Resolution 07005My OF ALAMEDA RESOUTION NO. nO5 ADOPTING SPECIFICATfeS, SPECIAL PRovismNs AND FLANS FOR =NIS COCRT AND PLAYGECUND RESURFACING AT LONGFELLOW PARK, cALLING FOR MOS ANC DERECT1NG CITY CURK Tq ADVERT:SE SAME. WHEREAS, tile City Engineer has prepared Specifications Special Provisions and Plans for resurfacing the tennis court and piayground et LongfelAcw Park, numbered FW 7-66-22 And filed ln the cflUite of the City C1F,rk on August 2, 1966 NOW THEREFORE, DE rt. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OE ALZIMEDA th.at Ole aforesaid Specifications, Special Provisions ;Ind Vans, numbered and filed ns afor,saj.d., be, And themme ore hereby approved and adopLed. RESOLVED, FURTHER, thaL the performance anA co,rpletion of the work specified in said Speci- fications and Provisions be, ;Ind the. same is her,by Authorized, RESOLVED, FURTaER, th.nr. the Council of thc,,. City of Alameda will receive up to the ho,..;r of 11:00 o'clock a.m. on FRIDAY, AUGUST' 25 1966.; for furnihing to the City of ail Labor, materials; alach:nery, tools and equipment 11;2cessary for the worl, hereinabove referred to, in accord- ance w.:H71.1 said Specifcatons and PTOVISiOD, l'AdS mo,,t be preented to th:c city Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, Califorrda; under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, 'Proposal for Court and Playgro;md Resurfacing at Longfellow Par!.;,' desaLion. Contract, Af L,:warded, will be ewaTded subject to th2 provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, to tha r,sponsible bidder ,,ho subffl,ts Lh..e Icwe6t and host bid. The right. is reserved to reject any or all bids, Said Specificor.s and ProvisionF, mny be had by any prospective bidder on application to the City E.cTineer; at his office in. the City Hall, Alameda, Callfornia, The City Clerk hereby directed to advortise, in the Alameda TTh.es-Star, a notice call- ing for sealed bids, in Accordance ,Ath the provisions of this resolution. and of said SpecificatioRs and Provjsions. I., Coe unersign.ed, taereby certfy that the foregoing Resolution was duly arld reguleTy introduced end adopted by ne Council of the Cl,y of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on. tile 2nd. day of August, 1966, by .the follaudn.g vote., to wit: AYES, Com.nciiroen. Bartley, La Croix, Jr„ McCall and VIce President Rose; (4). NOES: None. Fresident Godfrey; (I). ZTNESS wnEREcT, I have hereunLo set my hAnd aAd affixed the official seal of said Clty this 3rd day of Agust, 1966, (SEAL.) City Clexk of the City of Aia,eda SIIDIZY H. TDRTS... hereby cartify that the foregoin& ls a full, zrue And correct copy AC of Alameda Resolution Ao- 7065, ADOPTING SPECIFTCATICNS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOP TENNIS COMT AND PLAYGRO'CND RESURFACING „AT LONCFELL!'3W RATCK, CAT:LINO FOR BIDS AND DIREUTINU CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE in.trodued and. adpteci by the Council on the 2n.d day of Auv.Ist, 1966. ty C1 erk f„).: ;:ity of Alan-:ed,r;