Resolution 07050CITY OF TF.SOUYTION NO, 7C50 !,,,ND ORDER ihETMVDNG ,E 1_ FNCNEEP'S REPORT', ODL,ERIT.C. DIDD CCNDARIY,:TION ThIPE.WEMENTS, AND CTihihiDDING A.SSESSPii'Ah, ADDSS,DIED1' DISTDICT NO. 66-1, OF hountil, CD.31.1DA7 :chla, adopted s, Deschhati on hi tri on No. 7(..h,21/, isDesRhetoa District 06-1, t,„ :Dia.heda, :`,DhsTDOD hhuDty, ::hyrDA , hay ,ho consLruchl.on hDprDvehhhts aFhsessizat. oh, and referred said. proposed coastrw.DDIDDA c, imp-rovemenhs to the t. I ti? ED.gincler of the. City WPEREAS, on th.e. hth day of Septe,hber, 1966, the shlid Litv ETI.Djn.ce-r ,D the hhty of AIDhe6D ReP0h,-- preg'DhhD?e, to the Di Cohhch,, thD ty conDeerhlt,h nhhl Dile 6th C.Lay 3eptDhibDr, 1965, thh (htty Council. Df hhe prc- .01hhhahhLy adDDL,DDi DoiD Enh,inenr's Raport ahh fOhed. TuesdDy„ IDD>ch day of ODh.ohDr, 196h, the: hoar GO -h.D3D, chchiDoh PhD— sDld eel, th.D.., hoDDtia placo*f Dhe City CovhD',.1 ol= hy of th D rrr, d OPT'S t".! C.' tl h :Theme h pro Gn 1st day of h!..ovotar, the. Cit.' of Dii..rhedA th the hi.;D:, Cier', the' 'hit:), of thhhEDID r echfh...,D Po.:D.Dorh.; 1 , That thrl 1 str.',. ht. ..'.hc.D1D t_ r. by sa°..,..!. Dnns cD. Of ayhj to bc LC.). Pay" DDsts ap.6 .D.hDDenhes tD..ereof, 3 8 F.-Dore paItD..chlahly thaD P.DsDlutioh. or ID:heat:Dion hchre'±naho-DD refDrh,DD to Enii n paht hDxeof hy TD:!her,D.DD, LD.D,D Dhat ,D11 pdY: 1 c strecth e,DD H5....,hhways aseDsmEoh chaDtn.cth DeloA in. use in. ::,he peL:oThlanh,: of a DDhDi ".DD rvhDti0D, g2 chD theD fr,7,1r rhl id :hi shriht mnh.1 firhhr the '.,.cvy fnA C'.-.)1 I eDti the DpeDial. .D,s.,,,,hsD,:chth, to he ivhreattc,x DD.D,1,...h.ted to Dov,Dr Z. 1").E V.OSt.6 D. e'DPED6es 0D 2, That. the pi.nns speciftootj. hnh r.j. hnprovenhvts UDD D.DoDhr.D.Dci S Th8r tshImDte oj. ,tem12.eD hh1D,FDI eshihntnri cost..s dnu Dx.pDhlDes of tOe conhtmhDtIDD ihprovhTerhs, of. indid,:rd,tdt c.xp,Dhser.. thDrDhDC.1, ATD,D.D.Dc6 Lst..*Date oE Is on la with hke izhe tv oE AlDm,Dda be, arid r r.. ,2,:rf.,.byh adopted Drd nophh,DTE!. as th,D En.g.'D.DDDr's estAmnhe Df the or 1913, .as :Dherhled. Dszh.e, Taw] tne DounOah,,, (1, the as:Dessment dlgt,hiot hs Ds shDhh oP ashes.smcht attach.cd to, and x. , r. the DrIendcc, DED:::DDDEEDD's. `heDD,D• ReshIDLDico„ 1.1Dh C,Dry ,•...„DuDc.,. l'hcoa. :DAD of Al Dhuh-3,9 hereby rds de:tenni t. each, crt.- salo c,ts , ece pnrce: s of and thin hire hnh.DAD-riDos Dih.,DDH c- h.D,DtthFiDthh, hhc TDchro: aD.C. thc Dhchohtion. ohh (DID thD,..D.1 c.,c.d1.3L1dx,:dLi ad, idpiddveddd d i de•utddt edwardies 1,„tdiddl =dddd of. so d rdi edes r..r.; thDy Duhrlhs hshoir,...7. LIAD DDIDhrhr 1. D.:chrpleti on. nh.. the ferred L..5 the y...ene. Zund of ehe Ci tef .1.1. t eloe6 551. exe,eee the lesser. of $1.000,50(.. or 5 peT of the total. arlount, e',<Tpende -,..77'0'.11 1.55,5envereat Fend. c5,51.1.c.r.55, se sol,.1 suhelue 1.51...J1 5e, apeliee 6 cyet1;.L 5..,e5on the ,.eesesen.e..L. the inaane-e erovieed ln 1(...5427.1 of Streets. 3.1,A Highwees 55edeo, h.....5.5,15y fe, thae forage...5A Rehecolo5,...1,55. ecoly ane adope5e6 te.I5 ty c...05e5551.1. the Chi ty of el ameeln, e55.50.55. (h.,: Foreee. 55t reeeeler 55,500eig the555ecol„ 1st FiC5C., by the fe1.7,555,51755.5:. 5,55,tee, to Tinetley, CroiN, „ft" Nleat51..., Reese .255.55,51d.ent.. Goe.freoy. (5). Siile.:LY 9, ey of. herobe 5,5e,.'e, fey thelL tee., :Forego. 5.5.; .5 a Eel true aeci correot copy ee "cei ne. ieened.. Res& utilme. No. 7050, Re,SODITION AND .5.PPP.OVTIY:0 APE.5..!.51l5D ENC....NEEPO'S ilEPOPT, (57,...D.1.5cl.T.l.r TU. SIRULTION IMPROVE51.15A5S, ASSLS5l5ENT NO, b6 ue eLAMtAllly ,))1,1171-10R11/INC: ENCIN)))PF; OF 'FRE TO ,):1AKE .1.::1)L)),X)E3 71.7 1;07)U.).. ,A3S.13.S1,2);)):7). DIsTRICT (.1" C 1 2, riCa 1. 3 .cechn), pl that. '-';',1'.1■17 C:3 1 CI L., 91„Z ei t ,T,,,,-1,31,ted by Lhe r)), ;ireti )1.arv),, )