Resolution 07164CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7164 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF am C11E- OF AIAMEDA DESIGNATING 1- NUTTIER OF AND PROVIDING FOR TEE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AED OTHER EMPLOYEES OE THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. BE IT RESOLVED 80 THE COUNCIL OD' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: Section 1 This Resolution shall be known as the 5Salary. and Position ResolutIen. of July. 1, 19E7.5 Section 2 The follouing salary rates, salary ranges and salary. steps are hereby designated ae the rates of pay applicable to the respective classificatiens in the service of the City of Alameda, effective JuE 1, 1967. Code No. of No. Class Title Positions Range STEP No. 13 5 ADMINISTRADIVE AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR 1000 Auditor and Assessor 1 f/m - - 1100 88 1700 Deputy Assessor' 61. 727 763 801 841 883 1685 Deputy Auditor. 1. 71 727 763 801 8E1 883 1580 Accounting. a' le Operator -.14 54 481 505 530 556 584 1555 Deputy Field Assessor (P.T.) f/h 50 2.65 2.78 2.92 3.07 3.22 1510 intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 47 405 425 447 469 493 CITY- ATTORNEY 1010 City Attorney 1 98 1405 1475 1549 1626 1707 1630 Legal Secretary-Clerk 1 58 5.10 556 584 613 644 1535 Legal Stenographer 51 447 4.69 493 547 543 CITI6 CLERK 1030 City Clerk 1 77 6)1 883 927 974 1023 1590 Deputy- City Clerk 1 58 530 556 584 613 044 C11 Y MANAGER 1060 City. Manager .1 f/m - - - - 2323 1050 Assistant City Manager 1 85 1.023 1074 1127 13E4 1243 1640 Administrative Secretary to City Manager 1 60 556 584. 613 644 676 1530 Senfor Stenographer-Clerk 1 51 447 469 495 517 543 CITY PLANNING 1060 Planning Director 1 87 1076 1127 1184 1243 51 06 3135 Assistant Planning Director 1 77 241 883 927 974 1023 3045 Planning Technician 1 65 62S 660 693 727 763 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 56 505 530 556 584 613 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1570 Legal Secretary 55 493 517 513 57G 598 PERSONNEL 1070 Personnel Director 1 86 1E48 1100 1155 1213 1274 1625 Personnel Assistant 1 * 59 543 570 598 628 650 1620 Personnel OierD 1 * 57 517 543 570 598 628 154 Senior Typist-Clerk , 51 447 351 493 517 0143 1510 intermediate Typist-Cierk M 47 405 425 13 469 105 6040 Examination Rroctor 2/h 2.45 Rote: At such time as the position of Personnel Assietaht is filled, the position of Personnel Clerk will be deleted_ PURCHASING 1660 Buyer 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 1510 Intermediate Ty ist-Cierk 2 47 405 4E5 447 469 493 SOCIAL, SERVICE 1520 Social Service Secretary 51 447 469 493 5 1.7 543 4 fi Code No. of Range 37E11 No. Class Tible Poeitions No A C 1REABURFE ABB TACK GOIEECTOR 10.80 Treasurer and Tax Collector 7 f/m - - - nos 16911 Deputy Treasurer-Tao Collector i 71 763 801 841 883 1650 Assistant Eeputy Treasurer- ax Collector 1 80 . :70 598 628 66o 693 1565 bleld Representatave _ (Revised) t 58 13] 556 5s4 613 6L4 4518 Intermediate Typist-Cierk 57 /25 215 447 46s) 493 BNI1DIAG ANN INSPFEFIEN 3170 Chief BuilPing InspectEr 3110 Plumbing inspector 3100 Building inspector 3060 Aesistant Euilding inspector 3000 Building Permits Examiner CITY BALL A: H N PUBLIC EBRKS 83 974 s023 1074 1127 1124 71 727 763 80] 8.41 883 71 727 763 801 841 883 68 676 '140 745 782 821 44 481 525 530 556 