Resolution 07097CITI Oh AIARLDA NTACLUTICh DM. 20B2 RALOCATIATITH OF YHA CCIANCIL OF THE CITY CF ALAEALA ESTABLISNIMG GehdrUMNUSHAU ELECEICAY PlibUIWRIM, DACCAqMNTChdi PAdflUe1 ILACHS THERI.TCa AEA NAMING 04-K6446 CF 264424a6(4 FEW IEIL GONSOLIDATED PRACIDLITA p2a Thh GRAELAL MUNICIPAL LEATICSb TO HA FELS ON TUB:STAY, ICARCH 14;,, GT167 „pg_ Mbhaneb, pursuant to the provisions of Article LIR. oil the Charter of the City of Allemedn ard of Besolution h. 209? heretofrre adopted. by• the Council, a general.. municipal. election has been. called mnd ordered. to be huld in the City. oS Pjallee.ft Stets, of California, or luesdoy, Dbubh TA. 1907: WILY, THICIATECnE, RE IT RbSCITED ha. tht Council of the City of Alamuda that the 57 election precincts wgthin the City of Alameda am the 80.1flk, were lust heretofore defitssig designated. fined and estatifertd by the Bourn of Supervisors of the County of Ala:sena, Statu Oulifornia, as the election twee:lents within the City of Alemeda for holdling general state and. soubty elections, be and the same are hereby consolidated, fixed arb dealgrated and estellIched as the fifteen election precincts for holding said genera]. munitipal election; and BE IT MUUCHES AsenALVEe tIEM, the locations said election precincts and the elestGon officers said general. municipal election in. sadd preniurts end appuinted, respectively, as Sonoran: PhEMINCD,RCuppLOTEn,_Ilig;010't boiling Place: Eduction Offftern Insbmustur: Judge: Clerk: Clerk; 155Ey Ari5CT ILP060 (A75,0 Mailing Place; of the polling placet in snd for for the precinct Boards to conduct be and the same are hereby demienated Recreution Center, Godfrey Perkg Beach Bond at Seminary. Avenue Frances Var. Sisten hep 30 huitlend Drive Ina Matto Rep 1053 Islann Drive. Marine R. Caton All. Garden. Road Jane F. Thompson Rep 231. Btabh Read A.01 0M, A0110) Lincoln Park Lodge Bldg., Plain Entretse High. Street at Santa Clara Avenue Eduction Officers; Inspector: Florence A. Thau judge: Florence j. Forsberg Clerk: Veronica OiNara Clerk; Thelma F. Calvert Clerk; Hilda C. Knapp Clerkt Edidred Oppenheimbr PHESINCT NO. L4,426 (4ogi2, 4446542, 462(4.q.,) HA:A:75;5(52 ITHECILts Polling Place; Flee:mica; Officerb: 1nmpector: Judge. Clerki Clerk: Des, Lem Rem Rep Dem Lem 2823 Centrsi Avenue 3261 Garfield Avenue 5Cd? Sante Clare Avenue C221 FAirview Avenue 3202 Central Avenue 321 Monte Vista Room, Lincolr School, 29?0 Central. Avenue Mintrance on Mound Street WillEub N. Woodward Grace J. Hartley ;Edward F. Gilligar Leona L. Chrisman NO. NO1112mmilL1L0 4.2.212) Polling Place: Election Officers: Inspector: Judge. Clerk: Clerk: Dem Ear Rep Dem 7255 Sterling Avenue 3302 Liberty Avenue 821. Encinal Avbnue 132T Fountain Street Community' Room, Left Side, Frank Ctis Sebocl. 3010 Fillmore Street Alfred Teen Reis George Rm. Skells Nancy Warr Virginia j. Coffman t(c(2. 4°"1430 (4017°, 4.0180) Polling Place; Election Officers: inspector: ousge; Clerk: Clerk: Community' Roos, Right 3010 Fillmore Street 'souls BURbin Cbterdock Muurirm C. Smith" June Lucille Sanderson Barters. Cbmisa Rep Sep Dem Dem 717 Clay Street 2624 Clby Street 3279 Wechington Street 3 Foot Street Side, Frank Ctia School Pep Dem. Dem 721.28 Regent Street • 1135 Perk Avenue 2909 San Jose Avenue 2901 San Jose Avenue FNIECINGT EC. 4.0220 ,u,o2ip,,„ Dolling Place: Election Officers: hmpector: Judge. Clerk: Clerk: LLEGINCT NC. L2227 Polling Place: Election Officers: Inspector: judge: Clerk: linrk: Community Foomm Ieft Side, Edina.). School 2700 Kuehn Vista Avenue Adele MU Doyln :Martha OpErshaw Mlnnie A. Bales Eine Leach Dem Rep Rep Rep 19l8 Pearl 9treet 1813 Vnrseilles Avenue 2525 Clement Avenun 2711. Keene Vista Avenue Community Room, Right Sidep Faison. School 2700 Buenu. Vista Avenue Verna RV Coffin. Blanche R. Noimgren Florence E. Bieleck Bentley J. Coffin PRECINCT BC. 4,L.1,11:LUILL.KM 40230, es, 1,91E0 Pmlling Place: Election Officers: inspector: Judge: Clerk: Clerk: Clerk: Clerk: PRECINCT N04 Dem Rep Dem 2901 EMrina Krive 2017 Cambriden Drive 819 Cambridge Driem 2901 Marina Drive Boys