Resolution 07371CITY OF ALAFEDA RESOLUTION NO. T3E1 PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO TEE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ON MOTION OF THE CITY COUNCII; CAELING A SITZIAL MUNICIPAL taltvrioN IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE BURPCRE OF SUBMITTING TO THE EESCMTME THEREOF' A PROPOSAL le AHERN SAID CHARIER, VIZ: 1) ADDING SibirPN 1.1.-2 THERETO, META:TING TO ESTABLISINENT OF' ELECTIVE BOARD OF EDUCAlION CONSISTING OF FIVE MEMBERS, EACH TO SERVE FOUR YEAR TERM; FIXING DATE OS' SAID EIECITEEI, MANNER OF' HOLDING SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR NCTICE THEREOF; AND CON- SOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER illENDMENT ELECTION WITH 3113 ,1313 '13 13 OF THE STATE OF CAITFOBNIA To BE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1968 BE il' RESOLVED BY ENE COUNCIL CS' TIP SIff CS' ALAMEDA as folLows: SECTION 1. The Council of the City. of Alameda hereby proposes on its ow6 . motion to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda ,, adding Section 11-2 therotca to read as sot forth in the printed pamphlet provided for in Section 6 hereof, and in the notice entitled, "Proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City of Alameda" hereinafter set forth in Section 3 hereof. SECTION 2, The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes to and does hereby on its on motion submit to the qualified electors of the City cf Alameda, et the Special Mhnicipal Charter Amendment Election. hereinafter provided for, a prop1 sal. to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda set forth in said notice hereinafter set forth in Seotibn 3 cf this resolution and designates and referd to so id. proposal as the proposal to be set forth in the form of ballot hereinafter prescrbred. for use at saig Spedial Munichpal Charter Amendment Election. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Alameda ia hereby ordered and directed to cause said proposed. amendment to the Charter of the City of Alameda to be published once, not less than forty (40) and not more than sixty (60) days prior 10 130' date of the Special Munpal. Chagter Amend.- meat Election hereinafter providdd for, in the ALAMEDA IIMES-STAR, the official newspaper of said City, and in each e13 itibn. thereof during the day of publication, said newspaper being a newspaper of general circulation published at least six days a week in said City of Alameda; and ouch publication may be in substantially the following form: PROPOSED AMENDMENT' to THE CHARTER of the CITY OF ALAMEDA Special Municital Charter Amendment Election November 5, 1968 (Consolidated with 01 1' Election of the State of Callfgrnia) The Council. of the City of Alameda. hereby proposes an its ayn motion to amend the Clugter of the City of Alameda. by seeing Section 11-2 thereto to read ao follows: Sec. L1-2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter to the contrary, the mattexa contained in this section shall be controlling as to the Board of Education- Commencing April 15, 1969, and. thereafter, the, Bomrd of Ediacatidn shall consist of five members elected by the qualified electors of the City at large, at the time, in the manner, and with the qualifidatimns providdd elsemEere in this Charter for the qualification, nomination and electdon 0'1,r elective officers of the City, and shall serve a term of four years thereafter and until their successors are elected and qualified_ Of the five merbero of the Board of Education elected. at the 1969 General Municipal. Elbction, the three who receive the highest nunber of votes cast shall each serve an initial. term of four year, and the two who receive the next two highest numler of votes cast shall each serve an bnitial term of two years. At subsequent General Municipal. Electihns, either two or three members of said Board, as the case may be, shall be elected for four-year terms to fill the vacancies caused by the expiratidn of the te= of the Bernhard. A vacancy on the Board of Education, arising otherwise than as provided ih Article XX, shall. be filled by appointment by. said Board, said appointee to hold office for the term provided in Sectidn 2-8 of this Charter. After any vacandy in the office of member of said Board has continued for twenty-one daya, the vacancy. shall be filled by the Counil. It ie hereby declared to be the intent of this section that the only chanmes to be effected by its terms are to make the Board of Bdugatihm elective, rather than appointed, and to provide the manner in which the Axmbers thereof shall be, elected. Except to the extent that they are inconsistent with the .06 10 of tills section, other provisions of this Charter relating to the Board of Education and other elective officers shall apply .0 11- Board of Education drovided for by this section- The Council of the (Ely of Alameda, hereby proposes to and does hereby on its myn motion suma. mit to the quailfihd electors of said City at a Special Municipal Chanter Amendment Election to be held in said City on. Tuesday, November 5, 1968 (which said election will be consolidated with the Genoral Election of the State of California to be held on November 5, iBbE), the following proposal to amend sabi Charter of the City of Alemeda,in the manner hereinabove specifically set forth, as follows; AMENDMENT TO THE OHARTFE OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Board of Educatien ,0, the Alameda Unified School District shall consitt of fide members to be elected by direct. dote of the people at large, each of said members to serve a four-year term? Said amendment will be accomplished by adding Section 11,2 to said Charter, al/ as fully set forth by Resolutian No. 73555 of the Counoil cf the City cf Alameda. . YES hereby certify- that the foregoing Charter amendment proposal was ordered submitted to the qualified electors af the City of Alameda by the Council of the City of Alameda. Dated: August 21, 1968 SHIPLEY H. TINNIER City Clerk of the City of Alithecia SECTION 4. (a) A Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election is hereby called to be held in t City of Alameda on Tuesday, November 5, 1968, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City said proposal set for in Section. 3 of this resolution to amend the Charter of saIE City aa in said proposal and in this resolution provided an10 . as hereby submitted by the Council of the City of Alameda on ite owm motion. (b) Said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called shall. be held and conducted, and the votes thereat canvassed and the returns thereof made, and. the results thereof ascertained and determined. as herein prodlded, and in all particulars not prescribed Ea this resolu- tion, said Special. Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be held as provided for in the Charter of said City- and in all particulart not provided for therein said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of special mumicipal electiohe in the City of Alameda, an0 . otherwise in accord, ance with the Elections Code of the State of California. (c) Al l persons qualified to vote at municipal. elections in saiE City of Alameda on the day of the election herein. provided for shall be qualified to vote upon said amendment hereby proposed by the Council of the City of Alameda on. its own motion and submitted a said Special Municipal Charter Amemtnent Election. (a.) The polls at the polling places hereinafter designated for sail Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. (P.S.T.) of said day of' electipn and shall be kept open continuously thereafter. until 7:00 p.m. (P.S.T.) of said day of electien when the polls shall be sigted (except as provided in Section 14206 of the Elections Code), and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to 0. '11' the ballots cast thereat. (e) Said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be and is hereby consolidated With the General Election of the State of California to be held in. said City of Alameda on the date of said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called, and the election precincts, poll- ing places and. voting booths shall La every case be the same, and there shall be only one set of election officers in each of said precincts; and the precincts, polling places and officers of elec- tion for said Special Municipal Charter kmendruent Election shall be the same as those to be selected anddesignated by the Board. of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of California, for said General Election of the State of California in said City of Alameda by resolution or ordinance of the aforesaid Board of Supervisors relating to the holding and conducting of the General Election of t State of California, to which resolution or drdinance reference hereby 1,, for a designation of the precincts, polling places and election officers for the Spepial Munipipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called- (f) Only one form. of ballot shall be used. at said General Election of the State of California and sail Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby consolidated therewith, which, in addition to all other matters required by law- to be printed thereon, shall state the measure set forth in Section 3 hereof. (g) Each voter may vete an the proposed Charter amendment- To vote in favor 01 101, pro- posal to amend the Charter of the CiEy or Alameda a voter shall stamp a cross (X.) in the blank space opposite the word "TES" on the ballot to the right of the proposal, and te vote against said proposal. a voter shall stamp a. cross (t) in the blank space opposite the word "NO, on the ballot to the right of said proposal- The vates cagt for and against the proposed charter amendment shall be counted separate and apart from all other measures to be submitted al, aaid election and if a majority of the qualified voters: voting on the proposed charter amendment vote in favor thereof, such charter amend- ment shall be deemed ratified. (h) The returns of said eisction shall be canvassed, made out and. signed by the election officers • designated by the Board of Superadeors, County of Alameda, State of California, and the results thereof transmitted to the City Clerk of Alameda, and City Council thereof, who shall declare tne result thereof' in accordance with the Charter of' the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California- SECTION 5. Said. measure set forth in Section 3 hereof shall be set forth in. the election proclamation and notice of Special Municipal. Charter Lmendment Election consolidated with the General Election of the State of California. to be held. on Tuesday, November 5, 1963, to be published in the time and form required by Sections 1G-9 and 19-14 of Article XIX of the Chatter of the City of Alameda. SECTION 6. The City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby authorised and. directed (1) to cause copies of the text of said proposed charter amendment to be printed in convenient pamphlet form and in type of not less than ten-point and to cause copies thereof' to be mailed to each of the qualified electors of said City, and (2) until. the day fixed 444 said Special lannicLpal t Amend- ment Election to advertiee daily in the ALAMEDA TINES-STAR, a nemspaper cf general circulation in said City, a notice that copies of said pamphlet may be had on application therefor. Said notice shall be in substantially tne following form: NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF' CEAREER AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda that pamphlet copies of the amendAant, proposed by the City Council on its own motion, to the Charter of the City of Alameda, adding Section 11-2 thereto, providing for a change in saiG Charter as :pi 'c set forth Ea said pamphlet copies, taiich shall be nailed to each of the qualified electors of said City, are on file in the office of the City Clerk, City Nall, Alameda, California. Copies of' said. pamphlet are available in said °Med and may be had on application therefor. IIIRITHE H. TENDIER Shirley E. Tennier City Clerk of the City- of Alamedn, California , the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assetbled on the 2044 h day- of August, 1968, by the following vote, to wit: AMES: Councilmen Fare, La Croix, Jr., Levy and. President McCall, (4). NOES: Nond. AESEINT: Councilman Isaacs, (1). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have areunta set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 21st day of (31 1968. (SEAL) INE DL TEENIER City Clerk of the City of Alameda hereby certify' that the foregoing •a as full, true and correct copy of ICity of Alameda Resolution No. 7371, PROPOSING AA AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF AIANEDA ON MOTION OF TPE CITY COUNCIL; CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL, ELECTION IN THE CIII OF ALAMEDA FOR IBC PURPOSE OF SUBMIT- TING To THE ELECTORS IHEREOF A 4444 TO AIM) SAID GUILTIER, VIZ: BY ADDING, SECTION 11-2 THERETO, RELATINC TO ESTABLISHMENT OF ELECTIVE HOARD OP' EDUCATION CONSISTING OF FTVE NENMED8, EACH TO SERVE FOUR NEAR TERM; FIXING DATE OF SAID ELECTION, MANNER OF HOLDING SANE, AND PROVIDING FOR 101 144 THEREOF; AND CONSOLICALIND SAID SPECIAL MUNICIRAT, CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION VITH IDE 0' 31' ELECTION OF THE SIETE OF CALIFORNIA TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 1908,' introduced and adopted by the Council on the 20th day of August, 1968.