584 505 530 2040 Auto and Building Maintenanceman 1 54 556 584 57c 4430 Garage Attendant 1 53 469 493 517 543 1900 Telephone Operator-Receptionist 1 47 40 425 447 469 L93 ENGINEERING 1090 City 11 1 11 98 1405 1475 1549 1626 1707 3180 Assistant City Engineer 1 88 1100 1155 1213 1274 1332 3150 Sr. 44 411 Engineer 1 83 974 1023 1o74 1127 1184 31,2 Aesop:Late Civil Engineer 11 78 862 905 950 944 10472 3120 Assistant Civil Engineer 2 73 763 sos c4.1 s83 927 3393 survey Party Chief 1 69 693 727 763 801 841 3080 Junior Civil Engineer 2 69 693 727 763 20 4 841 3085 Junior Traffic Engineer 1 69 699 727 763 801 841 3070 Construction Inspector i 62 676 710 745 782 321 1670 Public Works Office Manager 1 68 676 TO 745 782 821 3050 3idewalk -inspector I 6:s, 644 660 693 727 763 3020 Senior Engineering Aide 2 69 598 628 66o 693 727 3030 Senior Engineering Draftsman 2 63 598 628 66o 6973 727 3010 Engineering AiBe 4 58 530 556 587, 613 644. 1610 Principal Clerk, Dept. of Publir Works 1 56 605 530 556 584 613 I990 Senior Stenographer-Cierk 1 51 447 469 493 517 513 155o intermediate Account-Clerk 1 51 447 469 493 51'7 543 5a2 intermediate hybist-Clerk 1 97 405 425 447 469 493 3080 Jr. CivEl Engineer (P.T.) f/h 69 4.00 4.49 1 -50 9.62 4.85 3010 Engineering Aide (F.T.) f/h 58 3.06 3.21 3.37 3.54. 3.72 3oo0 Student Aide (P.l.) f/h - - 1.30 1.40 1.54 pousso - PARKING ME.ER. 2175 Poundmaster-Parking Meter Repaiman 58 530 556 584 613 644 2095 Asst. ('-03 (13 Meter Repairman J 55 493 517 543 570 <3 EMEET 3160 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 82 950 998 1048 1100 1]5 5 2370 Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 1 70 710 745 782 8, 862 2320 Equipment Mechanic Foreman 1 66 644 676 7143 745 782 2290 Umintenance Carpenter Foreman 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 2280 Conctte Foreman , 4 66 644 696 9ao 745 782 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 2330 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1 66 644 676 711, 745 782 2270 Tree Foreman a 66 644 676 711 745 782 2240 Equipment Mechanic i 6-3 59a 628 66c 6 727 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 2 63 3971 628 614 693 727 2220 Maintenance Painter 1 673 598 628 66o 693 727 2190 Sewer Maintenance Leadman 1 63 598 622 660 699 727 2220 Concrete Worker 1 61 570 5)] 62s' 660 693 2160 Street Sweeper Operator 2 * 59 543 570 598 628 660 2450 Tree Trimmer 5 56', 530 556 584. 613 644 2140 Tree Maintenance Worker 1 70 530 556 524 913 654 2120 114 Driver 9 s, 5, 577 543 :3'70 1144 628 2100 lfigBt Equipment Operator 57 517 593 590 598 928 2090 Asst. Equipment Mechanic 1 57 517 543 570 598 628 4,0 STEP Code Am. of Barge No. Glass iltie Positions Mo. A 6 C b E 613 PULLED 600:5 (continued) 2110 Skilled Marker 6 56 505 930 5b6 1 8 1. 2120 Laborer 14 24 46 493 517 5113 57C 2020 Larcener (Part-limo) f/h 53 2.71 2.84 2.) S 3.13 3.29 Plus 0 hull mtop (5%), when scheduled four or more spurs between 4:00 p.rh and 8:0C a.m. TRAFFIC 11113' '0 2210 Traffic Control Painter 1 61 570 598 628 660 693 2110 Okiller Worker 1 56 505 530 556 56. 0. PUOLIO SAF1 111 FIRE 1100 Fire Chief a. 9o(c-E) - 1274 i333 1405 4550 Assistant Fire Chief 11(0-E) 1048 1100 1155 4540 Battalion Chief-Fire Preventihn Offiner 1 77(C-F) - 927 974 1023 4530 Battalion Chief- laining Officer 1. 