATES, HERTURiE AND En-A.:AND, CONSWITING ACTUARIES, TO DETERMINE TEE APPROXIMATE CONTRIBCTION GRIGG. WOULD BE REQUIRED IN THE EVENT THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH THE STATE EMPLOYEES' ReddREMAENT SYSTEM TS AMENDED TO INCLUDE 04SDI COVERAGE._ WHEREAS, the. Council this date adopted a resolution sigaifying its intent to amend the cent:macs between the City of Alameda and. the State Employees' Retirement System to provide for a modification. of benefits and adjustment of rates; and WHEREAS, it is 10 '1,10 to ascertain the approximate amount of contributions payable by The City in. the event the aforemenrioned contract. amendment is effected; and WHEREAS, a form of agreement between the City of Alameda and the firm of Coates, defferth and Enwland, Conseltiew, Actuaries, covering the employment of said firm co ascerLais kbe approximate amount of said. contributiona, has been zubillitted and the Council is aware of the contialtss thereof., said copy of eordiracli bejem filed with ihe City Clerk and marked "Filed Sep- tember 17, 1963"; NOW, THEREFORG, BE IT RESCIVEZ 0' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CT' ALAMEDA that the MayOf of the Caty of Alameda is hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Alameda, a contract substantially in She iorm submitted, and the City CJerk is directed to attest to same. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that. the foregoing Resojutlon was duly and regularly introduced aad adopted by the Cuuncil of the City of Alameda in regular meetiav assembled on the 17th day of September, 1963, by the following vote, tn wit; AYES; Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., PicCall, Rose and President Godfrey, (5), NOES; None. „ABSENT. None. IN G1TGESS WANGEOT, I have hereunto set zy hand and affjxed the official seai of said Cir.:3 tills ifelth day of Set's:ember, 1963. (sEAL) Cif SHIRLEY H. TENNIER Clerk of the City of Alyameda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. full true and correct cepy of ity of Alameda Resojutior No, 6525, AUTHORIZING ElifXUTION CF CONTRAS:ill WITH THE rITIm COATS, PERINGMTE AND EnUISAND, CONSULTING ACTUARIES, TO DETERMINE TRW APPRNIMMJI CONTRIBUTION WHICH wont) 3E IMEGGIRED IN THE EVENT THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH THE STATE EMPLOYEES' RGTIREMENT SYSTEM IS yvAT,:Npn TO iNCLUDU CMSDI COVERAGEJ, letroduced and adopted by the Council or. the 17th day oe Septerober, 104 3,