Resolution 07011:TM C OF DP. RESOLUTION NO. 7011 ADaisrs NG. sPisc IsisicAT ot,s:; sri,..cssrsIs :PROVISIONS AND PLATIF, FOR AfIXING. OF MATERIALS .,Ar „ALAMEDA .'XONICI.84 A GCA9 COUR.SE, c.A:LIANG Bips AND 1/1,,RECTING CITY C.T,ERK TO ADVERTISE SAME. WHEREAS, the Cit Ens:3 ee:17 has pr.E.Tared Spe.c.ations, Special Provision Pln.s for thci mixing of materials at thR, Alameda Municipal Coif Cours,s, 179,2. 8-56-24. 8.9AI Filed in the ofFice. of the City. ClerI, on .August 2, 1966; NOW THEREFORE:, BE IT RESOLVED BIZ ThE ,IOUNA,11, OF' THE CITY OF ALAIIEDA thet the afbresad Speciflcat,,,,Ans, Special Prov',.sions 89.d Plans, ny.m..5exed and filed os aforesaid, or,d samc hereby ...:ipprove-,1 and adopted. RESOLVED, FUEAMIIITA, that the performan..ce and coaT,ietion of the "Wffi, specifActi in said SpecA ons 8,nd Provisions be, and the same i s hereby L9AthoTri zed „ RESOLVED, FURIAN,l, that thc. Council of the City of Alameda 9,111 recei.TA sealed bici 9p to the houz of 1.1;e0 o'cjock a.m, on WEDNESDAY., AUCUST 10, 196.6, .I.or furnishing to Lhe City of all "labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment. necessery for the work. hereipabove referred to, accord- ance with sa d. SpetA neat:ions and Provisions.. Bids must bc presented to the City ClerkA in the City Lail, Alameda,. California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on. the. ortsr de , "Proposal. for the Nixing of Materials at the Afarliethi Municipal Col.f Course,' OT desigmtion„ Contrac,„ if awarded, ,A,111 be awarded subject to the provAsions of the Charter of the City of. Ale9,eda, to the. responsible bldder wbo submirs the lowest and best bid. Tre right is reserveci to reject any or all bids— d Speci ficatioas and Provi oils may be hat' by any prosp,A..ctive bidder on cation to the Engineer., his office i T1 the City Hail, Alameda, California, Th E., City ClCrk iS 1,,ereby c13 ed to advertise, 17i the A. auk: d Times-Star, 0 Acytice cal l- ing for sealed bids, in acc0rdance th provj sions of this rcsolutl on and of. 9,aie, Specifications 1.311,1 rrAry "I :3 ons. T., the undersin.ed, hereby certify th.r=t the foregoing Resolution. vas duly and regularly inlro 131 d adopted by the CoAlnell of the City of Alameda in regAilr meeting ass.emblEd on the 2nd day of ",sinsIst , 1966, by the folLow vote, to wit.: AYES: Councilmen Bartley, L8 Croix, Jr., McCAll. end Vice Presidelit NOES None . PresideAt Godfrey, ULINESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set ray hand eind Affixed the official seal of Said City this 3rd .r.lAy ..,,,.9g9st, 199,6, Sr:LAI:EY N, (SEAT-) City C le rk of the City of' tdameAr, I hereby certify 38) the 38. 3. is a full, true and coxrect chpy of 'City of l'..1a9leda Resolution No... ADOPTINC SPECIFICATIONS, SPECTA1 131 '13 AND PLANS FM THE MIXING OF ,...11ITETUALS AT T91,,, ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL GOLF CamsE, cALLIA.c: FT,T1,. BIDE AND DIRECTING. CITY CIERK TO ADVEIJISE introduced. and adopted hy the CouncA I or, the 2nd dny of August, 1966. 9'71 Ci erk Ci ty or Al I