77(C-E) 927 974 1(23 4520 Fire Captain 9 7324-6) - - 823 927 4510 Fire ideutenant 13 70(C-E) - - (Or 821 862 4500 Fireman 68 65(0-E) - - 693 727 763 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1 63 598 628 660 695 727 1.60Q Departmental Secretary' 1 56 505 530 556 584 613 In addition to nornea compensatihn, positions in classifications on permanent assignment to the Fire Prevention Bureau, shall receive an additional i step (2a) per month while so engaged, 10 Polide Chief ' 90(C-E) - 1274 1338 17,0, 4040 Police Captain 1 82(0-E) - 1048 1100 1155 4030 Police Lieutenant 4 77(C-E) - 927 774 1025 401(1 Police Sergeant 13 72(0-E) - - 821 R62 305 4000 Police Officer 57 65(C-E) - - 693 727 765 4006 Policewoman-Stenographer 1 61(C-E) - - 628 660 693 4008 Police Cormunication Dispatcher 2 56(C- E) - - 556 584 613 1007 Identification Technician 1 5e(C-111) - - 556 584 613 1530 Or. Stenographer-Clerk 4 51 447 469 493 517 543 1540 Senior lypist-Clerk 2 Ol 447 469 493 517 543 4050 Crom0ing Guard (P.T.) f/h 2.14 4060 Security Aide (P.1.) f/h 2:14 ln addition to normal compensation, positions of Police Officer on regular assignment to Juvenile Division as Juvenile Officer shall rpceive an additional g st p (2g) per month while so engaged. RCREACTON, PARKS 11 GOLF RECREATION 1140 Director oV Recreatiec, Farms and P. E. 1 89 1127 118A 1243 1306 1371 5120 Recreation duporvieor 3 69 895 727 763 801 841 5110 Recreation Leader lIi 2 m 60 556 584 613 644 676 , 1800 Departmental Secretary ...: 56 505 530 556 584 615 2010 Oaniton 1 48 415 436 458 481 505 1510 intermediate ypint-Clerk la 47 405 425 447 469 493 5090 Recreation Specialist (P.1.) f/h - - 2.67 2.78 2.91 5040 Recreation Leader I (P.1.) f/h - - 1.79 1.86, 2.03 5060 Recreation Leader II (F.I.) f/h 2.05 2.14 2.26 2.37 5010 Recreation Aide (P.F.) f/h - - 1.37 1.47 1.62 2010 Janitor (P.D.) f/h 48 2.39 SWIM CENTER )100 Swimming' Pool Managsr (241%) friv - - 2.85 2.88 5080 Aquatic a ecialist (F.T.) f/h - - 2.67 2.78 2.91 5070 Senior Lifeguard (p.T.) 2.51 24 61 2.73 5045 Aquatic Inetnuctor (P.D.) f/h - - 2.26 2.37 2.51 5050 Lifeguard (P.T.) f/h - 2.14 2.26 2.37 5030 Cashier-Attendant (R.I.) f/h - 1-85 2.03 2.14 2.26 5000 Locker Attendant (P.1.) f/h - - 1.37 1.47 1. 62 5020 instructor Aide (D2f.) f/h - - 1.72 1.84 1.95 2010 Janitor (11.1.) f/h 48 2.39 Code Mo. (,a 1202 PARKS No. of Range Positions No. . A STEP 282E Park Maintenance Eupervizor l 68 676 710 745 ,782 021 21M0 Light Dclutpuent Operator 1 57 527 543 570 598 628 2060 Park: CaretMker 7 55 498 517 548 570 598 2030 Gardener 2 55 93 517 543 570 593 2020 Laborer 8 53 469 493 517 543 970 2020 Laborer (P.T.) f/h 53 2,71 2.84 2.98 3.13 3.29 GOID 2550 Golf Course Maintenance Supor12 nionder1 : 62 676 71C 745 782 021 2560 neat. Starter & Assfstast Golf Courrc Managsr 1 67 667 698 727 769 :801 2260 Asbu. Golf Course Maint. Superintendent 1 65 628 66o 093 727 763 2240 Pqmipmcnt !Mechanic 1 6,1 598 628 660 693 727 2105 Heavy Equipment Operanor 1 63 598 628 660 693 727 2250 Fight Mater Leadman 1 63 598 628 662 693 777 2200 Liget Mem', ment Oporanor A 57 517 543 570 598 55 2113 Skilled Dorker 1 :6 505 5 55S 584 613 2150 Gulf Starter 4 55 493 517 529 570 598 2080 Gardener 1 55 493 517 543 570 590 2155 Golf bourse Hanger 1 55 493 517 520 570 598 2070 Golf Course Mafntenanceman 5 54 421 54 5 532 556 584 2420 Laborer 5 53 41, 2 93 517 543 770 2010 Janitor 2 48 4:5 436 4f.