Resolution 06759CITY OF ALNMEDA RESOldiTION NO, 6759 DECLARING CANVASS OF PETURNS AND RESOLT OF GENERAL MUNTCIPAI, ELECTION CONSOLIDATED WPM SPECImL MUNICIPAL CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION PELD ON MIARCH 9 1965. 9.9.112EAtd, a General Munlcipal Election consolidated with Specdtal MumMcipnl. Charter Amendment Election was held in the City of Alameda ma Tuesday, Narch 9, 1965, under and. pursuaat to the pro- visions of Article:KIX of the Charter of said City, idxf the purpose of eiectin officers to fill the effice of Councilman, Auditor. and Treasurer - and for tile purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of s,kid City the question of amending the Charter of the City of Alameda. nnd n. proposed mrdinance, as set forth hare.r.nafter: Th.mee (3) Councilmen on the Council of said City for three (3) 99.11.Y, terms, each tern:, commencing at 8:00 oclock p.m, on the third Tuesday in April, 1965, and continuing for fodr (.90 years thereafter, and until a successor is elected and qualified; One td9 Auditor of ga:d City for a full term commagging at 8:0C o'clock p.m, dm the third fudxday in April, 1,,M)5, and continuin fog four .6.) years thcre- after, and until a successor is elccted and dualifie(3; Onc, 3) Treasurer of said City for a fuli term commending at 9,,00 o'clock on ;:dis Tgesexey in April, 1965, and contM1.91ng for four (g) years igered afL1, and until a sucgessor is elected. and quallfied. Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda he amended vdth respect. to portions of Artiddes II, III, Mit, 9111, gV..I, XIX, XX and X991,V tdiereof by, (a) amending the following sections of. said Chayter: 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-11, 3-7(A), 3-9, 17-3; (b) repealing the following sections of said Charter', 2-12, 17-4, 17-5, entire Adrticle XIX, entire Article X:9, and entire Article XXIV: (c) adding the follomdng sections Lo said Charteml 17-14, 19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 2091 and 24-1, all as fully sec forth. in Resolution. No. 6726 of Ifhe Council of the City of Alameda? gEASU.RE B Shall zhe Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that each Coun- cilman shall receive a compensation of 9100.69) per month or fraction thereof, and the person serving as Nayor shall. receive a compensation. of $200.19.0 per annth fraction thereof? Said amendment 19111 be accomplished by ameldding Section 294. of said Charter, all as fully set forth ln Resolution A. 6727 of the Council of the City of Alameda, MEASURE C Shall the Charter of. the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Auditor and Treasurer shall be appointed. by the Council, that such officers shall. perform the duties designated in said Charter, but. shall ngt be required to devote their entire time thereto if, in the judgment od the Council, additional and compatible duties may be assigned to them? Said amendment mill be accomplished by adding Section 4-8 tc. Article IV of said Charter, and by adding SecLion 5-4 to Article V of said Charter, all as fully set fort9i in Resolution No, 6728. of the Council of. the City of Almnecia, M,E4SURE D Shall the Charter of the City of Alamd:mia be emended to authorize the Council, by ordinance, to transfer to the County of Alame.da, by contract or other arrangement, any or all of the tax agsesging and tax. collecting functions and services of the City? Smmh of the City's funcLions and services as are tiansferred would be suspended while being furnished by the County, but the City retains the right to geadsdme any or all of the transferred functions and sarvices. Said amendment will be accodolshed. by adding Sec. 3-20 to Article ifj of said. Charter, all as fuily set forth in Resolution N.o. 6729 of the Council of the CIty of