Resolution 06670OIN stANDIUA oNuOlIdlov NO. oto7.0 ADOPTINO SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PitANS FOR REISURFAC ENO OF lull:II:COLN ANNtiUla BEllONTE,Il EVERETT STREET AND couRr STREET, AND THIRD STREET BENWEEN SANTA CLARA AVENUE AND CENTRAL ITN:NOE, CATOOTNO FGT BIOS AND NUTRECTINO CITY CLERK. TU1 ADVERTISE „SAME.. WHEREAS, the. City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special. Provisions end Plans for the resurfacing. of Lincoin Avenue between Everett Street alld Court Street, and Third SUreet between Sancta Clara Avenue and Central Aven Das, numbered PO l-64-22 and ied in Elle o lee of the City Clerk on August 4., 1966; NOW THERETORE, BE T.T RESOLVED BY THE COUNCI OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the aforesaid Specd neat:ions, Special ProvisionN and Planu, numbered and filed as aforesaid, be, and the same are herdsby approved and adopted, REISOI.VEO FLOPPIER, that. the performance and completion of the work speci fled in. said Speci- ficatelons Ise, and the S ffOf s hereby aiNthorized. RESOLVE:Du TOPTIIEPN nhat the Council. oll the Ci icy of Alaueda receive:: sealed bids up to Dhe hour of 11:00 o'clock 8-11/. on. FRIDAY, AUGUSN 1.964, for furnishing to the Ci ty of all labor, materials, machinery, tools ar..d equiNnent necessary for the work hereinabove rellerred to, in. accordance with said Specl td. cat,: ons and Provisionu. Bids m.ust: be presente6 to the Ci ty Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly. marked on the outside, 'Pro- posal for Resarfaeing of Linculn Avenue idetwc,eu Everett Street and Court. Street., and Thltsi Street between Santa Clara Avenue and Cen tral. Averlase/', or sinli ler designation . Contract, i f awarded, well I be awarded sub ject to the provi sions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, to th.s responsible bidder u.ilo oebul ts the looest and. beet bi d, The is reserve6 to rejecL. any or all bids, Said Specifica.cions and Provisions may be had by any prospectAve bidder on application to the City liNutlrieer, at: hi F. of flee in the Ci toy. , Alameda, California, Dhe cy Clerk is hereby directed tu adve.rtise, Ode Alameda Tiaies-Star. a notice coil- ing for sealed EU/Is, it, accordance with the provisiuns Ehis :resolution ;and of said spec:A tic:at:ions a nd Pro yisi s hhe undersigned., hereby certlfy that the foregoing Resolution was dul y and regul a rl y i troduced and adophee by the Council of the Ci ty of Alameda in regular meeting assembled. on. ths 4th day of Auguet, 1964, by the following vote, tc) wit: Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, „ Rose and Vice President McCall, (4), NOES: None.. ABSENIU Pre si dent Cod f r y, IN -WITNESS WOEREOF, I have ilersuu.to set my hand and affixed the official seal of said tO ty this 5th da of Augdist, 19.61 - SHIRLEY TENNIER (SEAL) Cley,k. of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the foregolog is a Null, true and correct. copy: of "City of Alameda sol u t on No 6670, ADOPTING S PE C I NI CAT DONS , SPEC-Lid. OV T S ON S AND PLANS FOP RES UT FACING Oil' LINt0.1„N AvEruE BETWEEN EVERETT STREET AND ODDR:r STREET, AND TAIRD STREET SANIA CLARA AVENU-E AND CENTRAL AVE:NUE, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTINl CITY CLENN TO ADVFIRTISE SAME', iNtroduced and adopted b y the Counci I on. the 4th day of August , 1964. , eity tilturk of Nile 0 f .31714fd