Resolution 07056CiPPY PP PIA:REDO, aESOLUT,(ON NO, 706 ADOPTINS EPECTETICERTE11,E4S, SPECIAL PROVISEONS AND PLANS 1111,Q INSTALLATE.CE1 ,ET A LETE1A,'IM REWEE IN SHERY,E,11, STREET FTORIS FACLITTT:, AVENUE TO BUENA VISTA AVENJE, ,-ALTRINC1 FCC BIOS AND DIRECTINO OTTE' CLERK TC_ADVERTTRE „ WHERESP,1. Pha 111y Ensinger 'pies nrepored SpeclOgations. SpeOlal Pro.ROlons ond Planp S.or tha 1npanflatInu na p ptcog seeer on UherPou Strout SsroR Pgaifia Aapanue tp Egene Wstu Avanue, nunhareg. PR O. -66 gad filed In the n1,FEPE, oP thd City Elerb on NOV.7t-..1,2)- 15„ anaciflnetlans, Spetoal ProOn:rns ado Plans, poPberne, ond 'ilag os aSoresoH, ne, pan the spapie are hereby approved ond adopted, BE IT FERIUR REST-EWER that the perfornonne and completion. of the cork specThed in said Spenlficatiors and Provlsion. he, and the same ls hereby. euallnprIzed. BE IT FURTIER 1111RE1 RallED that the CounCil no: the City of Alaxedp reaPive bddc up Lo the hour of 11:0G o'clock a.no an. FRIDAY, MORTEN:8ER 25, 1966, ror furnishing to The Cat), of all abor, apIterdals, mpal.Onsvary„ taols and epulpment necensary for the vorb laprelnenave referred toR in accordance pith sald SpaciSictioins and ProvIsions„ Bids a.ust Pe presented to tne City Clerk, in the City Pail, ajannadp, CaljfornEa„ under seaJed cover And nleinly MO.Y.1,..ed on the nutside„ 'Proposal for Sbnstella1laon pi a Sacra Sen,ar in Sheroap Strect frD,1 Pacific Avnnue to Baena Vistu, nvenaleJ, or similar designntlon, COntr8Ct, lf awarded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of the Cujty of Opeoagdo, tc the responsible bidder Ono submits thc lonest ana best lair:, rap right is reserved cpa reject pay or all bids. Pain apcciPications and ProvisOsna goy be had by opy grospootnve nidcar op appllcation City Eng!ncer„ nt his osOce in tho City Poll, plpmeda, Tne City Clerk Is heaehy directed os aavEn:JOpc, in thp Alunpoo Iians-Star, a nealce Ra1'5,111 fur sealerl bias., in pannrclanua snun oPc provisions oR Loos resoluu,on and pf: upSol !.peelf,,ceinas Prov;aions. the undersigned, hereby Certify that the fcregP1ng Resolution was dady and reppElArly introduced and arloptoR, by !no CnnaCA1 pf Pine City of Alameda in. peapjar meeting esseuble,1 on 1he 15th day of NoreakeR. 1966, by nhe 'bbiloauang vote, `an vIt: nenacOonn Bartley. Le Croix, Jr., 11cCnIT, Rose gPd Presideng Godfrey, (5), IN OITNESS ,:malEal: I have hexeunto set my hen6 and aallud tine offTrel sepi of Said City thiS 16th day of Novenubor, TER:MTEU RILE Clleck ar tne Cita,' of Alvieble hereby ueroify 1.4al. the foreo7nng. is a full., tree and. correct copy of' "City n Aintietia 11.0666.1tion No< 7056; AROPTTEG SPESTRIbATIll1S, SPECIAL. PROVISSCNE AND PLAN, -.11PR Ou. A. STOF,;.M SIEPIV; STREET FROnl. AVEN1E TO BUENA VISTA AVENEs, baT.T1110 jaTDS ig1D DIRET,TTURC CTTY tITERK EusT1,,E ,-,nsredubed and paoptea by the EouncO op. the 15th dey ol. Envember, TS.66„