Alameda, FROTp5dTION T. Shall Ordinance No. 1079, New Series, entlt]ed. "An Ordinance Establishing a Relief, Pension. and In6urance System gur Members. of die Police end Fire Departments og the City of Alameda, and Repealing Ordinance No. 276, New Series, as Amended,' BE AM.1179.DEDg with respect to 9.9ctida 7 thereof, by. (a) ellmidaMigg the amortlzation. date of 'July 1, 1923,9 therefrom, and (90) providing that the Board may cause actuarial valua- tions of the Pension Fend to gc made at lesser peglods than at the end of each fifth (5) year of the amortization. period? WUEREAS, nominat:Ing petitions were duly and regularly presented. to, and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, in the timc, fcrm and manner. prescribed by the Charter of said C0 ty, nominating for said offices 1 he following persons, to u1 t, FOR THE OFTECE OF COUNCILNAN: Helen Lyons Freeman. Wdillem S. Godfrey William M, McCall M. Bartley Inez MA ifapellas Lawrence A. Patton Welliam P. Sfier FOR TGE OFFiCE 0( 4d.DITOR Ifalo A. Calpestri, Jr, Fc1K TdE OFF(CE OF Tif:EAGGRER: John TA Darncich GEEGGAS, said norrdnations were enlered ie. a list., edth the offices to he Jfilled which list was 4c4rtified to and (lied in. the time, form and manne-r required by said Charter, whereupon an Elec- tion. Proclamation, signed by the Mayor of the flty of Alaneda, and attested by the City Clerk, and. containing a statement. off th.e tiff* o.f the electiOn, the officeJs to be (Med, (he names of the candi- dates and the afeaa4res and proposit4on to be voted on, as the same were, by the Coun44 1 of ehe City or Alameda, orde.red to be prinf:ed an.d appear or. the ballot. Ides duly and regularly issued morre than ten. (10) days be4Eore said. elect:on and was published twice in the official. newspaper of said Cdty, the last. publicafion. fhoreof being more than five (5) days before th4 date of said election; and WHEREAS, there were 114 election precincts within th4 City 1 4.1.84.,17 da. (lx(41 and established by resolution of the Council of said City and designated, fixed and established by the Board of Sapeo visors of the County 4.f. A/ameda, State o( Gal4Gornia, as fhe election. pre4incts (he City of 17 7-1 for holdang general state and county elections - as the election precIncts for holding (he aforesaid General Municipal Election conoolidated with Spefdal Municipal Charter Amendodnt. Election oh the City oif Atameda4 anO WHEREA3, all of the ball.ots used for said e4ectGon were prepared, as to form and contents, as prescribed by law, and a sample ballot oas mailed to each voter. of, the City of Alameda witO,in the time and in hhe maniter provided by La4 and such mailing was completed at Least ten (10) wdole days precedlog the date of sald election; and WHEREAS, 4he officers of election foT said 41 ech(on were (July appointed ane deafiJfied, ard all election supplies Eurf0 shed add 4lecLion booths provjded (or each precinct aS provided by ifaf4; and 441E:4E43, •E.a Coancl of (4.c. CIty of Alameda, at this, fifs next regular mecIfing following said 171 (1 has mef 1 ully- canvassed the returns of the votes cast at sal4 Oenemal Ouni4i pal Elcc(ion consolidated vdt4 Special ffunicj pal Maxter Adoandidenf Elaction fs reqnjred by 11(4 add being full y advi se(' in fhe pfemi sus, add having the returns of said canvass before i t f.04, TOEREFGRE, BO GERG,BY hESOLVGD, DETERNINED AN() dE4GARED BY YHE COUNCIL OF Tat", 41,7Y OF ALO(GODA and sajd Counoll finds, as 4ailows( (1) That said General Munj cipal Election fansolidated with Special. Municipal Charter Amdnd- rnent Election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof ascertained, .2eterqdned and deciar4d, In ell respects and par(Aculars jn the (dale. form and manner provided by law. (4) Ghat fhe number 3f votes Oven aL each precinaz to each of tile a(oresaid candidatas, focasures and, the proposition was as shown in the Reau!t of Votes Gast, on file in the oFfl co of the CiLy Glerk, copy of which is attached hereto. 