Resolution 07169C.1 i'V of A 1 - A i r No . 7169 AJOYI:EP SPEDIE1CATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND ? A1ll0 FOP. H, i t :TAIL 1 14 OF A SANITARY SEt'i` GE PUMPING IN STA.—' ON AT AR.1 WSLAND RECREATION GENIE 1, CALLING FOP. BIDS AT;j.1 DIREC4ING CITY ,.;L1 5 TO .°•.D`vaITISE SIDE. WHEREAS, the City Engwr eer has prepared i c at,ions, Special D ouf ,.:one and Plans for he installation of a sanitary sewage pimping stet. the :jay Farm Island Recreation Center, No. PW 7- 67 -24, and filed in the office of the City Clerk on ,uly 5, 1967; NON fb RE, Specifications, are hereby approv Spec'.f -ca'c i RESOLVED BY ThE COUNCIL OF TEE C 0 OF EMBLEM that the aforesaid ions and Plano, .2mabered ar d filed as aforesaid, ?je and the same and. adopted. JIITIEl3. RESOLVED that the isert'° mince and completion of • r.e work specified in said , ; Provisions be and the same : by autholdned. TT FURTHER PESOLV"D that the Council of the City- o Alameda will receive sealed bids he hour ci 11 :0C &clock a. m.. on FRIDAY, 21, 1967, for furnishing to the City of all rechi e_y, tools and equipment necessary for the work 1ereinabove referred to, raid Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, the (rty ilaLL arueda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, "Pro- posal icy the lnstal.lation ct a Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station at the Ea,y Farm Island Recreation Center", or ei ?day designa Contra t, if awarded, 01' be awarded subject to the pm °vision s of the Charter of the y of OLamed-a, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and beat bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. aid- ecificatiorrs and Provisions may be r =ad by any dm a.,p t;i.ve 01dder on application to the f ..ty : r.v, .leer, at his office in the City Hall, Alameda, California,. ing for The City ales bids and Proe sio: introduced and a 5th day of :,., _1ECE iK Nona. IN '.?1 I .Eaa i i —�:L tuns 6th day of July, 1967. dance ed to advertise;, in the nir.aneda hG G o is oriU of this resell tion and igned, h reby certify th t the for by the Cowie_ b the 5 105+ ing is r. Bartley, (S 1 L) Jf Alined- ; a notice call, said Specifications in was ably and regularly 1.—Ling assenbled on the President McCall, (5). hereunto set is ha, ?d and o ''cs�d the official seal of said 1 1 1 1 0 H . TEENIER :f the City of Alameda T hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution P c. 7! 69, ADOPTING N SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL P Ov13lONS AND PIA NS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SANITARY ;;LGuAGE PUMPING IATION AT TEE BAY FARM 1SL11,r0 RECREATION CENTER, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECT-- TEE CITY iLFRK "_0 ADVERTISE SA 'reduced and adopt d by the Council on the 5th day of July, 1967.