Resolution 06905SNP,' ,\L'CNSSA FESO., Cr:CH NS. ,S9S5 ADOPTING SPEPTFICATIWS, ,PENNA1 PROVISIONS AND FANS CCR INSTAII,CTICN OF EXPOSED eGGREGATC. CONCRETE eff TUE ENCENAL SWIM CENTER, Cal:LING FOH "IL.Ci AND DSRENTINC CITY cLEaK TO AINVE,IP SC SE PiAe . p_ _ st„ ViEREAS, the CI tcy Engineer hes prepared Speci. cati s Sped: a Pro if] si ens end Plane for installation of exposed aggregate concrete the Er:cited Swim Center, numbered 2-66-5 and filed in the, office oF: the el ty, C!erif. on February 1., 19e6, NOW "rd2REPORE, Br, TT RESOLVCD THE: rOBBBMB T.U. ciTY SPF ALAMEDA thnt the aforesaid. Specificstions, Specie Provisions and Plans, numbered end 'Piled as aforesaid be, and the some are hereby approved ond. teldetetC RESOLVED, FURTHER, that tee performance tiled compettion of the WOTT, SB,2 fsett ddid fdcations and PrOV OBB be. and tile same is hereby authorized. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that Lhe Codflcd1 of tha City of Alameda receivm semled bid.s up to the hour of 11100 o'clock fem. on icrtOSY, FEBRUARY 18, 0)66, for furnisher?, to the Cdty or ail Labor, materials, mecherery, trees ane eduipeent neemesary fox tha oorl. hereenabove referreri re. in accord- ance edrh s,c Specifications and Provisions. Bids BIBBSt: be preseeted to the City Pleirit, in the City AaT.I.. Alsa2da, Cale forred, sneer sealed cover and plainly serked on the outsede, 'Proposal for tdstellation of Exposed eggrepate Poreemte at Encinal SeCei deuers■ or S desipootion. Curreect, if awarded, efill be moarded subject re rhe provisicms of the Charter of the City mf Alemede, to the resporteble bidder eno csbmits the lowest she hest bid. Tbm resht is reserved to Ijet any Or eel bidec Said Spec': fecatityls and Peovisions may be had by any prespeotive bidder on apptiontSon to the rdety Enpineer, at his off'ere isn the. City. dee! Cale forded. The CS ty s belfeed. d rec red to sdrer tt se 1.n the Aleede le me sr Ste r „ notl ce ca 1 - ';ng sealed bids, In scordence NPth the prcelsions of tef.s reset,ution and. of said Specifications and PIArVi Si GTIS I, the undersigned, hereby certify tbmt the foemging Pesolution. was duly and resularly iotroChsemd and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in. regular meeting assembled on the 1st: day of Februarys 1966, by the tfoleone. vote, to wit: NPPES: Counci imen Bartley, Id Croix, jr„. NePall and Vice fTesedent Rose, (4). NOSS.: AOSENT: President. Godfrey, ItifTNESS WdEfftEare, hmve hereunto seM my hand. and nftixed the seeti trf said City this 2nd Piny of Februnry, 1966. SSee, TENNIES ty Siert of the City of Aletrede. T. hereby certify that Lhe fotegoing is a feLl, tree nod pmrtemt copy of 'City Alemede Resolution No. 6905, ADOPTINC SPECIFICATEOtSS, SPEMAL PROVISIONS ANS' PLA,NS FOR INSTALLATION OF EX.POSED NECREGATC CONCRErE AT TEE SNCINAL dENTea, CALLINC FOr, sIDS ANI) DIRECT...WC CITY CLERK TO ,..,,rYN.ftfer]. SE SeeEs, Introduce6 end. adopte.d by the Council on the 1st day of Nebruary. 1966<, City Plere eetethe Pity at Alameda