Resolution 06898CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO, 6898 ADOPTTNG SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR CULVERT RECONSMCTION ON SANTA CLARA AVENUE AT EVERETT STREET, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans foT culvert reconstruction on the west side of the intersectio 11 of Santa Clara Aven.ue and Everett Street, numbered PW 10-65-28 and filed in the office of the City Clerk on jannary 1, 1966; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL. OF 'DIE CrTY aF ALAMEDA that the aforesad Specifleatl.ons, SpecAal Provisions and Plan, numbered. an.1 filed ne aforesad, be, and Ole same are hereby appn)ved anti adoped. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the performance and completion of the work specified in said Speci- Fi cations and Provisions he, and the snme is hereby aut.hori zed, RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of Alameda will reeei,e sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1966, for furnishing to the City of all labor, materials, machbnery, tools and equipment necessary for the work hereinabove referted to, in accord- ance said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Aall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, 'Proposal for Culvert Reconstruction on Santa Clara Avenue at Everett Street'', Or sim,1..ar designation. Contract., if av,rded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and 13..' bid, Yhe right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and Provsions mey f' had by any prospective bidder on applicatior to the City Engineer, at his office in the City Hall, 3.03, California, The City Clerk is hereby directed. to advertise, br, the Alameda Times-Star, a notice calling for sea 1.e1 bi ds , in accordance th the provi s i on s of thi s re soluti on and of said Spec 3( ca ti on. s and Provi si on s . I, th1 . unclersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced and '1 (1 by the Council. of the City of Alameda in. regular meeting assembled on the 1) 13 of january, 1966,, by the. followin.g vote, to wit; AYES: CouncAlffien. 3l" 1 1 Rose and President Godfrey, (4), NOES None. ABSENT: Councilman La Croix, dr., (1), IN WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my hand. and affixed the official seal of said City this 19th day of January, 1966, SFdRLEY H, TENNIER City Clerk of the City of Al,,Tred.=. I hereby. certify that. the fore2-b3ing is a full, true and correct copy of "Clty of Alameda Resolution No. 6898, z'oavrIN-(1 SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND mos FOR CULVERT RECONSTRUCTIN SAl'ass CLN1A AVENTE AT EVERETT STREET, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTIbr. CITY, CLERK TO ADVERTISE introducchi end adopted by the Council on the r.iay of .T.3vamry, 1966, 1 y Cip„,r.k:of the City of Alameda