Basement, Haight School, 2025 Santa Hobert Bunch. Ellen L. Nilson. Idlliar V. Busser Ohristelln Dornick May Bundstedt Gertrude lir Earl Dem. Rep Dem. Rep Rep Clara Avubne 1344A Mound Street 1820 Elm Street 1.84.2 Elm Street 2119 Pacific Avenue 2149J Sante Clara Avenue 1525 Willon Street 1 :92:ci0 11.0 2849. h 029Cligil)300) Polling Place: Roomm Central Baptist Church, 2131. Central Avenue Election Officers: Inspector: Judger Clerk: Glerkr Clerk: Clerk: Dorothy R. Frear Knthnrine Burr Ida M. Navnrre Margaret Irene Brown Sara .Euree. Booth Elsie Frances OrDell FRE C I R CI N24 42)U2_,_ (406 26, 40:310 604 I o 4 pl,(2.1 11 Fmlinng Place: Election Officers: Inspector: fudge: Clerk: Cinfirs: Clerk: Clerk: Dem Rep Rep Rep Dom nem 2139 Alameda Avennn 2065 San Antonio Avenun 2151 Encinnl Avenue 1217 Park Stroot 8116 11amod. Sverue 93? Park Street Administration. Lobby, Donald D. Lum Erhool 1801 Candrreek Nay Eyru EMiloy Ruth S. Gerlchten EMrilyn Kale Florence linnning Virgdnia Dees Yvonne Alerieff Rep feu Dem tem Dem nem ph,EINcT 4ekgg_i4c940.1±024a), ,40430) Polling Place. Commnnity ROOM, Franklin. School, 1493 Gan Antonio Avenue Blunt:ion Officers: Inspector: judge: Clerk: Glnrk: Clerkr Clerk: Annie G. DE:Innen Maude Mk Bolmten Bdrbara Ghtberlain Fyn Pearl Littler Rose M. Robles Alice C. Surress ffIENE-9M.MIENhmENIMa:FIMILLE)INI:75 Ef'420 4.4:39E851) Tolling Place: Room Maetick Schnol, Election 4fficern: Inspector: Judge: Clerk: Clerk: Work: Gladys McCarty Mary A. Van Neat Alice W. Sudmeier Marlette E. Dell Bessie Netherwood 417 Yorkshire ForiE 2020 Franciscan Way 425 Farbor Light Road 250E Otis: Drive 93 Sand. Rock Inin 417 Kitty Hawk Road Dem 13GB - 9th Street Rep 1620 Dayten Avenum Rep a253 Hawthorne 3treet Dem 920g Centennial Street Dem 1125 Grand Mtreet Rem 1121 Grand Street 1526 Bay Street Bela Dem Rep Rop Dem 1610 Morton Street 1012 Eagle Averium 1E14 Sherman Street 1405 Central Avenue 1577 idncoin Avenue 39: 396 FOLCINaT EC. (DACE (40470)LD).42PEO04.901 62.(E)321 Polling Place: Efbrary, Washington. School, 825 Taylor Avenue Election Offlpers: Inspector: Richard H. Allen Mop 302 'Brush Street Judge: Elsie Pace Dem 771 Omuta Clara Avenue Clerk: Irene A. Dull. Fern 842 Taylor Avenue Clerk: Sylvdo Gates Rep 810 Taylor Avenue Clerka Claire F. Gallagher Rep 1096 Taylor Avenue Clerk: Dagney H. Johnson. Dem 1616 Concordia Street DEICINGT DO. 10510 (4.052(2,_41:530) Polling Place: Community Room, Woodstock Schhol, 1900 - 3rd Street Election Officers: Inppector: Doris D. Wayne Dpm 111B Bach Street Judge: Feta M. Rose Dem 329 ((drupes Street Clerk: Clete E. Mathis Rep 1708 - 21Ad Street Clerk: Mary K. Capp@ fpn 311. Brush Street PRECINCT NO.AD560 (1(251540)9405(50,9„L(357g) Foiling Place; Room #2, )Jilliam G. Paden. School, 144. Central Avonpe Election Offdcers) inspector: Gertrude Shull Rep 5111 Taylor Avenue Judge: Agmes Henderson hep 632 Lincolth Avenue Clerk: Elton V. Henderson ReP 632 fainocIE Avenue Clerk: Florence G. Wright. Lem 343 Idneoln Avenue I, the utdersigned, hprebv cevtify that the foregoing Easolution WnS duly and regularly introduced anh adopted hy the Council of the City of Alamodo in regulph meeting assembled on the 2.1st day of February, 1967, by the following vote to wit: ACABOW Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and President Godfrey, (5). ROEL: None. ABSENT: None. ID WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto sat my hand and affixed thm official seal. of saih Cite. this 23rd day of February, 1967. ( 3E111'14 BUTFIFY NG TENETFAC Elty Clerk oT tgp City. ' flompda I hereby certify that the (MowupEdng is a fold, true one) correct copy of "Cita- of' Alameda Epholdtiou Ho. 709f, REEOLIPFEUR OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CIDY alABILA FSBADLISHIEG CCEHOLIPATICE) ELECTION FEECIEET61 DEOGGRATING POLLAPICO PLACES DUEUFFER ANL EPRIFO CIFEGGEnd OP ELECTION FDA THE ....E.AMCOLILVEEZ PLECINCTS YOH THE G:GREMAG MUNUCIPAI EMECTIOE TO ER FELD OF TUEBILY, MARDI). 14, 1967," introduced. and adopted by the Council on the Hint day of February, 1967. the City of iomede.