Resolution 06705CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLTIEN DO. 6705 REQUESTING CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXES OR PROPERTY ACOLIHEI) BY THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. FOR MUNICIPAL PhD:PREPS (8.94 ACRES, OTIS DRIVE AND RODIPRCOD WAY, AND 141;9 EVE= ST.) WhE(WAB, the real property situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, deperibed as follows: (1) Lot 3, -block 11, es said lot 1i block un t' map of"lract South Shore Unit No. 2, Alameda, GeGiforria," filed August 22, 1958, in the office of the County Dwoorder of said Alameda County and of record in. map book 38, pages 89 to 92 incluzAve; (2) Account No.: Map 70, Block 187, Parcel 5 Sode Amed 21-000 Assessed Owner: Randall, Laverne E. and IL B. hes. been assessed heretofore for County purposes for the fiscal. year 1964-1965, and taxes levied thereon (aro nntollented and unpaid; and WnEhEAS, after the time said assessment and taxes became a lien on said real property, it wae (1) by Grant Deed rerorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on June 18, 196e, on Reel 1235, Image 661, Serial No, AW 98266; (2) by Final Order of Cendemnatipn entered October 13, 1964, action. No 34385= in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the. Rounty of Alhmeday and recorded October 14, 1904. Qfl Reel 133', 7:.,Je 399, Serial NE. AW 165280, Ma the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, dequired, and ever since has been and now is owned by the City of Alameda, and has been end now is being uned for public purposes, anb because of such public ownwrship is not subject to se le for delinquent taxes; DUD. THE:ALFORD, DE IT MDSOLVER rf ERE COLUCIL OF TEE CITY GT ALAMEDA that the cf Supervisors of the County of Alemhda be, and it is hereby reouested to makw its order, and to take such further proceeding:was may be necessary, to cause all uncollected taxes, assessments, penalties or costs charged Or levied for County pur- poses upon the aforesaid parcel of real property, to te cancelled; and that a record of such cancellation be made by the officer or officers having custody of the record thereof, 1 accordance with the provisions of Section 1,.936 of the Revenue and Tax- ation Code of the State of Celifornie RE:SOLVEIG, FURTHER, that the City Clerk forward four (41 certified copies of this Resolution forthwith to the Boarb of Supervisors of the County of Alameda. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly intrhduped and adopted by the Countil of the City of Alameda in rhgular meeting assembled on the 1?th day. of November, 1964, by the following vote, tG wit: AYES: Councilmhn Freeman, La Croix, Jr"., McCall, Rohe and President Godfrey, (5). WOEG: None. ASSENT: Nene. 11 LaTRESS WHEREOF, I haise hereunto set my hand and affixwl . the official seal of said City tills 18th day of November, 1.964. SHIRLEY H. TEENIER EAL) :City Clerk of the City of Alameda hereby certify that the foregoing La a full; true and correct copy of "City. of Alameda. Resolution No. 6705, REQUESTING CANCELLATION OE COUNTY TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES (8.54. ACRES, OTIS DELVE ADD aosEop WAY, AND 1419 EVERETT ST.)", introduced. and adopted by the Counhil on tbh 17th day of November, 1994. -4-949; mitoitt-Elaw-97 , Clerk poi% the 'Pity of Alameda /