2.(13°La3:E Helen Ifyoas Freeman Wid lad S. GoOlrey 4.470 Ni 1 i rof (1. NO:Ca 11 of 5Aff.. ',(4 jar, Oartley 34 Inez M. Kapel 18S ID Lawrence 4— Patton Wi 1 1 i ao P. Stier Italo 4. CalpJescri, jr. 46 Jef,n arne 24 Xeasure A Yes. _31 Aeasdr4 Y4sJ Acasarc C Yes; __24 2,,easure Prop° siti Ye. s 56 22e: , 19 (3) That the whole number' of votes cast in the City of Alameda at. said election iiels 11,189. (4) That the total 122.2ber of votes cast in the (Dty of Alameda at said election for each of the aforesai2 camidedaees for the office of Council...Pan of said City was as follows: Helen :Lyons Freeman i 1.1 am S. Godfrey am 21. 1 M. Bartley Inez Fie 1 I a e: Lawrence A. Patten, i am P. Stier 4,226 3,809 .(5) That the total number of votes cast in 3) City of Alameda at. said eleicte.on for each of the aforcsald candidates for the off2,2es of Auditor and Treasurer of said Ci.ty was as follows: calpestrl jr. john L. Barreich. (6) That. the total number of votes cast in the City of Alaeeda Et said election for the aforesaid measures and proposition was as follows Measure A iecasure 3 Measure C Measure D Propos', t i on 2 lies!: NO s 3„1.12_1_ 7,:290 Yes. Yee: 3 738 6 NO12, TIEREFORE, 'BE TT RESOI:VED, DETERMINED AND DECLARE) that the aforesaid 122.111am S, Godfrey, William il. McCall and ediliam M. Bartley, having received the three highest number-2' of votes east for the office of Ceencilniar, were, and are herety declared to beed,,ely and regularly elected to the offiee of Councililan and as members of the Council. of the Cit.}, of Aiaineda, each for a term be nin.2 at. 8:00 o'cleck p.m., on the third Tuesday in April, 1965, and continuing. for frier (4..) years ane a successor iG elecied and. quali feed; BE T.1.. FITTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid. Itaeo A. Calpe seri , Jr „ and Jelin E. Barneich5 havihg 22(fe received the highest, number oiL votes cast for the offices cf Aeiii tor and Treiasure2, respectewely, were, and thel are Ivereby are,',-1 to be, duly and regularly elected to CAJ1 offices of :end'. tor and Treahemer, Tespecilvely. of the city of Alameea fox terms beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m„ on the third Tuesday in April, 1965, and continuing for thoir U0 years thereafter anJ 22,22.1 a sue- cesser is elaceed and. qualified; BE II' FURTHER. AND DECLARED that . hhe aforesaid w,easures, not having received a majority of the number of votes east.. were, ame they are hereby deciered to be, ciefeated, iT FURTHER 'RESOLVED AND DECLARED that elle aforesa•W propositi having received a major- ity of til.2 rNi7117;Or of votes cast, wes„ env. it is hereby (lee:laved tio be, passed. a a a**a**a T., the ondersigned„ hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly. introduced and adopted by the Celine:I of the City of. Aiameda in. regular meeting assemieled on the 16th day. of March, 1965, by the folloveng vote, to iet: Counevileen Freeman, La Croix. McCall, Rose and President, Godfrey, (5). NOES: None ABSENT, IN WITNESS 691.119E0F, 1. 'Nave hereunto set my bane and affixed the official seal of snid Clay this lith day of March, 1965> SHIRLEY H. TENNIER MAI) City Clerk of the Cety of Alameda I hereby certify that 6he foregoing :Is a. full, true and correct copy of "City of aiemeda Resolution No. 6759, DECLARINC CANVASS OF RETURNS AND RES= OF NENERAL MUNISTPA6 ELECI9CIN CONSOLI- DATED WITH SPECIAL MONICiPAL CHASTE'S AMENDY111671, ELECITM, HELD ON MARCH 9, 1965", in6roduced and. adoptee by the Council on. tho 16th day of March> 1965> e/ii2ig<ct, city Clerk ofatioa City Zif Alameaa al '