Resolution 06997CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOIUTION NO. 6997 APPOINTING 61,MBER OF TUE CITY FLANCTI NG BOAPD. BE ET RESOLVED BY TUE COA3NCII. OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that pursuant. to the provisions of Art Icle M of the 16harter of thu Ci ty of Alameda, anO. upon. numipatlen of the Mayor, VICTOR L. HANSON, JR., is hereby appointed to the office of member of the City FXannRng Uoard of the City o Alameda for a term copmenuAng on July.1, 1956, and expiring on Jmn 130, 1969, and. tu serve until a successor is appointed and is quail fled- 1, the undersigned, hereby certify thRt the foregoing Resolution WA S duly and regularly. irttroducd. and adopted by the Council cRE the CM ty Alameda lu regular meeting assembled 1 the 19th. day of JUly, 1966 by thu folic,ing vote, to PC6E,S: Counci Imen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., Pc'Cal .R,ose and President Godfrey, (6). NOESM Nene, ABSENT: Noxe. IN Ofilti.ESS ',TERROR, I Rave hereunto set my band end affixed the official seal of sa,ld Ce ty ChM?, 20th dey of July, 1966. SIIIRLEY TENNILER City Clerk of the Cjty of Alameda hereby certi Ey. that the foregoing is a full. true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Result:Lion No. 6997, APPUINTING MEMBER OR TOE CITY 116,6111,66.66,6 BOUBIM" introduced ausi adopted by the Council on the 19th day of SIO.y, 1966. • ty Clerk 2,6,4the City of Alameda '\66/