Resolution 06856CCTY OF ARATESA REROLRTTOR O. 6856 ADOPTING SPECTITICATEONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS ART) FLANS FOR PAINRENIR AND DECORATING OF PORTIONS OF THE CITY ilErJx. CALLING FOR ETRE ANTS DIRECT:INC CTTY CLERK TO ADTRETISE FAME. WHEREAS, the City Ensineer has prepared Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans fox' painting and decorating and other related work at the City Rail , located at Oak Street and Santa Clara Avenue, numbered PW 10-65-27 and filed in the office of the City Clerk on October 5, 1965; N01.4 THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED ST THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ALAMEDA that the aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and filed as aforesaid., be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted. RESOLVED, FURTSER, Xhat the performance and completion of the work specified in said Speci- fications and ProvIsions be, 1919 the same is hereby authorjzad, RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Souncit (),X the City of Maseda receive the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1965, for furnishing to the. materials, machinery, toots and equipment necessary for the work herelnebove refer ance with said SpcifRcations and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, ' jag anci Decorating of PortSons of the City Hall, Alameda, California," or similar sealed bids up to City oC ail abor. red to, in ancord- Clork, in the City Propesa Cox Faint iesignation. Contract, if swardoC., siii be awarded subjeccs to the provisions of Lhe Charter of the City oX AlameSa, to the responsible binder who sulpnts the Xowesx and best bid. The risEt is reserved to reject OPy or nli bl6n. SaiR Specifications and Provisions may be had by any prospactive bidder on applicatAon to. the City Engineer, at his cifice in the City Rail, Alameda, California, The Cnty Clerk is hereby directed xe advertise, in the Alameda 9s' 19 otice calling far se1 ted. bids, in accordance *RISS the provisions of this resolution and of said Speci€16aXions and Provisions. the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and segulary introduced and adopted by the Council of 0. City of Alamed, . in reguLar meeting assembled on the 5th day of October, 1965, by the following vote, to wits AYES: 011 11 Bartley, Le Cr6Tx, Jr., McCall., Rose and President CodFrey„ (5), NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WSTRESS T have hereunto o et. my hand and affixed the official. seal of said CRty this 6tS day of October, 1965. sHIRLEy HsTSENNiER_ _ 1 Cierix of the City of AJameda hereby certify that xhe fore,,.oing is a full, true and correcT copy of 'Sity ot Alameda Resojution No, 6856, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECEAL FRCVISIONS AND PLANS FOR PAINITFC AND DECMATING SF PORTIONS OF TRE CITY ayrr,. CASTING FOR BIDS r,au DIRECTING criA CLERK TO ADVERTISE SA, introduced • and adopted by the Ccsnsii on the 5tP day of 1(< (1< 1965. r 2 4x21;-.2_2 City CCerk of„t.SEe :Sty of Alaseaa