Resolution 07061ph 7 ,,i ,..77s5,E E 2.017 flail 617 bilh 7961 A1713.10:22.1L5P, .362.92767:6,661051 236 6.1.33.ELHENii, 361-....00 Chip( Aar, rhoitp PROFESSIONAL,* 5,617.6.63, on 3666, 29., 1964, nn9 pursuant to fl.s.5.1.ticti. No. 6647 theretofore adopteli by tit is Council , the 9ety entered. into a 9.72qcsen agheeme6t .137tS 2,55.67 hy latter undertook to serform the dui:hes of a siol ?rofseional tt 7tty's lion1ti pal Clolf 2.671rbpsi end V.21.179/EAS, said. grcisment reshrires certain phisyments, based upon ghnss reverws received by ehe golf' protossionol, to be chthle moathly to the Citpt which sross revenues atie di.rectly re9ated to patronage at said Colt Courses! anti Wii997.65,, Course .1 has bten undergoing reconstruction and. has beom 616set" si75cs 655y 203 1956, 92 tirid not ehtetLebi to bc re—opened oriti I huly 1., 1957, or thereabouts. 8',1,1 iit 8.6.cord5i5gly would be in the best. interssts of both parties that said asreement be modifte3. to tete into accouht 1:56 rhdueed gross revenoes Pc the professicna1. broug4t ahout by reduced patro6age bit said Courses, NOW 1516332.310,312 BE. 932601VED Till3 COUNC19. 052 THE 61113, G7 thet tbE 5fritten agreement hereinabove refe.rrel to he ilodi ft ed by tic:Piing te Paragraph. 2 thtrect, the foll.optn,,,,, oprds ffgures: Ef fecti ve on Novembeir 1, 1966, and continuing unee 1. Jul y 1 , 967 , or until such earlier date wlion bcth of City's tan Golf 6burses are apept public play, parchnbage paypIchats provided for 6.2d cohput66 as above sec forth shall. be. reduced by 35'6 iri the case of payments urtlet eslipatt.grapb 2 (n) and by 266, 16 thb case of 32.7thptts uncier subp776.92graph 7 (13). On. Jely I, 1967, or on such. earlier date, this Fararaph 2-5 shall beerscrle ine63fettive and cif no fPrther forchh ar7 the psrcantesci paymebts 66317 thpn rchert te an6 bict,cieic 1:395so set forth in Paragraph 2 hereinhove.' B2 IT .1162T113, 72.3111\672.6 that. eixecipt as so modified. Arid amended., asid agreemeint shall contineh in effect ncoording to its obSEhbal terms anft BE 77 h'UTHER 1929,77977"10 that the :Mayor arid Ch. 'ay Clert be and beret,' are nuthcrizta 16 e r. iiirected to attess, rohpectIvely. cp. behelf of the CA ty an agreement tch.taining the isodi f ca herein. se t forth. I, tee tinders" gni7d7 hereby. berttfy that the toregbing besoluhicri tits y snd respiarly ihnhirthtucet and adopted by the Cos6bi I cf. 1ht 56,616y oe Alameda le 1979LeJ712 assehibled on the 1566 day of htiver.ther. 1966, by. the fol.., vob,e, ta h6f. 6715.5". toupPlliten. bartley. Croty., Jr., hit7all, Rote and President Gbdfrey, (67. 6,3776923 0233,90F, I. 152.2ve bercunto set My hand and affixphl the seal oi said City this itith sins. of Novepher„ 11,1115. Pity Clerk of tha i.ity of AJaps5da 9 hareby fy that Lhe foregoing Is a full, true. and c3rrcht topy oE fti.ty of. Pitamtida ps, s, t „ N0 7051, Auhlismi,h15.25. 6952 T. • AGI "Thibbitr C ANn PRO7i17717.6S.2775 ane adop7e5 by the Onancl, tilt, 165h (lay of 2.7755ablber. 1966. L y-