Resolution 06860CITY OF ALISSEDA EESOLUTI01,7 O, 6860 CANCESSLIGG CITY TAXES ON PRoPERTy AcQuIRED BY THE ALAMEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL Dim 1cl: FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. InE.S.S., the following described real property, situated in. the City of SlasieSa. Couoty A lameAa , State of Cali f orni a , t.e wl t FIJISTION of Le 16, 17 and 18, in 31.eck 6, as said lots and block are. shown on the °Map of Lands Adjacent to the Town of Encinal, Mameda County, Cal,. Surveyed. by „las, IY Stratton., May 1, 1067, f.i.led May 2.6, 1867, in Book 19 of Maps, page 53, the offsice of the County. Recorder of Alameda County, described as folloos BOGSTINING at a point en the eastern line of Chestnut Street, di sthnt thereon, SO feet southerly from the southern. line of Lincoln, formerly Railroad. Avenne, as said street Pnci avenue a re all oan on said bt.,ip; running thence along said line of Ctietnut Street, southerly 50 feet, thcsace parallel silth said line of ITncoin Avenue, easterly iS0 feet, thbnce parallel 161th said Mine of Cheatnut Street, northerly 50 feet; thence parallel with said line of Liaysola Avenue westerly, 150 feet to the point of beginnings has been assessed heretofore for City purposes for the fiscal year 1965-1966 and taxes levied thereon in. the sum of $50,08 are unsollected and unpaid; and WOESEAS, after the time said taxes became a lien. on said real property, it oas, by Grant Dg...,e,S, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on Aufpust 17, 19.65, on-Reel 1570, Osage OS5, asbuStbd, and esier since has been. and now As ousseG by thb AJamecla UrtifIed School District, and has been and. now is beiag used for public purposes, and because of sus's. public owner- ship is not subject to salc: for delingutest NOW THSSEFOSE„ BE TT RESCIIIED BY THE COUNCIL OF IOU. CITY OF gloS.01DA„ with the yantten conn sent of the City Attorney attached heretD, that all uncollected taxes charged. or levied ft)r City purposes upon Sise aforesaid real property, togeber uGth penalt,les and costs thereon, be, and the same are hereby, cancelled, and the Auditor and the l'ax Collector of the Clty of Alameda are hereby autherIzed and directed to cancel the same on. tSteir respective booS„ FredesOck '5 '15 City Attorney cf tne City of Affamedn, St nte of Cali Serbia., dn hereby consent to rhe cancellation of any and alg. 15 1. taxes and. assessments, and penalties and costs thereon, charged or leNied COty purposes upon the parcel of real property desoribed the ssi n RescOutS on- Dated. October 5., 1965. FREDERICK M. CUISNING,NAK Cty Attorney of the Cr ty Alameda I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ReselutOon was dilly aGb. reguTarly introduced and. adoTrtea by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular raRCting assembled on the 5th day oE Oceber, 1965, by tbe following vete, to ult.: AYES,: Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., MeCalT., Gose nnd Presliient Godfrey:, (5). NOES None . AB SE NT : Sone. MN WITNESS WHEMOS, I. have hereunto set my hand and afrixed the stficial seal et said. Cite this Erh day al natobsr. . SAIRLEY H. fEENTER (SEAT) City Clerk of the City of Alameda 1 itereby certify tbat the foregsang is a full, true and correct copy of 'City of Alami,i.de Resolution No. 5860, CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE AilelEDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DI:S- TRICT FOR ISISLIC PURPOSES,' introduced and. adopted by tae Council on the eth day of October, 1%5. Clerk/of Cit - of Alameda