-.8 !,-81 505 2020 Laborer (P.T.) c/h 53 2.7, 2.84 2.98 3..18 3.29 in addition to normal compensation, Golf Uourse Laborers engaged in night watering for four or more hours between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m, shall recei9e a one step (5%) salary diTferential while so employed. LIHRELRY 1130 City Librarian 22 950 990 1048 1100 1.15 3550 librarian III 66 644 676 710 745 782 3540 Librarian II 62 584 613 620. 676 710 3530 Librarian 2 58 530 556 584 313 644 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 56 505 530 556 584 6.1. 3520 Uibrary Assiutant 3 + 3 @ ....I time 51 447 469 493 5.17 543 2010 Janitor 2 48 215 490 498 481 505 3510 intermediate Clerk 2 4 2 E (If time L7 ,4' 425 447 469' 493 353o Idbrarian I. (P.M.) f/h 58 3.06 3.21 3.37 3.54 3.72 8520 Library Assistant (P.T.) f/h 51 2.58 2.71 2.34 2.98 3.13 2010 janitor (P.T.) f/h 40 2.39 2.52 2.64 2.76 2.84 8500 Library Page (P.T.) f/h - - 1.46 1.55 1.63 3510 Intermediate Clerk: (P.T.) f/h 47 2.34 2.45 2.7 2.71 2.84 FIRST AID 1150 City Physician (R.I.) i 552-4 6010 Emergency Swhgeen (E. T.) 4 10-E - - 200 6000 RegLatered Nurse 3 58 530 556 584 613 644 602o Relief Steward (P.T.) h/h - - 2.22 MISCELLANEOUS VACATION RELIEF, SICK LEAVE HELLER, PART-TIME LMRLOIRENT Any of the above listed classes, subject to the availability of budgeted funds, may be filled on a 102(712 '12." or part-time basis for vacation roliof, sick leave relief, and authorieed part-tilie employment. Kiso, subject to the availability of budgeted funds, when a permanent position is to be sacated and it j_B necessary for the incumbent 12' train a replacement, one additional poson in any of the above classes may be filled by- Civil Service appointment, subject to the approval of the Oily Manager. poiacE SHOOT PAY Each '0(1 0' of the Police Department who shall antain the qualifiuutions of sExpert Revolver Shots, sSharpshooters or "Marksman" in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 2964 shall receive, in addition to the compensation provided above, and 60 long as such qnalificatiens are retained, the Lo llowing &mounts: 6Expert Revolver Shot $5.00 per month "Sharpshooter" 3.50 per month 2.. 000 2.00 per month 1, the unaex;s':, °.ned herob_r introduced ail adoptc d ' ,the Come, 20th day of June, 1967; by the follow' ATE U: Moanciim NOES: Hone. ABSENT: T: Hone. re -'oregoing Resclut_on was duly and regularly i10 assembled on the Call, (5) • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Pape 'r;ereuto set ...y °Y:and and a.:2: d the official. seal of said City this 21st day of Jane. 194 7. (SEAL) SHIPLEY' E. TTEMNI`R City Cie;^i{ of the City of Alameda 1, the undersigned, hescpy •very Cy -us,u u};,e. foregoing Fesol.ut introduced and adopted by the Council of e City of Al -ameda in regular meeting asserh led on the 20th day of .Lune, 1907, .,y the follow- AYES: Cesar z Bartley, La CreIx TOES: Nene. ABSENT: _sene. Ii WITNESS WHEREOF City this 2.1s ' y of June, 1 (SEAL) Rose and President McCall, (5). hereunto set my h nd, and affixed the finial. seal or said S 1-I I ? LI City ,v certify that tie 2oreroii2g i a L1, true and correct cony of 'City of lia.::er Resolution h / 64, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF 1'Ht CITY OF 1?iAMEDA DESIGNATING THE D I'i,c OF AND PROVIDING G Fah TIl COMPENSATION OF WIN OFFICERS _C R AND OTHER EMPLOYEES i OF THE °S ET OF ALAM ED A, A introduced and aco '•ed by' the Council on the 20th day of June, 1 -947.