Resolution 06607CETY OF Al.AMEDA RESOLUTION No. 6607 APPROVING PROPERTY DIVISION MAP NO. 106 FOR DIVISION OF LACORIO PROPERTY WEST OF TRACI 1250, BAY FARM ISLAND, AND PERMIITINO RECORDING THEREOF'. 3E IT RESOLVED BY THE couacIL OF THE CITY OF I\1 01 that pursuant co SecLion 11-319.1, Alameda M.nicipal Code, PropertyLvisio Map No. 106, heretofore accepted and approved by the Planning Board, and involving no public improverrenrs, is hereby approved and permissAon given. to subdivider to record same. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoin- Res) lutAon WAR duly and regularAy inArod,...ced and adc,pted by the Coullcil of the CiLy of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on ',:he 21st day o4 April, 1964, by the following votTe to wit: Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and Presidem.t.. Godfrey, (5). NOESt None. AjeLNI: None. iN WqINESS WHEREOF, I. have. heretArto set. my hand and affixed the official. seal of said City this 22nd eay of April, 1964. SkinLEY 11. aNNIER (":,:LAL.) Cfty CLArk of the CiAcy Af AlamedA I hereby certify that Lhe foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No. 5607, APPROVING PROPERTY DIVISION MAP NO, 106 FOR DIVISION OF LAGORIO PROPERTY WEST OF TRACT 1250, BAY FARM ISLAND, AND PERMITTING RECORDING TH OF ERE', introduced and. adopted by the Council on the 21st day of A ril, 1964. el k". / N. ..AA-5 A, City Clerk 0A-- .4 ley of Alameda